Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 7

As they drove to the mall Arly gazed in wonder and fascination at all the sights they passed.

"So Arly how long are you staying here?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know until my parents come and get me." She said. "If they don't I'm stuck here."

"Why did you come here?" Valary asked.

"My parents sent me here for my protection and safety our planet was under attack." She said. "So they put me in a capsule and ejected me into space."

"Your parents sound like really good people or aliens in this case." Michelle said with a grin.

Arly smiled. "They are."

"Why is your pendant glowing?" Valary asked noticing it in the mirror.

"It's something my mother gave me it signals that she's still alive and can sense my presence even though we're far away." She said.

"That's awesome." Valary said.

"Awesome?" She asked confused.

"It's another way of saying something's great, good, or cool." Michelle said.

"That's what Johnny called it." She said with a laugh.

The twins joined in and they continued to drive till they got to the mall.

"It's so big." Arly said getting out.

"The inside is even bigger." Valary said.

"Here Arly." Michelle said holding out some sunglasses. "They're sunglasses."

Arly took them looking at them. "Do they come from the sun?"

She laughed. "No they call them that cause they shield your eyes against the sun."

"Why do I need them if we're gonna be inside though?" She asked.

"They're also good for hiding your eyes." Valary said. "Your eyes are silver our eyes aren't." "People will take notice of you."

Arly quickly put them on. "Everything looks dark now."

Michelle laughed. "That's just the color tint of the shades." "Lets to."

They walked with Pinkly to the front door. Valary opened it and they walked inside. Arly ran forward looking at the big fountain in the middle. She looked around at all the stores and people.

"I've never seen anything so amazing." She said turning to the twins.

"I guess it is pretty amazing." Valary remarked.

They stood there looking a little longer until Michelle broke the silence.

"First thing we get you some contact lens." She said as they walked along.

"Contact lens?" Arly asked.

"It's a little lens we put in our eyes." Valary explained. "They help us see better there's also different colored ones."

Arly nodded as they walked into the store.

"How may I help you?" The woman asked.

"My friend needs some contacts." Michelle said.

"Okay just browse around at our choices if you need help just wave me over." She said.

"Thank you." Michelle said.

They walked over looking at all the contacts. Arly picked up one called cats eye.

"This is strange." She said holding it up.

"It is but sometimes people like to wear them cause they look cool or sometimes they wear them for Halloween." Valary said.

"Halloween?" Arly asked. "The holiday where y'all dress up and scare each other and rot your teeth with sweets?"

"How did you know?" She asked.

"I know a little about Earth." Arly said.

Valary nodded and they continued looking.

"I like these." Arly said holding up a pair of chocolate brown ones.

"I think they fit you perfectly." Michelle said taking them. "Take your glasses off."

Arly took them off and saw her take a small cup looking thing on her finger. She stepped back.

"It's okay Arly." She said. "It's the lens we put it in and over your eyes."

"Will it hurt?" She asked.

"It might irraite your eyes a little but they usually don't." She said.

Arly looked at Valary who smiled. She walked back over.

"Hold still." Michelle said pulling her eye down. She slowly placed it over Arlys eye. "Okay now blink."

She blinked and looked in a nearby mirror. "Wow." She said touching her eye.

"Let me get the other." Michelle said putting the other one in.

Arly blinked and looked at her now brown eyes. Michelle was surprised by Arly hugging her.

"Thank you." She said.

"You're welcome." She said hugging her back.

Arly then turned and hugged Valary.

"Now let's pay for them and continue shopping." Michelle said taking her wallet out.

"I can't let you spend your money on me." Arly said.

"It's okay Arly this is why we're out." Michelle said. "To buy you things."

Arly still looked skeptical then finally said. "Okay."

After paying for the lens they went to JC Penneys. Arly looked at all the clothes like a kid in the candy store.

"What do I get?" She asked.

"Anything you want." Valary said.

She walked over to a rank picking out a red polka dot dress. "I really like this."

"Let's see if you can wear it first." Michelle said leading her to the dressing rooms.

Arly took the dress and came back out with it on.

"What size is that?" Valary asked looking at the tag. "Medium." "This means that your dress and shirt size is medium."

Arly nodded then they went and brought some more dresses, shirts, and pants.

Next they went to Shoe Department.

"Are these shoes evil?" Arly asked holding up a pink pair with a skull on the side and laced up in the back.

Valary laughed. "No they aren't that's just the design."

Arly nodded. "I would like to get these and these too." She held up a pair of cheetah print wedge heels."

"Okay but let's get you some tennis shoes and sneakers and how about a couple of flats?" Michelle asked.

"That sounds nice." Arly said.

After getting her some Nike and Sketchers, and some Fergie flats that made their way to Victorias Secrets.

"Valary could you please help me?" Arly asked coming out with the bra half way on her head.

Valary laughed. "Sure."

She unhooked it then pulled it over Arlys arms then hooked it in the back.

"How does it feel?" She asked.

"Strange." Arly said looking at the red and black lace undergarment.

"It feels like that at first but it'll get better." Valary said. "How bout some perfume?"

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's a scent that makes us smell good and better." Michelle said coming with a set of bras and panties. "Can she fit that one?"

"Yeah her bra size is 38 A." She said.

"How ironic that's all I have in my hands." Michelle said laughing.

They all laughed then went to the perfume. Arly picked one out and sprayed it. She coughed and covered her nose.

"Some of them are a little strong." Valary said.

Arly nodded and sprayed a gingerbread one. "This smells really nice."

"Okay let's get it then." Michelle said. "You can get another one with any purchase."

"I like the peppermint one too." She said getting it.

After paying they made their way down the mall to the beauty salon.

"You're an alien."

Arly jumped and grabbed Valary.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"The woman coming from there." She said pointing at the speakers. "She knows what I am."

Michelle chuckled. "It's just a song Arly." "She's just singing about aliens."

"Are you sure?" She asked looking at the speakers as it continued.

"I'm sure." She said. "Let's go."

They made their way to the hair salon. The woman washed Arlys hair. But she was reluctant to go under the dryer.

"It drys your hair it's not a monster." Valary said.

She went under it. After she was done the lady straightened her hair flipping the ends of it. Arly got close staring at herself.

"I look so different now." She whispered.

"You do but it's a good different." Michelle said paying.

"What are those hanging from your ears?" She asked Michelle.

"They're ear rings they're a type of jewelry." She said.

Arly then looked at Valarys dragon ear wrap. "May I get some?"

"Yes but your ears aren't pierce so we'll have to get them pierced." She said.

They walked into Claries where they talked to the woman. Arly laid the chair watching her come closer with the needle.

"Will this hurt?" She asked.

"Maybe a little but it will be brief." The woman said.

Arly took Valarys hand and squeezed her eyes tight. The woman pierce her ear. Arly let out a loud screech that made everyone look and the lights in the whole mall flicker.

"I'm sorry to have caused such a commotion." She said as she ate with the twins.

"It's okay." Michelle said. "Some people just don't have a high tolerance for pain."

Arly touched her black stud earrings again looking at the mirror.

"You're really loving your earrings aren't you?" Valary asked with a smile.

She nodded then looked up. "Thank you both so much for everything today."

"You're very welcome." Michelle said. "You ready to go?"

Arly nodded grabbing her drink. They grabbed her bags which were filled with clothes, shoes, headbands, jewelry, bras, panties, and nail polish.

They made their way outside getting in the car and driving away.

"Jimmy will you settle down?" Johnny asked.

"They've just been gone a long time." He said looking out the window again.

"They're chicks of course they're gonna be long." Brian said.

At that moment a car pulled up. Jimmy ran to the door with the others close behind.

"So how did it go?" Matt asked kissing Valarys cheek.

"It went really well and it was a lot of fun." She said.

"Yeah we're gonna need y'all's help getting the bags out." Michelle said.

All the guys groaned but stopped at the new beauty who got out the backseat.

"Look at you." Matt said with a deep dimpled grin.

Arly smiled and looked over all of them who gave her compliments and smiles. She last looked at Jimmy stared at her with wide eyes.

"Jimmy what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing you just look so beautfiul." He said.