Status: thoughts?



Stay with me, please.

I could hear his trembling voice whispering me those three simple words near my right ear. I want to tell him I would, that I’ll always stay with him, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t find my voice, nor could I move my lips.

I could feel intense pain on my head — it is as if something’s burning inside of it. I couldn’t move the rest of my body, which I bet was full of cuts and bruises. Every inch of my skin was on fire, and I couldn’t do anything about it. My mind and my body are too weak to function.

I, myself, was too weak to do anything.

I could feel his arms slightly tightened around me. He started to place soft kisses on my forehead and cheeks, and while doing so, a few tears escaped his eyes and dripped onto my skin. Then, he carefully buried his face in my hair and afterwards he started to gently rock us back and forth, while his hands lightly caressed my arm in a comforting way.

Anna, please. I’m sorry. Hold on, okay? Please. Stay with me.

I wanted to open my eyes so I could see his face, and I want to reach my hand out to wipe his tears away. But when I try to open my eyes, I could see nothing but darkness; and because of the pain, I couldn’t move my hands.

I should’ve done something to prevent this from happening. This is my fault, and I’m sorry.

It’s not your fault; it’s mine. Don’t beat yourself up for my mistake.”, I thought, wishing I could tell it to him.

He kept on rocking us back and forth, muttering “stay with me” in a desperate whisper. A few minutes passed, I was slowly losing my consciousness. I couldn’t find the strength to hold on, and soon enough, darkness has won over me.

The last thing I remember was hearing the faint sound of an ambulance coming and his voice telling me, “Help is here, love. You’re going to be okay. No one's going to hurt you now, I promise.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm starting from scratch again. I didn't like Doppelgänger that much so I deleted it and started this one.

I'm hoping people will like this. Tell me if I should continue or not, please? Thanks, if you do.

By the way, Merry Christmas Eve!!