Memory of You

Chapter Fourteen: Everyone Has A Dark Side

Chapter Fourteen: Everyone Has A Dark Side

His hand stung from hitting David, but Nicholas didn’t feel apologetic. Normally he wasn't one to resort to violent measures, that was usually Mark and Valek's job; but no one was going to insult the Queen in front of him. Besides that, David had taken a shot at his sister. It had been difficult to swallow what had happened between them; Nicholas had been trying to keep his anger from getting the better of him, but David’s comments made him snap.

“Let me take a look, Nick.”

Her voice cooled his thoughts of going after David. He was surprised she was still with him. Alexandra had only let go of him when the doors had closed behind David. She gently took hold of his hand, turning it over to see his knuckles bleeding.

“We're going to have to clean you up.” She told him, running a light finger over his cuts. “I never thought you had it in you, Nicholas...I always thought you were the kind, sensitive one.”

He almost snorted hearing that. A chuckle sounded from behind him. His temper was something Mark knew very well. It may have taken a lot to get a rise out of him, but there were only a few things that would get an instant reaction. Having been taught to always protect the crown, he couldn't stand anyone insulting her; another was protecting his sister, and lastly protecting his friends. David had managed to cross all three lines when he spoke foully about his sister and Alexandra.

“Everyone has a dark side...” He mumbled, she still hadn't let go of his hand. Her touch sent little bolts through him, making it harder for him to think straight.

“Some dark side, Nick...more like a hidden fighter.” Alexandra smirked at him.

“At least it's not a pretend drunkard, Highness.” He shot back, under his breath. She glared at him momentarily, having heard the remark, but soon enough she was snickering.

“Since I don't know which of you is more likely to get in trouble, I'm going to leave both of you to watch the other.” Mark said, interrupting their exchange. “I need to go sort out this mess, and make sure Sir Pain-In-The-Ass, pardon my language, leaves in one piece.”

“Don't go anywhere without the other, understood? I don't care if you're hungry or need to go to the bathroom, you will stay together.” He told them seriously.

Nicholas nodded, knowing that with an angry and vengeful David around, Alexandra was in danger.

“I'll meet you both back in her room, go there using the worker's tunnels. Keep the door locked. And Alex, keep him out of trouble.” Mark told them, as he turned to leave.

“Shouldn't he be telling you to keep me out of trouble?” Alexandra asked, looking over at him, amused at the reversal of roles.

“I guess he's worried that I'll try to kill David as he leaves the castle.” Nicholas said, as she started walking; pulling him along behind her.

Leading them to one of the long black tapestries in the dining hall, he watched as she moved the fabric aside to reveal a door. As they walked through the torch lit worker's tunnel, his hand was starting to thrum with pain. He must have hit David pretty hard, he thought a part of him was starting to feel guilty.

“Err...I'm sorry I ruined the evening, Lex...” He tried half-heartedly.

“It's fine, I should have known better than to push you into coming; especially after you just found out.” She said, turning around to face him. She looked apologetic, her face glowing in the torchlight.

“I know how protective you Devereux men are about the crown and family, it was an accident waiting to happen. I'm sorry I dragged you in to this mess.”

Surprised at her words, he found himself unnerved. Not able to say anything he nodded. Why did his support mean so much to her? He wondered. Alexandra started to walk once more.

Opening the door at the end of the tunnel, he found them under another tapestry. Moving it aside, he was surprised to see the door to Alexandra's room.

“It's been a while since I've done this.” He muttered. “I can't believe I've forgotten about the tunnels.”

Not waiting for her to open the door, Nicholas was the one who entered first. Checking the room the way he had been taught by Valek, he made sure it was safe before letting Alexandra in.

“Do those two teach you everything?” She asked arms crossed, an annoyed look on her face.

“Only the important stuff.” He smiled, walking over to her bed.

No sooner had he sat down, she came to stand over him. A pointed look on her face.

“What do you think you're doing?” She asked him, as though he should have known. “Take off your jacket, you need cleaning up.”

Sighing inwardly, he did as Alexandra had told him to. Taking off the uniform jacket left him with a sleeveless white shirt on underneath. Noticing the bloodstains on his sleeve, Nicholas handed the jacket over to her.

Alexandra led him to her bathroom, and started to fill the tub. The sound of water filling his ears was soothing. Nicholas watched as she put his jacket in the water, before turning to face him.

Taking him to the sink, she got a cloth out from a drawer, and soaked it; gently dabbing at his cuts to remove the now-drying blood.

“You really did a number on him.” She mumbled, using soap to clean the cuts. His hand jerked a little, as it stung.

“Sorry...” He muttered.

“It's alright. Although...” She trailed off.

“What?” Nicholas wondered.

“You could have waited until after dinner.” She said, looking regretful at missing the meal. “Now I'll never know what you made!”

“Leave it to you to think of food at a moment like this.” Nicholas couldn't help but laugh. The tension of seeing David had lifted, leaving him feeling more relaxed.

“Not my fault! I like food, especially dessert.” She told him, rinsing his hand with warm water.

Finding a dry cloth, Alexandra tore it into strips and began wrapping it over his hand. Tying the cloth once she finished, she patted his hand.

“There, just don't get into any more fights.” She told him with a smile.

“I'll try not to...” Nicholas laughed.

As silence settled over them, Nicholas began to notice a pull between them. Why did he feel so drawn to her? They had grown up together, but lately he had started to notice her differently. How her eyes glowed and twinkled with mischief when she was up to something, and how at times she seemed almost happy to see him.

Leaning in to her, he noticed her soft pink lips. There were always a few cuts, from where she bit on them when nervous. Nicholas was unable to stop himself, as he leaned in further. Alexandra didn't move away, as he pulled her in closer with his bandaged hand.

All Nicholas could think of was this moment unfolding between them. His lips were about to touch hers, when a knock sounded at the door.

Both of them visibly jumped.

Shaking her head head, Alexandra was the first to recover.

“Who is it?” She asked, letting go of Nicholas' hand and walking over to the door. He could hear her gown swish around her.

“It's me, Mark. Open the door.”

Taking a moment to collect himself, Nicholas noticed the cold he felt with her gone. What am I doing? What's wrong with me?


With Mark in the room, it took all of her will power to clear her mind. Alexandra felt confused. She had known Nicholas all of her life, and yet all of a sudden since he had come home, things didn't feel the same between them. Sure she had crushed on him for a long time when they were younger, but those feelings had never felt as strong as the ones she felt now.

She had been moments away from kissing him, and for the second time in as many months, something had interrupted the moment. Why am I still thinking about it? She thought with irritation. She wanted to smother the part of her that had been anticipating Nicholas' lips on hers. What am I doing? He's my best friend's brother! She berated herself.

Watching Nicholas and Mark talk, she was keen to avoid the awkwardness of being questioned, so she headed back to the bathroom.

Rolling up her sleeves, and pulling up her gown, she sat on the ledge of the tub. Having filled it with a little cold water, she took out the wet jacket, and scrubbed it with some soap. The blood started to come out at once.

David had been an idiot, she thought. She hated to think he deserved getting hit, but a part of her knew he did, and he was lucky Nicholas had stopped at two. Had she not stopped him, or if it was Mark or Valek; David would not have been so fortunate.

If he had just stayed quiet, nothing would have happened, she thought. Having known David, she knew he would always try to stir things up. Now he would be returning to Saarsgard with what he would probably think of as battle injuries. This is going to make for interesting conversation with Bradley, she thought with irritation; knowing that the King of Saarsgard would never hear of any of his country men behaving badly.

Rinsing the shirt with more water, she twisted it until the last of the excess water dripped off the shirt, before straightening it out. Heading out of the bathroom, Alexandra handed Nicholas the shirt.

“Good as new.” She commented trying not to look at him, as he took it from her. “You're just going to have to let it dry.”

“Thank you, Lex.” He said with a smile.

“You made her wash your shirt, Nick?” Mark piped up in disbelief. “Your blood filled shirt!”

“No! I didn't make her!”

“Poor've been reduced from a Queen to a maid.” Mark shook his head, as he teased them.

“Aww, Marcus...if it means that much to you, I'll wash one of your shirts too.” She countered walking over to Mark and leaning on her guard's shoulder.

“Really?” He asked, with a smirk.

“No!” She pushed him away lightly.

“Drats!” He said, looking a bit disappointed.

“I knew it, you were just jealous!” She said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to give him a hug, as he laughed. She knew how much he cared for her; both he and Valek meant a lot to her.

Looking up as she began to let go of Mark, Alexandra noticed Nicholas watching her. Their eyes locked for a minute, she felt the intensity of his gaze; bringing their interrupted moment to the forefront of her mind. His stormy grey eyes held hers for a moment longer, before both of them looked away.

“So, I was telling Nick that David has left the building.” Mark said, as his laughter died down, he hadn't noticed the exchange.

“Finally...” She mumbled, trying to sound normal.

“She's probably wondering if that means she can eat dinner now!” Nicholas added with a snicker, as Mark started to laugh once more.

“That sounds just like her!” Her guard said.

“No!” She protested. Having not eaten since lunch which was in the afternoon, they could hardly blame her for looking forward to dinner. Alexandra never ate very much especially when stressed, over the last few years she found that a good dessert was something she looked forward to in order to take her mind off of her stressful day; even if it was for a short moment.

Shaking her head, Alexandra walked over to the door. Those two looked like they would be a while; and her stomach was about to start grumbling.

“Fine...I want to go for dinner...happy?” She admitted, opening the door, only to find Valek on the other side about to knock.

“Very much so. I was just coming to get you.” Valek said, not missing a beat; while the other two roared with laughter. He led them out of her room.

The trip down to the kitchen had been uneventful. Having stopped to let Nicholas change in to a shirt, she noticed he had put on a black chef's jacket, but it was still open from the front showing the tight white shirt he had on underneath. Having never seen him go with Mark and Valek to train, she was a little surprised at how defined his muscles were. Quickly, fearing that she would be caught, Alexandra looked away.

As they entered the kitchen, Alexandra noticed how empty it was.

“Looks like your staff called it a night.” Mark commented before she could.

“I let them go after they're done cooking and cleaning up.” He said, with a smile.

“They must love you.” Valek could be heard, as the guard checked the area.

Taking a seat around the kitchen table, Alexandra found herself anticipating dinner. The noise of rustling pots and pans could be heard as Nicholas moved around, putting their meal together.

As a sweet aroma filled the room, Alexandra was surprised when a steaming plate of pasta and garlic bread was placed in front of her.

“Dinner is served.” Nicholas said, putting a fork beside her; before setting down plates of food for himself and the other two.

“Thank you.” She mumbled quietly trying to ignore the spark she felt.

Picking up her fork, she was about to tuck in, when she noticed something. Looking around, as the men settled down, she felt a bit lonely; someone was missing. Sitting between Valek and Nicholas, she realized Sophia wasn't with them. She found herself wishing that her best friend was present; as she took a bite, the guys around her laughed over a shared joke.

“There you are, Alex.” She heard a voice call her. “I was wondering where I'd find you.”

Turning to look at the door, Alexandra found her wish had been granted. Sophia stood in the door way.

At once the laughter died down. Looking over at Nicholas, Alexandra saw that his jaw was clenched; meanwhile, Valek and Mark silently took another bite. Hadn't the two of them talked yet? She found herself wondering.

“Why don't you come join us? Please?” Alexandra offered, not knowing what to do. She had been looking forward to catching up with the girl, but the drama of dinner with David had caused her to forget.

She saw Sophia look over at Nicholas, who was busy staring at the table. Her best friend looked disheartened.

“No, it's fine. I'll talk to you later then.” Sophia turned and started to walk towards the kitchen doors. Alexandra slumped in her chair. They had finally gotten David out of their lives, it was only right to celebrate that with her friends; it wouldn't feel the same without Sophia, she thought.

“Wait.” Alexandra watched as Nicholas got out of his chair.

Sophia stopped, and turned around quickly.

“You can stay.” He told her, moving his plate one chair over, and offering the seat to his sister. “There's always room for family.”

Watching as Sophia came over to hug her brother, she could hear the girl apologize.

“I'm sorry, Nick.”

“I know.”

“So now that we're all here, how about we celebrate! Why don't you bring out your best wine, Nicky boy.” Valek said, as Nicholas went to get his sister a plate of food.

“Not a chance!” Nicholas countered.

“Come on, Nick!” Mark could be heard pleading.

With Sophia sitting beside her, Alexandra reached over to give her a hug.

“I missed you.” The Queen said honestly, as a plate of food was placed in front of the other girl.

“Me too.” Sophia said, smiling back.

“You'll have better luck getting grape juice out of me, than you will wine.” They heard Nicholas say, as he sat down beside Sophia. The guards laughed.

“Aww, come on. We finally defeated David the dark menace.” Mark said.

“No way.” Nicholas declined.

“So what happened? The castle was buzzing about something to do with him, but I didn't get the story.” Sophia asked, joining in the conversation. Taking a look at her brother, Alexandra watched as she finally noticed the bandage.

“What happened to your hand?”

“Did your brother ever take martial arts?” Alexandra asked pointedly, watching Nicholas scowl behind his sister.

“No. Why?” Soon enough, Sophia's eyes narrowed, as she turned to her brother. “You didn' did, didn't you!”

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Nicholas said, innocently, taking a bite of his garlic bread. Alexandra and the others laughed.

“Don't hold out, tell me what happened!” Sophia asked, turning to look at the three.

As Mark and Valek started retelling the events of dinner with David, Alexandra looked over only to find Nicholas watching her. Their eyes meeting once more, she couldn't help but recall that moment. What would have happened if Mark hadn't interrupted? As Sophia turned to talk to Nicholas, Alexandra looked away to see if anyone had noticed their silent exchange. Seeing Mark and Valek munching away, she couldn't help but feel a little regret over losing that chance.

“Who's ready for dessert?” She heard Nicholas ask, as he got up.