Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 21

"I can't believe that he along with his men are doing this." Trent said as he put his jacket on.

He exited his room and ran into some men who were rolling a long covered table to a room.

"What's that for?" He asked one of the men.

"The autopsy." He answered.

"Autopsy?" Trent said with wide eyes.

The second one nodded. "On the alien."

"Why and so soon?" He asked thinking he had time to formulate a plan to help Arly.

"Because General Cochran wants to get the information out of her now." He said pulling the cover off the table.

Trent gulped at the mean looking surgical tools.

"Won't that kill her?" He asked.

The man shrugged. "Who knows and who cares?" "As long as we get what we want from her."

The men walked along rolling the table down the hallway.

Trent stood there before going back to his room and getting his keys.

Going down his secret passageway to the garage he got in his car and started it.

He waited for the ground to open when it did he drove out and onto the open road.

"Jimmy." Johnny said.

"What?" Jimmy mumbled sleepily from the passenger seat.

"The tracks have vanished." Johnny said holding up the device.

"The hell are you talking about?" Jimmy asked taking the device from him. "Pull over."

Johnny pulled over into a rest stop with the others following shot. He killed the engine as he and Jimmy got out the car.

"Why'd y'all pull over?" Brian asked.

"Cause the tracks have vanished." Jimmy mumbled. "Son of a bitch!"

Matt took the device from him and looked. The red line that stood for the militarys tracks cut off all of a sudden.

"I'll be damned." Matt said as everyone took it from him looking.

"Now what do we do?" Zacky asked handing it back to Jimmy.

"I don't know but I won't give up." He said throwing the device in the car.

"But Jimmy how are we gonna find her if we can't even find where their location?" Michelle asked.

He sighed. "I don't know."

"Maybe some breakfast will refuel our minds." Valary said. "There's an IHOP nearby."

"Let's go then." Jimmy said.

They all got in their cars and drove to the IHOP.

As Trent drove into town he noticed a group of teenagers sitting and eating in an IHOP.

"That's Sullivan and his friends." He said pulling into the parking lot.

"What if we ask people around to see if they saw any military trucks go by?" Johnny asked as they ate.

"We can't do that shortshit." Brian said. "Even if someone did see them you really think they're gonna tell a bunch of teens where they went?"

"I can tell you where they went." A voice said.

They all looked up to see Trent standing there.

"The hell do you want McCarthy?" Matt asked.

"I'm here to offer my help." He said coming over and grabbing a seat nearby.

"Help with what?" Zacky asked. "Help with being an asshole like yourself?"

"If y'all would just shut up and let me talk." He said.

Jimmy rolled his eyes. "Fine talk."

"I know where they're keeping your alien friend Arly at." He said.

Everyones eyes widen and they leaned forward.

"You do?" Jimmy asked. "Where at?"

"They're keeping her in an underground base." Trent said.

"Which explains why the tracks cut off." Matt said.

"And we have to hurry they're planning on doing an autopsy on her today." Trent said.

Everyone gasped.

"Hold the hell up McCarthy." Jimmy said. "How do you know so much about this?"

"Because General Cochran who's the one who ordered the autopsy and her capture is my uncle." He said.

Everyones eyes widen and there was some gasps.

"The General is your uncle?" Valary asked.

He nodded. "My parents died when I was young and I've been living with him ever since."

"Why should we trust you and let you help us?" Zacky asked. "Especially with the way you've been treating us."

"Cause I've been working undercover there." He said.

"Undercover?" Jimmy asked. "For who?"

"I'm a member of the PSFAAU." He said. "Which stands for Protective Servies for Aliens and UFOs."

"Why?" Brian asked.

"Cause my uncle has been obsessed with capturing aliens." He said. "He believes aliens are evil when not a of them are." "I had an encounter with an alien myself."

"When?" Jimmy asked.

"A couple of years ago I crashed my car and passed out." Trent said. "When I woke up I was on a table and a bright light was in my face." "Then this green big black eyed guys were looking down at me."

"Aliens." Johnny whispered.

He nodded. "I thought they were experimenting on me but that wasn't the case." "They started speaking in English telling me not to be afraid." "Then they sprayed me with some stuff that sealed my wounds."

"Next they told me it was time for me to go home." He said. "They sprayed me with something that knocked me out when I woke up I was in a hospital."

"And that made you a believer?" Jimmy asked. "And you've made fun of me all of these years."

"Look I know I haven't been the nicest to any of y'all but let me help you please." Trent said. "She's a kind species and I don't want her to be killed and I know how much you all especially you Jimmy care for her."

"We have no other way." Valary said.

Jimmy thought about it before sighing. "Show us the way."

Everyone got up and got in their cars. Trent took off with the others behind him.

They drove for about twenty mintues before Trent stopped his car and got out.

Jimmy rolled his window down.

"Y'all have to get in my car or they'll see you." He said.

Jimmy nodded turning off his car and getting out with Johnny. Everyone else got out.

"We have to hide in his truck so they won't see us." Jimmy said.

Everyone nodded and got in the back and the seats.

After seeing that everyone was well hidden.

Trent started his car and drove to the spot where it started opening up.

After it opened it he drove into the underground base.