Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 11

"Aliens?" Jimmy managed to stammer out.

The guy nodded. "Yes we think there may be one around here."

Jimmy briefly glanced at the ceiling. He hoped that Arly wouldn't come downstairs.

"Son you mind if we come in?" The guy asked.

Jimmy shook his head. "My mom doesn't like strangers in our house."

"Where is your mom?" The other one asked.

"She's out of town on a business trip." He said. "Can we get this over with?" "I have things planned today."

"Very well." One said taking out a notepad and a pen. "Have you seen anything strange around here lately?" "Any big glowing objects in the sky, monstrous looking things, a beam of light that flashed down levitating things into a spacecraft?"

"No to each of those." Jimmy said.

"Okay." He said writing this down. "Can you think of anyone who is possibly hiding the alien?"

"No." Jimmy said.

After a couple of more questions they stopped. The man looked over his questions and Jimmys answers.

"I think that's all for now." He said taking out a card with his number on it. "If you can think of anything else or if you see anything out of the ordinary." "Just give us a call."

"Will do." Jimmy said taking the card and after shaking their hands he shut the door.

Jimmy went to the window and watched as they got back in the army truck and drove away.

Jimmy turned and looked at the card in his hand before crushing it and throwing it away.

He thank God that Arly hadn't come down but he wondered why she didn't. He started towards the stairs and saw her on the right leaning over the railing looking down.

"Are they gone Jimmy?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yeah they are you can come down now."

She came down wearing a pair of denim cut offs and a red halter top. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had her contacts in.

"Not that not happy he did but why did you stay upstairs?" He asked.

"Cause I heard this loud noise outside and I looked to see that weird looking truck in your yard and those scary looking men came out." She said. "I don't know why but they scared me enough to make me wanna stay upstairs."

"Thank goodness you did." He said.

"Who were those people?" She asked.

"Those were the type of people you should be afraid of." He said.

"Do they doubt my exist?" She asked.

"No they don't they believe in aliens to the extreme." He said. "Those were government officials they're looking for you."

Her eyes widen. "What do they want me for?"

"For their own sick twisted selfish needs." He said. "Those are the kind of guys they want to kidnap you to experiment on you and get information out of you about alien invasions and about more of you."

"Why would they want to do that?" She asked.

"Cause Arly they believe that aliens are evil and want to take over our planet." He said.

"But me and my people aren't like that." She said. "We're not hostile sure we launch our tentacles when we feel threatened but other than that we're a peaceful species."

"I know but they apparently don't and if they did they wouldn't care." He said. "They would still want to capture you."

"I'm scared now." She said.

"I won't let anything happen to you Arly." He said. "I promise."

She looked at him then launched forward hugging him. Jimmy blushed at feeling her small body against his. She didn't have big boobs or a ass but she had curves that he could feel. He wrapped his long arms around her.

"Thank you Jimmy." She said her voice muffled slightly by his chest.

"You're welcome." He said blushing as she made that mewing noise. "Are you alright?"

She looked up smiling. "I am this just feels really pleasant."

He blushed harder but he let her hug him a bit longer. Eventually they pulled apart.

"So what's for breakfast?" She asked.

"I was making an egg omelet until those bastards interrupted." He said. "How do you feel about cereal?"

She tilted her head. "What's that?"

He chuckled and grabbed her arm. "I'll show you."

"Jimmy why are they making little noises like they're breaking?" She asked as she stared at her bowl of Cocoa Rice Krispies.

"That's part of the cereals appeal." He said holding up the box. "Snap, Crackle, Pop that's what it does when you pour milk on them."

She looked into her bowl and took a spoonful. She ate it and her eyes widen and she ate another spponful.

Jimmy chuckled.

After they were done eating they sat down watching Scooby Doo.

"Jimmy why does the orange haired one always get captured?" She asked.

"Daphne she's the damsel in distress." He said.

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's usually a woman in fiction who always gets captured or in trouble and someone has to rescue her." He said.

"That sound awful." She said. "Why if her friends can't get to her in time and her capturers try to kill her?"

"Don't worry they don't kill in cartoons." He said. "It wouldn't be good for children to see."

"That makes sense." She said turning back to the TV.

"Jimmy I have another question." She said turning to face him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Remember this morning when you told me about sex?" She asked.

His eyes widen but he nodded. "What do you want know?"

"I feel like you'll hate me for asking." She said.

"No I won't you can ask me anything." He said.

"Well the penis in the book looked well not firm but yours was." She said. "Why was it hard and firm?"

Jimmy blushed. "It's called an erection."

"What is that?" She asked confused.

"It's when the blood flows into the penis and the tissue swells." He said. "As it swells it presses agonst blood vessels which slows down blood flow leading out the penis." "The tissue swells causing it to harden."

"Doesn't it hurt?" She asked.

"Sometimes like if we're wearing tight form fitting pants it can hurt." He said.

She nodded then asked. "How does it happen."

Jimmys eyes widen and be looked down. "Sometimes it happens spontaneously which means out of nowhere it can happen." "And the other way it happens is...

"What?" She asked.

He sighed. "When we're sexually excited or turned on."

"How would you be turned on?" She asked.

"By someone or something attractive." He said looking away.

"Jimmy please look at me." She said.

He sighed and turned around and slowly looked in her doe eyes.

"Do you find me attractive?" She asked.

Before he could answer there was a knock at the door. Jimmy got up and answered it finding the everyone excluding Brian and Michelle standing there.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"Jimmy we've all just been questioned by some military men looking for Arly." Matt said.