The Perfect Company

|:::...The Perfect Company...:::| A Different Kind

|:::...The Perfect Company...::: |
~ A Different Kind of Love~
Chapter 1

I’m Running as fast as I could away from the manor, that held me captive for years, I finally am getting to escape! I don't know is anyone is chasing me. I will not look back; because today is the day I am free! I kept running branches of shrubs in the forest sagging against my blood red, skanky, puffy dress they made me wear. I ran through a shallow stream, not caring how wet I get. All I want to do is get away from that hellhole. I kept running as fast as I had when I started it been getting dark. I started running when it was dawn now its sunset. I came to a clearing hoping I was far away enough to rest.

I slammed into a tall muscular figure and clasped out of breath. I felt him catch me and he held me bridle style in to a cottage. I rested my head against his shoulder until he placed me on a couch. He went away into another room and came back with a huge glass of water, crystal clear. I was still panting.

I took the cup and gulped it down in one gulp. "Thank you!" I sighed looking over to the man actually looking at all of his features he was beautiful!
Wait what am I thinking this is way got me into trouble in the first place, I don't even know this man...wait no he is about my age he is only about 16 years old.

"No problem, my ma always thought me to help other woodland creatures in need. What were you running from?" the boy asked taking my glass and putting it on the coffee table.

"First tell me you name." I demanded sitting up.

"OH! Sorry! I am Talon Treewing." He said and made his family's emblem with his hands.

"What a Beautiful name!" I said sincerely.
Talon blushed.

"Thanks! So what’s your name?"

My mouth quirked with a sly smirk, I think I will tease him "My name is Tiffakan Earwax." I smiled proud.
Talon's face dropped for a second then regained his politeness.

"That is um... an interesting name?" he said making a statement a question. His face he is making is so funny. I could not hold it in for much longer.

I started to crack up laughing.

"Ha-ha. I. Got. You. Good!" I laughed out. He playfully pushed me.

"Not Funny I took you seriously! You are the typical Elf!" he said and turned away from me with a


"Fine," I sighed. "I'm sorry My name is Rivermist Tislin." I said making my family's hand signal.

"What type of name is that! it sounds like 'river miss titslin!'" he said rolling around on the floor laughing.

"It does not! You fool! I take pride in my Name! I said your name was beautiful and all u do for my name is laugh! And make fun it!" I huffed then kicked him in his ribs and walked out. Not sure where I was going, just as long as I was going.

"Wait, Rivermist please come back you are too weak to last out during the night! Please stay with me... at least just for tonight!" He ran and gripped my arm, spinning me to face him.

"Talon let me go!" I hissed up at him.

"NO! River mist you will stay with me tonight! I will protect you!" He said sternly and threw me over his sholder.

Talon just chuckled at my stress.
This was going to be a long night.

Chapter 2

When Talon put me down in a bed in the cottage that was built in to a tree.

"Talon . . ." I said but was cut off by him shushing me with his finger held to his lips.

WOW, HE IS HOT! He had green eyes and black hair that covered his pointy ears and a fringe that fell into his right eye. He was wearing the brown and green uniform of a wood-worker elf. Grr this is not fair!

"Rivermist! Look at yourself You're exhausted! You’ve been running for who knows how long! and your elf essence needs renewing! What type of... oh duh your a wood elf! Here let me get you a cup of loganberry juice." I let him speak knowing he was right. He walked out of the room he placed me in.

I buried my self under the soft silk of the blankets. I took the chance to look around the room. There was a small window you could tell that you were high up in the huge tree. the room looked like a famine girls room. SO NOT MY TYPE OF ROOM all well its better than nothing... or the plank of wood they called a bed back at the manor. Damn those evil bastards! Who kidnapped me when I was a young girl only about the age of 110 (10 in human year) barley able to fend for herself.
Talon walked back into the room and placed the drink in my hand as i sat up. I sighed. he sat on the foot of the bed in front of me.

"Drink, you need it!" he said.

I took a sip and felt replenished
I must have had a surprised look on my face because talon said

"loganberry... a Germany, I think that’s what humans call the place they come from."
I nodded my head.

"thank you but i need to go as far way as possible!" I said cugging the delicious sour yet sweet juice.

"Get away from what?"

"were I was running from" i said not wanting him to know my business.

"why?" there was a hint of agitation in his voice.

"because I hated it there!"

"Alright well where is there?"

"I don't know! do you think that they would tell slaves or as they called us servants?!" I said getting annoyed. Oops, I said too much.

"Well I don't know?! Wait! Did you say slave? YOU WERE A SLAVE!? FOR WHOM! THEY WILL DIE! no one should not be a slave!"

"Mood swing much? What do you mean they will die? You can't kill them” I said rolling my eyes, “plus, they are way more powerful than you. Than You Could Ever BE" I made sure he got my drift.

The monsters that held me captive for what seemed like forever I have forgotten what normal people act like. The abusive captors treated me like I was just a plaything, a toy. They could do whatever they wanted with me and I had to obey them. if I refused I would be beaten, or worse. It was truly hell on earth.

"So what were you running from?"

"I..." I stopped my self I didn't want him knowing what had happened to me.

"Never mind I don't feel like talking about it."

"All right... so are you hurt? You’re bleeding!" he panicked. Wow has he never seen blood or something. The bluish red color that sparkled in the light trickled from my legs and arms. I must have ran though a picker bush.

Talon rushed out of the room and came practically flying back into the room with a box in his hand.

Talon placed the box on the edge of the bed and told me to relax. How could I relax with the adrenaline of running for practically a whole day was still sinking in?

Talon dabbed a cloth on my wounds and used some sort of pinchy things I have never seen before and removed splinters from my arms and lower legs. When he was done he cleaned up the small pile of wood and prickers he pulled from my limbs and but it in a small basket near the bed.

"Thank you, but, why are you being so kind?" I asked.

"Because helping you is the right thing to do. You obviously haven't been in a tree in along time. And you haven’t talked to common wood elves in a long time. And your..." talon mumbled something i couldn't understand. I asked him politely if he would repeat that but he waved it off.

"Do you want some new clothes?" he asked gesturing to the short, ripped, fluffy, red dress. I quickly nodded my head. He helped me of the bed and walked me over to a closet we walked in. There were tons of Dresses and other assorted clothes for a woman in here.

"Wow! Talon do you need to tell me something?" i said then whispered "Do you dress up in women’s clothes when your by yourself?" I joked.
Talon laughed doubling over.

"HA-HA. YES I do!" I could tell he was playing along. Talon suddenly grabbed a dress off the rack and pressed it up against his chest and said,

"See they look good on me too!" we were both in hysterics know.

When we calmed down to little snickers, He healed the dress out to me and said, "This..." he paused taking in a deep breath sadly. I looked at him with concern. "This was my little sister's. It should fit you." he finished quietly.

"Was? What happened?" I questioned placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, but when I touched him he stiffened.

"She was killed. The evil, blood thirsty elves of fire killed her. They tortured her then impaled her though her lung. They watched her squirm and scream out in pain they found it as entertainment. She had rebelled against their demands to serve them. They were to powerful for her. and just before she died on spear they impaled her with they drained all her power." he got quitter as he went on. He now sat on a stool in the closet his head in his hands.

I knew what he meant. Those are the elves the monsters that had held me captive and slave for years. I was crying inaudible.
I walked over to Talon and embraced him in a huge hug.

Then I saw a tear welled in his eye and fall. A sisterly feeling took over me and I rubbed his back comforting.

"Thank you," He whispered in to my ear.

"You are welcome." I said. Then he hugged me back.

"You remind me of her. I miss her so much you don't even know." Talon said squeezing me like I would disappear in a second. My hands rested on his shoulders.

"I know who you are talking about the fire eves they were the ones to have held me captive. For so long I have even forgotten how old I am!" I decided to tell him.

Talon looked up at me with tearfilled eyes.
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