Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 10

When Jimmy and Arly arrived home the sun was setting. They got out Jimmy grabbing the groceries he stopped to get. They walked inside and into the kitchen where he set the bags down.

"Thank you for today Jimmy." Arly said with a smile.

"You're welcome and thank you for telling off Trent." Jimmy said.

"Is that his real name?" She asked.

He nodded. "Trent McCarthy or asshole as we like to call him."

"Why does he mess with you and your friends?" She asked.

"I don't know I guess it's because he's on the football team and he's their star player." He said. "He thinks he's better than everyone because of that."

"That's not right." She said.

Jimmy nodded. "It's not but it's the way he is."

"He seem to be really focused on you more than the others." She said. "Why's that?"

"Cause he knows I believe in aliens he thinks I'm crazy because he doesn't think y'all exist." He said.

Arly frowned. "Why is it hard for some of your kind to believe that we do?"

Jimmy shrugged. "Some can't believe in something they haven't actually seen for themselves." "Some think the entire idea of other life out there is outrageous." "And some just refuse to be more open minded about the possibility." "Then some are afraid of the thought for some reason."

Arly tilted her head thinking. "If they were more open minded they wouldn't be afraid of us."

"That's true." He said.

"You mind if I go shower right now?" She asked. "My hair smells like salt and it's most unpleasant."

Jimmy nodded. "You can smell the salt in the water.

"We're able to smell the littlest of things." She said. "The water though it felt nice it smelled like feces."

Jimmy laughed and Arly joined him. Eventually they stopped and she went upstairs to shower.

As he prepared a dinner of burgers and fries he heard her come back down. He turned around and his eyes widen.

Arly stood there wearing a sheer nightie and her hair was still wet. Jimmy gulped slightly as his eyes roamed over her body. The stirring came back.

"Is there something wrong Jimmy?" She asked coming over.

"No nothing's wrong." He said.

"Something's wrong you're blushing again." She said standing beside him.

"It's nothing really." He said managing a smile and trying to ignore his hard on.

She stared at him then nodded. "What's for dinner?"

"Burgers and fries." He said making her a plate.

"Awesome!" She yelled taking her plate.

Jimmy chuckled at her excitement and her shoveling down her food. He made himself a plate and sat down.

After they were done eating they watched a couple of movies. They were watching Freddy versus Jason when the sex scene from the beginning showed.

Forgot about that. Jimmy thought glancing at Arly who tilted her head in curiosity.

"Jimmy what were they doing?" She asked turning to face him. "And that guy said fuck while they were doing whatever."

Jimmy blushed and looked down. "That's what fucking is Arly."

"Why do you do it?" She asked turning completely around to face him.

"It's another way to show we love someone." He said.

She looked confused. "But all the girl was doing was sitting on top of him and moving."

Jimmy burst out laughing. "There's more to it than that Arly."

"What?" She asked.

"I'll tell you all about it let's just finish watching the movie." He said.

She reluctantly let the subject go. Lucky for Jimmy after the movie Arly was tired. He took her in his arms and brought her to his room.

He pulled the covers back and situated her in his bed. After he did this he started to walk away.

"Jimmy?" She asked sleepily.

"Yes?" He said coming back over. "What is it?"

"Why are you so hesitant to tell me about fucking?" She asked.

Jimmy blushed and looked down then looked into Arlys silver orbs which appeared to be staring into his soul.

"It's just a little weird talking about it." He said.

"Have you ever done it?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yes I have."

"Then why is it weird talking about it?" She asked.

"It's cause I'm kinda embarrassed about it." He said looking down.

His eyes opened when he felt a soft hand on his hand. He looked up seeing Arly staring at him.

"You don't need to be embarrassed about it or to talk to me about it." She said. "I'm just curious and would like to know."

Jimmy sighed. "I'll tell you about it eventually just give me time."

She thought about it then nodded. "Okay."

He smiled getting up and walking to the door. "Goodnight Arly."

"Goodnight Jimmy." She said with a smile.

How am I suppose to explain to her about sex? He thought as he got into bed. He drifted to sleep still thinking about this.

Sometime during the night Jimmy was woken up by a strange feeling. He woke up to find silver orbs looking at him.

"Arly!" He said gasping and sitting up.

"I'm sorry Jimmy." She said. "I just had a bad dream and I feel more comfortable being in the same bed as you."

Jimmy thanked God she couldn't see his blush I'm the dark. A part of him wanted her next to him. The other part didn't especially after their little conversation before bed. But he didn't want to hurt Arlys feelings.

"Climb in." He said pulling the covers back.

She got in and made herself comfortable then to Jimmys surprise and more semi hardness she cuddled up to him.

"Is this okay?" She asked glancing up at him with her luminescent eyes.

"Yeah it is." He stammered out.

She yawned and laid her head on his bare chest. Jimmy looked up at the ceiling at down at Arlys sleeping face. He prayed he wouldn't be embarrassed further.

The next morning Jimmy woke up to a heavy feeling on his chest. He then remembered that Arly was sleeping on him. He woke up looking at her still sleeping form. Then he felt a faint movement down below.

Jimmys eyes widen and he looked under the covers. His cock was standing at full attention and that wasn't all. Arlys hand was on his stomach just a few inches from touching it.

He started to move slowly gently pushing her off. This failed wine his erection decided to jerk waking her up.

She jumped up. "What was that in your pants?"

"It's nothing." Jimmy said quickly trying to cover himself.

"It was something." She said. "It was hard and it moved."

Jimmy couldn't help but burst out laughing at this.

"It's not funny what if it's something that can harm you?" She asked.

"It's not gonna hurt me Arly." He said. "Really."

"Then what is it?" She asked.

He sighed. "I might as well tell you everything." He walked over grabbing one of his moms books on anatomy.

He sat down next to her on the bed and opened to the page that shower the human body of a man and woman.

"This is what we look like." He said.

She took the book looking closely and looking between the two. "The human body is very interesting." She said.

He chuckled. "I guess it is."

"But what is this stick attached to the male?" She asked pointing to it.

"It's called a penis." He said.

"What does it do?" She said looking at him.

"It's the part of us that extracts urine." He said. "It is also used in sex more commonly known as fucking."

"You see this part of the woman?" He asked.

She nodded.

"That's called the vagina and the penis enters it." He said. Then the man and woman move their bodies which cause it to move inside resulting in having sex."

"That sounds and looks weird." She said holding up the book and pointing. "How does it fit into such a small hole?"

"The vagina is really flexible it stretches." He said.

"And this is how you show love and affection?" She asked.

He nodded. "It's one of the ways it's also who we reproduce."

"Make more of you." She said.

"Yeah don't your people do it like that?" He asked.

She grinned. "No we're able to make more of us by simply exchanging saliva."

"You mean kissing." Jimmy said.

"What's that?" She asked.

"I'll tell you some other time." He said. "Hungry?"

She nodded and they made their way to the kitchen.

"Thank you for telling me Jimmy." She said.

"You're welcome." He said as he got started on breakfast.

Sometime while he was doing this Arly went to shower. As he cooked the eggs the doorbell rang.

"Who's here this early?" He asked himself out loud as he walked to the door.

He opened it to find two men in military camouflage standing there.

"Good morning son." One said.

"Morning." Jimmy managed to keep a straight face but on the inside he was worried. "How can I help you?"

"We would like to question you." The other said.

"About what?" He asked.

"About an alien possibly being loose around your area."