Status: Complete

A Different Dimension

Chapter 9

After he finishing applying sunscreen lotion to Arlys back Jimmy sat a couple of inches away.

"Arly you want to go swimming?" Valary asked.

"Sure." She said with a smile getting up.

Valary grabbed her hand and she ran to the ocean with Val and Michelle. Arly stopped as they got to the edge. She stuck a toe in.

"It's cold." She said stepping back slightly.

"It is but it isn't that bad." Michelle said. "Come on."

Arly took her hand and they ran all the way out into the ocean diving in. They popped up laughing.

They took each others hands and started spinning together in a circle before going under again. Popping up Valary and Michelle gurgled and spit water at Arly.

She squealed and shot a long stream of water at both twins. They screamed. They started splashing her and Arly joined in laughing.

The guys sat on the sand watching the girls.

"You know she's pretty sweet for an alien." Zacky said. "Other than having a ton of questions she's pretty cool."

"Not to mention she's really beautiful too." Brian said smirking. "Wouldn't you agree Jimmy?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jimmy said looking away.

Matt rolled his eyes. "Like hell you do we've seen the looks you've been giving Miss ET and te way you get nervous around her." "And you never get nervous."

"Okay I find her attractive so what?" Jimmy asked. "It wouldn't work out."

"Why do you say that?" Zacky asked.

"Cause she's an alien and I'm human plus her parents might come and get her someday." He said. "Long distance relationships almost never work out."

"Doesn't mean nothing." Johnny said. "You like her and I can tell she likes you too." "Isn't that all that matters?"

Jimmy sighed and looked at Arly slowly popped up from the water. Her red hair running in a wet stream of color. She turned around and jumped on Michelles back causing both to fall in the water.

"Speaking of her Jimmy what if someone outside of us finds out about her?" Matt asked.

"Like who?" He asked.

"Jimmy how obsessed you are with this shit you should know that government related people will probably be looking for her." Brian said. "I'm sure they know something with all the satellites and shit we have revolving our planet I'm sure someone knows."

"I haven't really thought about that." Jimmy said. "If someone knows I won't let them take Arly."

"Jimmy it's kinda bigger than you." Zacky said. "We're talking about the government." "They'll either have you arrested of thrown in a mental ward."

"I don't care they're not gonna get Arly and do God knows what to her." He said.

"Well you know I'm behind you all the way." Johnny said. "I'll help protect her too."

"Me too." Zacky said.

"Ditto." Matt said.

"If I don't who else is gonna help us torture shortshit right here?" He said slapping Johnny on the back.

"Asshole." Johnny murmured rubbing his sun burned back.

At that moment the girls ran out the water and over to the guys.

"Babe we want to play the See Riding Contest." Valary said to Matt.

He grinned. "Okay I'll play."

"What's that?" Arly asked confused.

"It's when you sit on someones shoulders and try to push the other person off the person they're sitting on shoulders." Michelle said pulling Brian up. "You're participating too."

"Okay I'm up." He said grabbing her around the waist and ran out and threw her into the water.

"Ass!" She yelled getting out and playfully hitting him.

"Jimmy will you be my partner?" Arly asked with a smile.

His eyes widen slightly. Out the corner of his eye he saw Johnny and Zacky grinning.

"Okay." He said getting up as she lead him to the ocean.

After getting in Jimmy stood up as Arly got on his shoulders.

Her skin is so soft. He though feeling her legs and her flat stomach against his head.

"Now!" Valary yelled.

All three girls started tackling and pulling each other. Arly laughed as she almost fell off but regained her place on Jimmys shoulders. Matt grinned as Val grabbed his head almost falling off.

An idea came to Arlys head. She looked around to see if anyone else was looking. She slowly let two of her tentacles out her back and slithered in the water.

They went up tickling Val and Michelle on their spines. Both girls screamed in surprise and fell in the water.

The guys looked in surprise then laughed when they saw her tentacles in the water.

"That's so mean Arly." Matt said laughing as his girlfriend came up sputtering.

"Not fair Arly." Michelle said noticing her tentacles.

Arly smiled letting her tentacles slithered toward Michelle. She screamed and grabbed Brian.

Arly laughed allowing her tentacles to go back in her back. Jimmy was laughing so hard he was red. He looked up his eyes meeting Arlys. They stayed like that staring at each other.

"Y'all hungry?" Brian asked. "I sure am." He said.

Jimmy shook his head and put Arly on his back. He doggy paddled to land following Matt and Brian.

The officials looked over the egg shaped UFO they had found. They measured it while the General stood nearby observing them.

"General Cochran you might what to see this." One the men said.

The General walked over and bent down to look at where he was pointing. The bottom of it was opened and the inside was covered with dried slime.

"Whatever was in here has gotten out." He said.

"We'll search the whole area." He said getting up. "And question all the people who live near here." "It couldn't have gotten far."

Arly looked as her new friends ate their food. She glanced down at her plate eyeing the weird stick that was in between two soft spongy like things.

"What is this?" She asked.

"It's a hot dog." Zacky said.

Her eyes widen. "You eat dogs?" "I thought dogs were mans best friend you eat your own pet?"

Everyone laughed. "It's just what it's called Arly it's not made out of dog." Jimmy said. "It's made out of pork and bread just try it."

She picked it up sniffled it before taking a bite. She closed her eyes chewing then took another bite until it was gone.

"Good isn't it?" Brian asked smirking.

She nodded and ate her other one. After that they all sat down with ice cream cones.

"How is it ice cream and the cream is not icy?" She asked looking at hers.

"It's just another name it's actually frozen milk by it's good." Johnny said.

Arly licked hers then scrunched her face. "It's cold."

"That's why it's called ice cream." Matt said with a laugh.

"Well well if it isn't the alien squad?" A familiar voice asked.

Everyone turned to see Trent standing there with two friends.

"What do you want McCarthy?" Jimmy asked not in the mood.

"I have very right to be here as much as you losers." He said.

"Why don't you fuck off?" Johnny said.

"Ooh...the little midget is telling me what to do." Trent said then took notice of Arly. "Who's she?"

"She's a friend." Brian said.

"Are y'all sure y'all didn't brainwash her?" Trent asked. "Why else would a hottie like her be hanging with y'all?"

"Cause she wants to hang out with us." Matt said. "Now why don't y'all go away?"

"Are you'll what Sanders?" He asked challengeing. "Beat me up?" "You'll spend another night in jail."

Matt stood up but Valary pulled him back down telling him not to.

"You can't do it." Trent said mockingly then turned to Arly. "How bout you ditch this losers and come hang with us?"

"How bout no?" She said mad at this guy for messing with her new friends.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Cause you're what you might call an asshole." She said. "Though I don't know why y'all call each other that but it must be bad." "Cause assholes are stinky and repulsive." "And I don't associate with assholes."

Trents eyes looked surprised along with his friends. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm me and you are?" She asked.

"Really mad." He said.

"You might want to get help then madness is usually a sign of some mental problem." She said.

The gang snickered.

"Look you bitch...

He didn't finish his sentence cause Trent yelled then fell forward hitting his face on the table and dropping his milkshake on his head. Everyone including his friends burst out laughing.

Jimmy looked down and saw one of her tentacles was glowing slightly as it went back into her back.

"This isn't over!" Trent yelled as he walked away with his friends.

"Arly that was amazing." Brian said.

"It was her tentacles too." Jimmy said.

"What exactly did you do?" Matt asked.

"My tentacles have the ability to shock someone or thing we view as a threat." She said. "When he wasn't looking I shocked his ankle."

"Fucking awesome!" Johnny yelled.

"What does fucking mean?" She asked.

Everyone quietened down and looked at each other.

"What's wrong?" She asked confused. "What does it mean?"

"Arly it has a lot of meanings but the main one is something that takes a lot of explaining." Valary said. "It would still confused you."

"I still would like to know though." She said.

"Maybe Jimmy should explain it to you." Brian said with a smirk.

Jimmy glared at him then noticed Arly looking at him.

"Jimmy will you?" She asked.

"I will just not now." He said getting up. "Ready to go home?"

She nodded and got up. After bidding everyone goodbye they made their way to his car.

After getting in they drove home.