Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 3

Jimmy stared in shock at the sight of the female. The inside of the egg shaped capsule was covered with a thick layer of some kind of slimy material.

He picked up a nearby stick and poked it twice. The capsule made a whirring noise. Jimmy dropped the stick and jumped back a couple of feet.

He watched as it opened all the way up then the female rolled out of it onto her stomach.

Jimmy gaped. She was completely naked.

She hadn't moved at all since rolling out. Cautiously Jimmy walked forward. He squainted down and gently rolled her over.

The female had a caramel complexion, plump lips, dark red velvet cake like hair, and a thin but womanly body. She was covered in the slimy material and she looked about his age.

Jimmy didn't know what to do. He gently took her into his arms. Stroking her cheek and pushing her slime covered hair back.

As he stroked at that moment the alien slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were silver. Jimmy gasped as she let out a loud screeching sound.

Then he was hanging upside down. Jimmy gaped. He was being hung upside down by her tentacles. The alien stared at him tilting her head curiously at him.

She looked at her surroundings before turning to him again. She let out another screeching noise. Jimmy covered his ears trying to block it.

She continued to screech getting up and looking around. As soon as she got up the screeching died down.

Jimmy watched as she wobbled a little from side to side. He was dropped on the ground as the alien fell back to the ground unconscious.

Jimmy groaned and turned over looking at the alien. He watched as her tentacles slowly slithered back into her back before her back closed.

"Holy shit." He said getting up.

He looked at her she didn't move at all. He walked forward cautiously. She didn't move.

"Breathing the air on a new planet must've affected her." He said.

Something glittered. Jimmy noticed she was wearing a crystal wand. Turning her over he took it in his hand. Jimmy dropped it as it glowed in his hands.

He looked around to see if anyone was around. Taking off his jacket Jimmy sat her up wrapping it around her before picking her up.

Jimmy walked through the woods all the while he kept glancing at the unconscious alien he was carrying.

"She doesn't look like the aliens I saw that time or any alien at all." He said as he approached his house.

He was glad that his mom had that business trip. He opened the door going inside and kicking it shut.

Going into the living room he placed her on the couch. He went to the bathroom grabbing a small basin filled it with water and soap.

As he did this Jimmy felt awkward at the fact he was going to clean an unconscious alien. Even if she was an alien he did feel like a perv at cleaning her naked body.

Then again he didn't want her to stay slimy and dirty.

He walked back into the living room. She was still unconscious. Squainting in front of the couch he squeezed the towel before gently wiping her face.

"You don't look like any alien I've ever seen." He said. "You're so beautiful."

He started cleaning the rest of her body. The feeling of being like a perv returned when he got to her breasts, her womanhood, and her butt.

To clean her hair he placed it in the basin rising it and scrubbing it.

After drying her off he went to his moms room.

"Mom won't mind if she borrows some clothes." He said grabbing an oversized T shirt.

He went to his room finding a pair of his ex girlfriends panties. Like a lot of people Leana left him due to his alien obsession.

He walked downstairs putting the panties and the shirt on her.

"Wait until the guys see her." He said. "They're gonna look so stupid for doubting me." Jimmy started to dial them then decided against it.

"She's scared and I don't want to expose her to other people just yet." He said. "Thank God mom took that trip."

He looked at the still sleeping alien. "Can't do nothing until she wakes up."

He grabbed the blanket on the back of the couch covering her up with it. Giving her a final glance Jimmy walked upstairs to the shower.

After showering he got dressed in just boxers before collapsing on his bed.

Meanwhile at an army base somewhere near Huntington.

"General Cochran look." One of the men said pointing at a dot on the screen.

The general walked over. He was in his late forties to early fifties. He had a very stern gruff look to him. And he just ozzed authority and order.

"Where at?" He asked.

"Right here in Huntington Beach in a small clearing." The man said.

"Get my men ready to investigate." He said. "We're gonna capture that spacecraft and its little passenger."

Jimmy woke up the next morning yesterdays events still fresh in his head.

I'm not crazy. He thought.

He got up showering and got dressed in a band shirt and some jeans. It was Friday the last day before the two week break. He decided to skip school.

Not like many kids were going to be there anyway.

He walked downstairs to find her still asleep.

I wonder what aliens eat. He thought. As he started cooking some grits he heard a stirring noise from the living room.

She's waking up. He thought. Should start off by having her drink some water. Filling a glass up he walked in the living room to find her moving.

He squainted down bringing the glass to her lips. He tilted it back and she drank some. Her eyes still closed she placed her hand over his tilting it back more.

As she drank her eyes slowly opened. She gasped at the sight of him slapping the glass away it clattered against the floor.

She sat up her eyes wide and looked around scared. She looked at him again.

"Welcome to Earth." He said.