Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 5

Johnny quickly scrambled away from her his eyes still wide. He got to the others hiding behind them. The alien looked at them all with curiosity.

"I can't believe this shit is real." Matt muttered.

"A real live alien standing in your living room." Zacky said.

Jimmy smiled smugly. "And y'all said and thought I was crazy." "There's your proof that I'm not."

"Okay you're not crazy." Brian said. "What are you going to do with it?"

"Her not it." Jimmy said frowning.

Brian rolled his eyes. "Okay what are you going to do with her?"

"I haven't decided yet." Jimmy said. "I was going to keep her inside for a while before she got exposed to more humans."

"Well now we know about her." Johnny said.

"Speaking of which what did you do to make her pin you shortshit?" Jimmy asked.

"I just reached for some popcorn." Johnny explained. "Next thing I know this thing comes out her back grabbing my wrist, more come out and pin me to the wall."

Everyone laughed at this.

"Maybe this won't be so bad." Matt said. "We got someone else to help us beat up the midget."

Everyone laughed again while Johnny glared and the alien stared in confusion. Eventually they stopped.

"So what's her name?" Zacky asked.

"I don't know." Jimmy said. "She hasn't said a thing since she's woken up."

"Maybe she can't talk." Matt said. "But she seems to understand what you're saying." "I think she trusts you too."

Jimmy looked to see her looking at him with a friendly expression.

He grinned. "I think she does too."

"So how much are you gonna sell her for?" Brian asked.

"What?" Jimmy asked in disbelief.

"Dude you've found and captured an alien think about how much money you could make off of her." He said.

Jimmy frowned. "First off I didn't capture her I rescued her." "Secondly I'm not gonna sell her to anyone." "She may be an alien but she still a living thing that deserves freedom."

"So if you're not gonna sell her." Zacky said. "What exactly do you plan on doing with her?"

"Protect her until she or someone from her planet comes to get her." Jimmy said.

"Jimmy do you have any idea how difficult that's gonna be?" Brian asked.

"Yes I know but I'm still gonna do it." He said glancing at her.

"But what if she tries to attack you like she did me?" Johnny asked.

"She did that to me the first time we met." Jimmy said. "I don't think it's an attack I think it's more of a defensive reaction." "She grabbed me cause I was near her when she first came out and she pinned you cause you were trying to eat her popcorn."

"Okay even of she's friendly how do you know she's not pretending?" Brian asked.

Jimmy looked over to see her frowning.

"I just have gut feeling." He said.

"You're gut feeling isn't always right." Brian said. "For all you know she could suck out your brains or...

"Excuse me?" A soft voice said. "Neither me or my people do the sucking out of brains that you think we do."

Everyone looked up eyes wides.

"You can talk?" Matt stammered out.

"Yes I can." She said.

"Then why haven't you said anything?" Jimmy asked.

"Cause I didn't feel comfortable around you yet." She said. "But when your friend started saying offensive things about my people I felt the need to say something."

"You can speak English?" Zacky asked.

She smiled. "Yes me and my people can speak thousands of languages."

"What about your tentacles?" Johnny asked looking over Jimmys shoulder.

"Those like Jimmy said only come out when we feel threatened." She said. "I didn't know you so when you reached over they came out." "I'm terribly sorry to have frightened you."

"It's okay." Johnny said with a small smile. "An alien who's polite."

"I would like it if y'all stop referring to me as the alien or it." She said. "I don't like to be referred to as a thing."

"Then what's your name?" Jimmy asked.


Everyone covered their ears as she screeched in alien language causing the lights to flicker.

"Geez!" Brian said. "What the hell was that?"

"That is my name." She said. "But my parents called me Arly for short."

"Okay that's much simpler." Jimmy said.

"And less noisy." Johnny said.

Everyone including Arly laughed.

"So Arly what brings you to Earth?" Zacky asked.

She frowned. "My home was being attacked and there was a war on my planet."

"What kind of war?" Johnny asked.

"Dumbass!" Matt said hitting him. "Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it."

"No it's okay." She said. "I'll tell you."

"In my galaxy two planets my home and another loved peacefully for thousands of years." She said. "Then all of a sudden the other planet attacked us."

"Why?" Jimmy asked.

"We don't really know." She said. "We think it may be because my planet and my people are against trying to conquer other worlds and planets." "And they saw it as if you're not with us you're against us."

"I was still a baby when they attacked so my parents put me in a capsule and sent me out for my safety." She said. "I traveled for about two or three days then my capsule crashed on your planet."

"If you traveled for two days why do you look like a teenager?" Matt asked.

"Our anatomy is different and we age differently." She said. "I was a baby a few days ago then a few days later I grew into a young woman." "And all the traveling while in a deep sleep kinda sped it up." "We're actually thousands of years old but when we reach the physical age of eighteen our aging slows down." "We still age but it's not as rapid or drastic.

"Damn." Matt said.

"How far away is your planet from ours?" Jimmy asked.

"It's light years away from yours." She said. "You would be old and bones before you could get there."

"How long exactly are you staying here?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know until my parents come and get me." She said. "If they don't I'm stuck here on your planet."

"Can't you use your capsule in the woods to go back?" Jimmy asked.

She shook her head. "It's programmed for only one trip." "It can sent you places but it can't send you back."

"So you're stuck here until then?" Zacky asked.

She nodded then lifted her crystal it was glowing.

"I touched that when I first found you." Jimmy said. "Why does it glow like that?"

"It's my mothers." She said. "She gave it to me that way no matter how far we are we'd still be connected." "The glowing means that she's still alive and can feel my presence."

"Cool." Johnny said.

She looked up confused. "It's not cold."

"No Arly." Jimmy said. "We use cool to refer to something that's awesome or unique or in your case out of this world."

She tilted her head. "Then I guess I accept that word to refer to my crystal."

Everyone laughed.

"So you don't look like an alien Arly." Brian said. "Well your eyes do and the tentacles are but as a whole you don't."

She looked confused. "What exactly am I suppose to look like?"

"It's nothing Arly." Jimmy said.

She still looked confused but accepted his answer.

"So what do we do now?" Johnny asked.

"Well we still got some rented movies and it was gonna be a guys night." Matt said. "But seeing how we got a new friend I see no problem with inviting her in."

"Does this mean more popcorn?" Arly asked excited.

Jimmy chuckled. "Yes more popcorn."