Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 20

Jimmy groaned as he came too. His eyes fluttered open he touched his back feeling a bruise forming from where he was stung.

"Bastards." Jimmy said as he got up to his feet wobbling.

He looked at the door in disbelief. He went to the phone dialing Matts number. After the fourth ring he answered.

"Jimmy what the hell?" Matt said. "It's almost nine."

"Matt you and Val have to come over here and call the others." Jimmy said. "It's an emergency."

"What's happened?" Matt asked.

"The government." Jimmy said. "They took Arly."

Arly started to come too feeling herself moving. Her eyes opened she realized someone was carrying her.

She groaned from the shock on her back.

"It's waking up!" Someone said.

"We're almost to the General." The man who was carrying her said.

Arly managed to look up seeing she was in a big building. They passed mutiple rooms that had big windows. All of them glanced at her making eye contact.

Arly gasped as they passed a room that looked like an autopsy room. Finally the men stopped at a door.

They pressed in a password and entered it. Arly looked around seeing people holding the guns that had shocked her. She gulped as they gave her malicious looks.

Finally the man who was carrying her threw her to the floor in front of him.

Arly groaned and sat up.

"After so many years we've finally got one of you." A voice said.

Arlys eyes widen as a big scary looking man came forward.

"I've waited for years for one of y'all to come here." General Cochran said. "I have to say you don't look a thing like we thought you would.

Based on how he was dressed he must be the leader of these men. Arly said nothing and glared remembering what they did to her and Jimmy.

I hope he's okay. She thought.

"So tell me." The General said standing in front of her. "Where are the rest of you at?"

Arly continued to glare.

"Not gonna talk to us." The General said.

"You hurt Jimmy." She said.

"That kid you've put under your control?" He asked. "He's fine he's just suffered a very bad shock."

"You're despicable." She said.

"You're one to talk." He said his eyes flashing with anger. "You come here seduced a human in order to learn more about us so you could report back to your planet and prepare the Earth for the invasion."

"There's no invasion." She said. "My people are peaceful and we don't wish to invade any planets."

"I'm sure that's what you all say." General Cochran said.

"There's no invasion you incompetent asshole." She said.

"You can't and won't trick us." He said. "We have ways of making you talk."

Arlys eyes widen as a shocked was brought forward her tentacle launched out grabbing the gun. More men came forward all her tentacles grabbed them.

She screamed as she received a shock from the General. Her tentacles fell dropping the guns. She grabbed her stomach.

"We'll torture you till death to make you talk." He said.

"Are you are it was the same military people who questioned all of us?" Zacky asked.

"I'm positive." Jimmy said. "They shocked us both into unconscious and they took her."

"And after I promised I'd protect her." Jimmy said looking down. "I've failed her."

Valary came forward hugging him. "You haven't failed her Jimmy." "She knows you love her and I'm sure she knows that we're gonna get her back."

"We're?" He asked. "You guys all are gonna help?"

"Hell yeah." Brian said. "We're your friends and she's our friend now and we all promised her too."

"Guys where do we start though?" Johnny asked. "We don't even know where they've taken her."

"They can't possibly be that far." Zacky said. "Seeing how they got here fast and left just as fast they have to have a base either here or in the next town."

"Everyone think." Michelle said. "Was there anything those military had or said that could be some kind of a clue?"

Everyone thought then Johnny snapped his fingers.

"They all had a weird symbol." Johnny said. "The trunks, their clothes, etc all had it."

"He's right." Matt said. "It looked like the Solar System but it had a skull with a big X on it."

"Wonder what the hell it stands for." Brian said.

"I don't know but we're gonna find out." Jimmy said grabbing his keys.

"Where are you going?" Valary asked following him.

"I'm gonna save Arly." He said firmly getting into his car.

"Jimmy you don't know where she is and you don't have a plan." Zacky said as the rest of them came out.

"I don't care." He said. "I'm not gonna let them hurt her."

"But Jim how are you gonna find them?" Brian asked.

"With my device." He said taking it out.

It looked like a cell phone except bigger and it had a screen on it and an antenna on it.

"What the hell is it?" Matt asked.

"A tracking device." Jimmy said. "I created it to track aliens but it can also track cars." "All I need is a sample of the tracks." He said going to the road.

Jimmy managed to distinguish the army trucks tracks from theirs. He picked up some soil and put it on the slab that was out. It made a whirring noise and started beeping.

Jimmy held it up showing a map of the area and a red line showing where the truck had gone.

"That's fucking cool." Johnny said.

"Now we follow it." Jimmy said. "You guys coming?"

"Let's get these shit on the road!" Matt said.

Everyone ran to their cars. Matt and Val got in theirs, Zacky got in with Brian and Michelle and Johnny rode with Jimmy.

Jimmy started the car. "Let's to this."

Arly floated in the cubicle of fluid they put her in. After shocking her for hours they stripped her of clothing and put her into some hospital looking clothes.

They also took her necklace thinking it would tell them when aliens were coming.

Her eyes fluttered open and widen as the door opened and someone walked in.

Her eyes got even wider at the person who stood in front of her.

"Don't worry I'm gonna get you out of here." Trent said.