Status: Non slash. Active.



"Yes, they think you aren't real. They watch me talk to you like you aren't there. I think they're worried, I think they're bringing someone here. He's looking for you, he wants to talk to you."

"Alice darling, leave him alone." Mrs. Donovan mumbled, approaching her daughter carefully. The child looked up, a blank expression on her face. She never smiled and was always very pale.

She didn't believe in the Paranormal and the Supernatural. Her daughter's strange behaviour could be answered by science and psychology. But so far, no one had offered her an answer. In desperation, after much debate and mental struggle, she consulted Him. He called himself the Necrofusionist, as he joined the living and the dead. He was the man Alice spoke about, though no one had told her he was coming.

She stood up and stepped forwards. Her blonde hair was a mess, falling all over her pretty face. Her mother tried to smile at her emotionless face. Her daughter was just a shell. Was it the divorce? Or possibly the move?

"There's a man coming to visit you soon, Alice." Miss. Donovan explained.

"Yes, I know. He practices Necrofusion, that's what I've been told." Alice replied in bored confidence.

Her mother was shocked at this news. No one other than herself had spoken to Alice since she'd phoned the man. What if he could speak to her from thousands of miles away, across state lines and borders. Or what if it was her imaginary friend? Her imaginary friend that she should have grown out of two years ago. Nothing seemed to be going normally in the life of Alice Donovan. She had very few friends, only imaginary ones. Her real friends were just as strange as her. It made no sense to to her mother.

There was a knock on the door and the silence somehow became quieter. As if even Alice's spirit friends had hushed their whispering to listen. Slowly, Miss. Donovan approached the door. She could see the silhouette of a tall man with broad shoulders through the distorted glass. His silhouette alone unnerved her. She knew he was the Necrofusionist, the man she'd called upon to save her beloved child. But now, she was having second thoughts. Was this man all he said he was? What if he was just pretending in order to approach children? She thought of opening the door and apologising profusely, the matter had been resolved but she thanked him for coming out. Alice watched from behind her mother's knees with a little smile on her face. Miss. Donovan reached out and twisted the handle slowly. It didn't screech as the mechanisms jumped to work. The air was thick with tension as her fears escalated. What if this man just wanted to exploit a vulnerable child? Suffering with mental illness, most likely. As soon as the door opened and the first crack of light beamed through, Alice pushed past her mother and yanked the door open. A flood of light burst through, and a black figure stood before them.

The man was tall and built of toned muscles. His face was largely covered by a black cowboy hat. He wore black cowboy boots with a little heel on, the leather hidden by loose black jeans. His belt buckle was a huge crystal skull. He hooked his thumbs in his belt and rested his wait on his left heel, crossing the other leg in front to rest it lazily. A black shirt was tucked into his jeans, the top two buttons opened to expose his muscular chest. His neck was made of strong muscles as well, bulging out every time he swallowed. From under the black hat, his pointed chin stuck out. Beneath the hat, his eyes must have seen Alice. He crouched down to her heigh and lifted his hat up. He was smiling, a bright and genuine offer of friendship. His skin was golden, a drastic contrast to his black attire. His blue eyes met hers, an even stronger offer of trust. He took her hands and kissed it gently like she was a princess.

"Hello, Alice." He said quietly. His voice didn't threaten, nor did it frighten.

Alice grinned in return. "Hello, Zak,"Miss. Donovan had not told her daughter the man's name. "You need to meet Falcon!" The little girl exclaimed excitedly, disappearing into her home.

Zak stood up and smiled politely at Miss. Donovan. "I'm Zak, she has quiet a talent!" He chuckled, following the excitable young girl into the house.

Miss. Donovan stood there for a moment, astounded. Then, she shook her head and retreated into her home too. No, there was no way her so called 'talent' was real.
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My first Ghost Adventures fan fiction!! Please tell me what you think!!!! Please don't be a silent reader :c I MADE MY OWN LAYOUT ARE YOU PROUD.