Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 6

The movie night went by smoothly with the exception of questions from Arly. About all the loud flashy special effects, explosives, etc. Eventually it was over.

"See ya tomorrow then Jimmy." Matt said as he walked them to the door. "You too Arly." He said with a smile.

She returned it. "Goodnight Matt."

He grinned before leaving.

"Since you don't have any clothes for her Jimmy." Brian said. "I'll talk to Michelle about taking her to the mall."

Jimmy grinned. "Thanks man."

"Who's Michelle?" Arly asked.

"She's another friend." Jimmy told her.

Arly nodded. "What's a mall?"

"A mall is a big place that has lots of stores you can buy things from." Johnny said.

"Okay but what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She asked.

"On our planet Arly you can't walk around in your underwear and a big T shirt all the time." Zacky said.

She looked down at her clothes. "I'll take your word for it."

He grinned. "See y'all tomorrow." Zacky said exiting.

"See ya Jimmy." Johnny said. "And it was nice making a new friend."

"Even though we didn't meet properly." Arly said.

They all laughed before Johnny left the house. Jimmy closed the door and turned to face Arly.

"Your friends are really pleasant." She said.

He grinned. "Sometimes they are but they can be a pain in the ass sometimes."

She titled her head confused. "How do they inflict pain on your rear?"

Jimmy chuckled. "It's a figure of speech Arly." "It means they can on my nerves sometimes."

"Now I understand it." She said with a smile then yawned.

"Tired?" He asked.

"A little." She said.

"Follow me." He said leading her to his room.

He opened the door she walked in looking at it curiously.

"This is your dwellings?" She asked.

He nodded. She walked over looking at the posters that littered his walls.

"Who are these people?" She asked.

"Some of my favorite bands I listen to." He said. "A band is a group of people who play music."

"These men are the same ones on this shirt." She said pointing at a Metallica poster.

He nodded. "They're called Metallica."

"Why do they call themselves that?" She asked. "Are they made of metal?"

"No." He said chuckling. "That's just a name they came up with to name themselves."

He walked over grabbing a headset. "You wanna listen to them?"

She walked over sitting on his bed.

"They won't hurt you." He said noticing her scooting away from the ear phones.

He placed them over her head then turned his MP3 on. It started off slow and soft them of went loud and screaming. Arly screeched throwing the headphones off and grabbing her ears.

"Why do they scream like they're mad?" She asked.

"They're heavy metal and hard rock." He said.

"All rocks are hard." She said confused.

"It's a type of music Arly so is heavy metal." He said. "And both involve screaming."

"Doesn't it hurt your ears?" She asked.

"Sometimes but it's enjoyable." He said.

"How is listening to people screaming like they've lost their sanity enjoyable?" She asked.

"It depends on what type of music you like." He said.

She thought about it before nodding. "What's that?" She asked getting up and walking to his telescope.

"It's a telescope." He said coming over. "It helps us to look at the sky and the stars better."

She titled it up then looked through the hole. She looked for a while before looking back at him.

"Is this how you found me?" She asked.

"Sorta I saw smoke coming from the woods it turned out to be your capsule." He said.

She nodded then yawned again.

"Do you want to clean up first?" He asked.

"Yes please." She said.

He lead her into the bathroom turning on the shower. He turned it on then left to get some clothes. He heard a loud screech.

Jimmy ran back into his room to find Arly wet and naked standing there.

"It burns." She said walking to him.

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you what's what." He said. "This is hot this is cold."

She turned the cold knob. Cold water came out.

"Thank you Jimmy. She said with a smile.

"You're welcome." He said blushing that he was standing here talking to her while she was naked. "I'll be outside if you need anything.

He walked back into his room sitting on his bed. Though Arly didn't seem to mind he felt awkward at the fact they had just met and he had seen her nude more times than he could count.

He was brought out his thoughts by Arly coming out the bathroom dressed in a shirt with her hair still wet. He got up.

"Ready for bed?" He asked.

She nodded.

He pulled the covers back on his bed setting some pillows down. She started shaking her head.

"I can't take your sleeping quarters Jimmy." She said.

"It's okay really I'll sleep in my moms room or the couch." He said.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

He nodded. "I'm sure."

She walked over slipping under the covers and settling in.

"Comfortable?" He asked.

"Yes very." She said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He said walking towards the door. "Goodnight Arly."

"Night Jimmy." She said.

Jimmy woke up the next morning falling out his moms bed.

"Shit." He said getting up and putting his pants back on.

Walking out the room he checked on Arly who was still asleep. Going downstairs he made pancakes and eggs. He heard the shower to on upstairs. A few minutes later Arly came down dressed in the shirt from last night and her hair wet.

"Good morning." He said facing her.

"Morning." She said siting at the table.

"You sleep well?" He asked placing a plate on front of her.

"Yes." She said eyeing the food. "What is that?" She asked poking at the pancake.

"It's a pancake." He said.

"How do you make a cake out of pan?" She asked.

"It's just a name we call them." Jimmy said. "They're really good though." He poured a little syrup on hers.

Taking a fork she picked one up sniffing it. Licking it she shoved it in her mouth chewing.

"You like them?" He asked.

She nodded and ate another till they were gone she shoveled her eggs in after them.

"Jimmy I'm sticky." She said pulling her fingers apart.

"It's the syrup." He said getting a wet towel and cleaning her hands and mouth off.

At that moment there was a knock at the door. Jimmy got up opening it to find Valary and Michelle standing there.

"Okay Jimmy I know you're obsessed with aliens." Michelle said. "But don't try to make Brian obsessed to:"

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"He called me last night and Matt called Valary last night saying we need to help the alien you were keeping here shop for clothes." She said putting Pinkly down.

"Her name is Arly and she is an alien." He said glancing worriedly as Pinkly entered the house.

"Jimmy you're one of my best friends but this has gone on long enough." Valary said.

Before he could answer Pinkly let out a startled yelp.

"Pinkly!" Michele yelled running into the house with Valary behind her.

"Oh my God." Valary whispered.

Jimmy walked in to see Arly had Pinkly in her tentacles she stared at the whimpering dog intensely.

"She's an...

"Alien." Jimmy finished for her.

Arly turned looking at the girls.

"Please don't hurt Pinkly." Michelle said.

Arly pulled Pinkly closer the dog barked licking her face. Arly giggled taking the dog in her arms and her tentacles went away.

She laughed as Pinkly licked her face. "What's her name?"

"Her name is Pinkly." Michelle stammered out.

Arly looked confused. "Strange name but cute."

"Jimmy who are they?" She asked staring at the new arrivals.

"This is Valary and Michelle." He said.

"Are they clones?" She asked.

Valary laughed. "No we're identical twin sisters."

"Twins?" She asked. "How can that be?"

"It's very rare but sometimes a woman can conceive identical twins." Valary said,

Arly nodded before putting Pinkly down. She ran to Michelle who picked her up.

"So Arly we're suppose to take you out for shopping." Valary said.

"Are you mad?" Michelle asked. "Didn't you see what she done to Pinkly?"

"That was just a defensive reaction she didn't harm her." Jimmy said. "And I can't have her walking around all day in her panties."

Michelle sighed. "Fine." "But she needs some pants."

"We have some in the car." Valary said. "Let's go."

Arly gave Jimmy a worried look.

"They're friendly they just have to get to know you like the guys." He said.

Arly looked at him then at Valary who gave her a small smile. She slowly walked over following them to the car.

Michelle got in starting the car. Arly screeched and hid behind Valary.

"It's a monster." She said.

Valary laughed. "No it's not." "It's a car it's one of the ways we travel." "That noise is just what it makes when we start it."

Valary took her hand and lead her to it opening the backseat door. Arly looked in then looked at Valary who gave her a small smile.

She finally got in and Valary put her seatbelt on then got in herself. Arly turned and looked at Jimmy who waved at her.

She returned the wave then watched as he became a little dot as they drove away.