Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 19

Jimmy woke up the next morning. He looked down seeing Arly and smiled remembering the amazing night they had shared. She was resting on his chest while her tentacles were still wrapped around them.

Stroking her cheek the memories of the past couple of days ran through his head.

How he had found her, took her in and guided her, all the way to this moment of them lying in her together proclaiming their love for each other.

As he watched Arlys sleeping face her crystal started to glow. His smile vanished as he remembered that her parents would come and get her in a couple of days.

He sighed stroking her hair.

He had finally found someone he loved and who loved him despite his strange interests. Of course Arly accepted him she was part of his strange interest.

But she had became and was something more to him now.

He was brought out his thoughts by Arly stirring. Her eyes moved underneath her eyelids before opening revealing her silver multiple colored orbs.

She blinked before looking at him smiling.

"Good morning." He said stroking her cheek.

"Good morning." She said leaning up and kissing him.

Jimmy increased the kiss gently turning her onto her back. Her hands and tentacles roamed his back.

She moaned softly as his kisses trailed down her neck. Her back arched as he sucked on her nipple.

He started to go lower kissing her stomach.

"Jimmy." She said looking down.

"Hmm?" He said looking up.

"Now please." She said.

He came back up kissing her. Her tentacles completely wrapped around him as he positioned himself.

Wrapping her legs around him he entered her. Both gasped in unison.

Arly clutched his arms as he began to move. She wrapped herself tighter around him as if he would get away.

Jimmy groaned burying his face in her neck kissing it. Looking into her eyes he griped her shoulders and started going faster.

Arly moaned and her eyes rolled over revealing pink orbs. Jimmy leaned down cupping her face and kissing her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he continued to thrust harder.

Their kisses became open mouthed and sloppy but still loving and passionate.

Her red tentacle came down as they both got closer. It got in the middle where they were joined and gave them a shock.

Jimmy exploded at this staring into her silver pink orbs. Arly moaned and closed her eyes as she was filled through all her holes.

Jimmy collasped on top of her panting and trying to catch his breath.

Arly kissed his forehead and stroked his face lovingly.

"Now it's a better morning." She said.

He chuckled and nodded in agreement. They layed there in eah others embrace in their own little world.

"When do we attack Genreal?" One of the men asked getting suited up.

"Tonight." General Cochran said. "They'll be alone and won't have anyone to help defend it."

After they showered Jimmy and Arly made their way downstairs.

"I have to say shower sex is amazing too but it's too wet." She said

Jimmy laughed. "And too slippery."

She nodded her head in agreement. "But it's still good cause I had it with you."

He kissed her gently. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked.

"Can we have pancakes with bacon?" She asked.

He nodded. "Anything you want."

"And grape juice." She said as they walked into the kitchen.

"Okay." He said getting the pancake batter out.

"Can I help?" She asked.

"Sure." He said getting the bowl and a spoon. "Have you ever had chocolate pancakes?"

"No." She said with a smile. "But I'd like to try them."

"Good cause that's what we're making." He said grabbing the chocolate chips from the fridge.

Arly stood beside him. As Jimmy poured the batter in she placed her hands over his pouring it in.

"It's better if you stand in front of me." He said with a smile.

She nodded. Standing in front of him she helped him pour in milk, water, and the chips.

Jimmy placed the spoon in the batter she placed both hands over his and they mixed it together until the lumps were gone.

Grabbing a skillet they poured the batter on it. They flipped the pancakes over though Arly flipped one so hard it landed on the cookie jar.

Jimmy laughed as he helped her flip another one. After the pancakes were done and the bacon was done. They sat down to eat.

"This are really amazing Jimmy." She said eating hers.

"We make a good cooking team." He said.

She nodded and they continued eating.

After they were done eating and washing the dishes.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"Can we stay at home today?" She asked.

"Okay." He said turning on the TV to Scooby Doo.

She smiled and sat down with him. That's how they spent the day and the afternoon.

Watching cartoons and movies enjoying each others company and their time together.

"Jimmy?" Arly asked from her place on his shoulder.

"Yes?" He said turning to face her.

"Do you think your mom would approve of me?" She asked.

"I think she would seeing as how I'm happier than I've been in months." He said. "And she likes seeing me happy so I think she would."

"Why you want of know?" He asked.

"Just curious if I ever met her." Arly said.

"That makes me curious would your parents approve of me?" He asked.

"They probably would after they get over the shock of your face." She said laughing at his expression.

"What's that mean?" He asked.

"Jimmy you see your people are hideous to my people eyes." She said. "Since our sight is magnified we see the littlest flaws and blemishes you have." "It makes y'all look kinda monstrous to us."

"That kinda hurts my feeling." He said with a pout.

"Don't worry." She said cupping his face. "I see the inner being within and that's what I love the most about you."

He grinned. "And I love everything about you."

"Even my tentacles?" She asked.

He chuckled. "Especially those."

She smiled and kissed him. He cupped her cheek. Arly started to lean back on the couch...

"Get her!" A voice yelled.

Her and Jimmy pulled apart to see military looking men come in with guns. Before Jimmy could react they shocked him. He groaned and fell to the floor.

"Jimmy!" Arly yelled rolling him over and stroking his hair.

"Leave him get her." The men said.

Arlys tentacles exploded from her back. The men stepped back. Her tentacles flew forward shocking two as she defended herself Arly didn't notice one sneak up on her.

She turned to late to see him shock her. Arly screamed and fell to the floor her tentacles weakly trying to defend her.

"The General wants her alive." One man said.

The man nodded and shocked her again. Arly groaned as her tentacles went back in.

The men gathered her up.

"Jimmy." Arly said weakly as they put her in a sack for aliens.

"Arly." Jimmy said watching them taking her away before he passed out.