Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 4

The alien said nothing she continued to look at Jimmy with fear and looked around at her surroundings again. She looked down lifting and pulling the shirt with the tips of her fingers.

"You were really dirty so I cleaned you up." Jimmy said.

She looked up at him again with an unreadable expression.

"I'm Jimmy." He said holding his hand out.

She titled her head looking at his hand curiously.

"It's a handshake." He said. "It's one way we greet each other here."

She continued to stare confused. Jimmy slowly lowered his hand. He got up she cowered back her eyes wide.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." He said in a soothing voice. "I just want to get you something to eat."

Her eyes were still wide but she became less tense. He gave her a friendly smile before going in the kitchen.

He returned with a small bowl of grits and a glass of grape juice. He squatted down holding out the bowl of grits.

She stared at it before taking it looking at it curiously. She took the spoon looking at the steaming grits. She held it down watching as it fell back into the bowl. She looked at him.

"It's food." He said. "It's food you eat it."

He made a motion using his hands for her to use to spoon.

Looking at the grits she got a spoonful. She sniffed it before eating a spoonful.

She screeched and stuck her tongue.

"Shit!" Jimmy said. "They may be hot I'm so sorry." He said getting a glass of water.

She took it from him swallowing the entire glass. He took the bowl and got a spoonful.

"Like this." He said. He blew on the spoon before holding it out for her.

She looked at it worried.

"It won't burn this time I promise." He said.

She slowly leaned forward letting the tip of her tongue touch it. She slowly opened her mouth eating it.

Jimmy watched as she chewed her silver eyes appearing to look in every direction. She finally swallowed.

To his surprise she took the bowl blowing on spoonful after spoonful until the grits were gone.

She made a sound of sadness at the empty bowl.

Jimmy chuckled. "You were really hungry." "Don't worry I'll get you some more."

He walked to the kitchen when he returned with another bowl of grits he found her looking out the window at the sky.

Setting the bowl on the coffee table he walked over standing a couple of feet back. She turned looking at him.

"That's where you came from right?" He asked: "The sky?"

She said nothing and looked back at the sky. After a couple of more minutes of staring at the sky she turned around walking to and sitting on the couch.

"You still hungry?" He asked laughing as she took the bowl of grits and devoured them in no time.

"Thirsty?" He asked holding out the glass of juice.

She took it her eyes squinted at the dark drink. She lowered her tongue in tasting it.

She gave a noise of happiness before drinking the juice some of it spilling and going on her shirt. She looked at her shirt poking at the dark stains.

"I'll get you another one." Jimmy said getting up.

As he looked for another shirt he heard the sound of the door opening. He looked out the window to see her running across the field.

"Shit!" He said running down the stairs and out the house after her.

Despite his long legs Jimmy couldn't keep up with her long strides.

"Wait please!" He yelled after her.

She didn't stop and ran into the woods. Jimmy followed her eventually losing her amongst the trees.

Jimmy slowed down catching his breath. "Great I've lost her."

Then the lightbulb came on in his head. He slowly walked to the the small clearing. He found her circling her capsule.

She looked up as he came out the woods.

"That's what brought you here." He said.

She said nothing. She touched the capsule before laying her head on it her arms around it. Her eyes were closed as she starting stroking it like it was a pet.

Jimmy let her have the moment she was having with the thing that brought her here. Finally she stood up still touching it. She finally looked at him.

"You still want to get out that shirt?" He asked gesturing to his own.

She blinked before slowly walking over. Jimmy lead her through the woods. He glanced at her she was looking straight forward unblinking.

They must not need to blink that much. He thought.

He lead her back into the house. She walked into the middle of the living room.

"Here ya go." He held out one of his band shirts.

She took it from his hands looking at it.

"There's a bathroom just down there if...

Before he could finish she took of her stained shirt. Jimmys eyes widen. She put on the other looking at the band listed on it. Metallica.

"They're a band." He said. "Do you like music?"

She stared before sitting on the couch.

"Can you talk?" He asked her.

She blinked at him but didn't say a word.

"Guess not." He said. "Do you like cartoons?"

He took the remote off the coffee table turning the TV on Scooby Doo.

Her eyes widen and she sprung forward touching the screen. She poked at it.

She gave a screech of worry as Daphne was captured by a villain. She started banging and pounding on the screen trying to get to her. When this didn't work she started shaking the TV making sounds of frustration.

"It's okay." Jimmy said touching her arm.

She looked up.

"It's just a show she's not real and she won't be captured for long." He said. "Just watch."

The alien sat back and watched as the episode came to an end and the gang rescued Daphne. She screeched in happiness hugging the TV.

Jimmy chuckled at her excitement. She turned giving him hint of a smile before turning back to the TV.

The whole day was spent of Jimmy and the alien watching cartoons. Sometimes she would still screech in sadness and anger if a character was captured or wronged. Other times she would screech in pure joy and happiness.

Eventually him and the alien were sitting on the couch eating popcorn. Jimmy laughed in amusement as her tongue sprang out grabbing a piece of popcorn.

The doorbell rang. She looked up confused.

"It's just the doorbell." He said. "It means that someone is here." He got up to get it.

He opened the door to find all the guys standing there.

"Guy what are you doing here?" Jimmy asked glancing over his shoulder.

"You weren't in school so we wanted to make sure you were okay." Johnny said.

"I'm fine." He said.

"Great." Matt said. "It's been a while since we've had a guys night so we rented some movies."

Jimmys eyes widen. "Now's not a good time."

"Why not?" Zacky asked his eyebrow raised. "What are you up too?"

Before Jimmy could answer a loud screech came from the living room. All the guys eyes widen in shock.

"What the hell was that?" Brian asked.

"It's nothing." Jimmy said.

"Like hell it's nothing." Brian said pushing his way into the house. He stopped at the sight in the living room.

"Jimmy you could've just told us you had company." Brian said giving him his famous smirk.

The others walked in to see the alien looking at them curiously.

"So this is why you don't want us over." Matt said with a deep dimpled smile.

Jimmy ignored him. "What's wrong?" He asked her.

She whimpered in sadness holding up the empty bowl.

He laughed. "I'll get you some more." He took the bowl filling it up before coming back.

He handed it to her she screeched in happiness before turning back to the set.

"Jimmy who's the chick?" Brian asked him.

"Just some girl." He said.

"Some girl you you're waiting on." Zacky said. "I'm not mad at you though she's hot even though she makes some weird sounds."

"She makes those sounds cause she is an alien." Jimmy said.

"Seriously Jimmy." Matt said rolling his eyes. "When are you gonna stop this?"

"It's true she is." Jimmy said. "She crash landed in the woods out there and I rescued her."

"Sure." Brian said sarcastically. "There's not way in hell she's an alien." "Beside she's too damn hot to be an alien."

Before Jimmy could answer there was a scream from the living room. They all rushed out the kitchen to a sight.

Johnny was pinned to the wall by her tentacles. She was staring at him with an unhappy expression.

"Guys please help me." Johnny said his eyes wide with fear.

Jimmy walked forward. "It's okay." He said.

She looked at him then looked at Johnny again.

"It's okay." He repeated. "He's a friend he's not gonna hurt you."

She turned blinking at him.

"He's won't hurt you." He said. "Please let him go."

She blinked again before her tentacles slowly unwrapped from around Johnny. He slowly fell to the floor.

All the guys eyes were wide and their mouths were gaping open. Her tentacles slithered back into her back before it closed up.

"What the fuck?" Zacky said.

"She's an alien." Jimmy said.