Status: Yeah

Take a Picture to Remember the Snow

Take a Picture to Remember the Snow

Take a Picture to Remember the Snow
Title: Take a Picture to Remember the Snow
Summary: Jack is a photographer in training and for the next month he has to do a portfolio which is 60% of his grade. So close to Christmas the theme is totally obvious though what happens when he gets another burst of inspiration.

Above everything, Jack took pleasures in quite a few things.

His photography, being around his friends, having dinner at the diner on 8th street, the one two streets away from his own flat, which he was pretty sure he spent more time there then at his own flat and finally, the record store he had scored a job from as soon as he got to New York since it was owned by a friend of his and they knew as a struggling student he would need the job and more importantly the money to survive in the big apple. So Jack's really happy he knows people because of this.

Except there was another reason Jack loved both the diner on 8th street and the record store he worked at and it was because of a certain pink, haired beauty that works every time Jack has breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks at the diner, probably the main reason why he goes to there and then there was the fact that said boy comes in on every Wednesday to shuffle through a different section of genre each time he came, from hip hop, though he never lasted very long on those, to punk rock like Blink and Green Day more specifically. Something they had in common was liking the same music and especially the same genre. Or even to go to the music instrument side of the store, because why have just the music and not how to make the music itself, that's his boss's motto of sorts when it comes to explaining.

What was sad about this whole thing is that Jack has never actually spoken to the man himself, not for when he wanted to order and not even to ring up a purchase or anything himself. Either one is too busy doing something else and by time Alex is free or he gets back to the counter, the man is already busy or leaving or even when he isn't out back and he's waiting patiently at the counter, he decides to not buy anything at all or decides not to go to work at all leaving Jack to actually leave because why sit there when the majority of reason why he was there, wasn't.

But then Jack can sometimes exaggerate things, because he's said a few hellos and goodbyes and he's ask him if he needed some assistance when it was his turn and not Alex's, but never once because he's always either too late or favors talking to either to Rian, sometimes Matt and most of the time Jaime, the store owner who decides to grace everyone with his presence every so often.

Today though, it was different, things seemed to be in favor for the streaky blonde hair boy, as there was no Rian or Matt and most importantly Jaime, who was off conniving with a friend of theirs about trying to hook up his big brother with a boy who for the past few weeks has constantly come into the coffee shop to not only get the best coffee in the big apple, but to also admire said oblivious person as well.

Also why everything else has fell into place so greatly for Jack is because there he is, Alex standing in line with a purchase that Jack has to ring up for him.

He can now actually have some form of conversation with a boy he has admired from afar.

"Next," he called once he had finished with the customer who keeps buying posters every week for the past six weeks.

Alex no sooner stepped up to the counter, a bit shyly.

"Hello," Jack greeted as Alex placed the stack of CD's he was purchasing for Jack to ring up, only glancing at the tall boy through his bangs as he kept his head down.

As much as Jack thought that was cute, he really wanted to see his warm brown eyes that first attracted Jack to said boy. Then came the smile, oh god Jack dreamed about that smile constantly, always pointed at him and only him.

Actually lovely Alex was present in most of his dreams, but let's not delve into such visuals right now, especially with said unaware participant standing right there in front of him.

"That will be $64.80 all up," Jack announced, once he had scanned all the items, bagged and totaled up the price.

Alex, while waiting for Jack to do his purchase, had pulled and opened his wallet, now he grabbing out a few notes, 70 to be exact and handed the money over to Jack, who just smiled and placed the money in the cash tray, pulling a note and a few coins.

"$5.20 as your change, I hope you have a good day," as he handed over the money and Alex's purchase that was now in a plastic bag.

"Thank you," Alex more or less mumbled, lifting his head enough to give the smallest of smiles as he reached for the bag and just for a few seconds maybe more, skin touched skin and Jack had never felt something so electrifying before, with anyone.

Eyes stared wide, breathes were held for a moment when there was nothing but them, like everyone suddenly ceased existing and it was just JackandAlex, AlexandJack.

Except that moment soon ceased to exist itself as everything else came back and they were just another part of the big world again.

"Sorry," he apologized for reason he doesn't know, as he quickly grabbed the bag from Jack, ignoring the need to stay, as he took off and started to leave, another customer taking his place.

But Jack didn't even notice as he watched Alex quickly walking away, wondering if the boy felt what he just did.

"Bye Alex," he whispered, putting a smile that wasn't completely genuine back on his face as he tended to his new customer.

Though if Jack kept looking, he would have noticed Alex stopping half way through the door and turned his head to look over his shoulders at the brunette chat easily and without a care to his customer.

"Bye Jack," he whispered himself, pushing through the rest of the door, the bell jingling on top distracting Jack just the slightest.

New York was always busy, never once did it just stop to breathe.

It was always move or get lost.

Not really much choice, but that's how most cities worked, so it was best to learn from the Big Apple then get let loose on the world and drown.

Jack Barakat knew what he was getting himself into when he took his first steps, if you can call it that since he's been here before on holidays like million, billion others, but this time there was no escape for Jack this time, he couldn't just up and leave like before.

Instead he got use to living here; hating every second of it, but it owns one of the best photography courses within its buildings so he's got no choice really.

Conveniently enough, he was in that very class itself.
"So students for the next month, I want you to pick a subject, any subject and I want it portrayed 20 different layouts, featuring two different styles that best represents that subject," students buzzing already trying to sort through the ideas running around their heads and trying to round it down to one.


"Before you get too excited and think this is just some off side project, this assignment counts for 60% of your end of year score," pausing for a bit just so what he was trying to say get through their heads.

“But get excited about it because one of you students will be lucky enough to get their piece displayed at a art exhibition down on Main Street on Christmas Eve,” excited chatter sang out once again through the room as some perk up at the sound of actually getting their artwork displayed and hopefully getting recognized for something more than just a mark.

"So I guess that's all for today, here's a full sheet of the criteria for all of you to take and also there won't be classes for the next three weeks, I just need for you to tell me your subject by Friday and to all report in and tell me how it is all going," he finally announced, everyone starting to gather their books and bags before they filed out of the room, grabbing the criteria before they left or some staying back just to clarify questions they had.

* * *
Jack liked New York, loved it during the festive seasons, because everyone just got into the holiday, decorating everything that could possibly be decorated.

So all you saw was tinsel, lights, stars, fake snow on glass even though there were line piles of the powdery stuff lining the footpath and nearly spreading all over Central Park and alike.

What Jack didn't like was how busy it got. For sure, New York was busy everyday throughout the year, it just seemed it got worse during the month of December.

Everyone everywhere, traffic cued up forever so it took way longer than it should get from point A to point B, so of course bus schedule were thrown out the window.

Though what Jack can really do about that, nothing since it's just been like that all year, so he's pretty much use to it.

Luckily for him though, the bus ride was only 20 minute drive from his campus so he was fine, as long as he had his music, without it, well that would be a different story.

At the moment his headphones were blaring out some Blink-182, his full attention on the outside because he already had a slight idea on what he was doing for his class project, Christmas.

As pretty obvious and cliché as it is, it was something Jack really loved, so why not really.
It was just he had to do it in his own way, to get it away from the cliché and really show what Christmas was.

The problem though, how was he going to do it?

He had so many ideas, but they weren't enough, not enough to represent his idea of Christmas.

The bus stuttering forward, as the driver swerved off the road and lined itself with the footpath, getting him out of his thoughts of thousand of ideas running through his head and watching as they picked up a new passenger.

And finally everything fell into place for Jack, the ideas he had running around his head, came down to just two and he knew what he wanted, in more ways then one.

Because there standing in a heavy black jacket, skinny even, fluffy stripped gloves, matching scarf and hat that had one of those fluffy pom pom balls in the middle was Alex, face flushed red and eyes twinkling and snow sparkling in his lashes as he handed his money to the bus driver.

Christmas and Alex was his perfect idea of Christmas.

Definitely a perfect idea for his photography project, don’t you think?
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah.