Gardevoir and Gallade

Gardevoir and Gallade

Gallade and Gardevoir lay on the beach, looking up at the stars. They looked at each other for a moment, and shared a tender kiss before returning to their star gazing. After a few more moments, they got up and went to their small cottage where their child, a baby Ralts, lay asleep in his crib. The proud parents stood over their child and smiled at each other, happy that something so beautiful could be brought into existence from their love. The baby gave a small cry and Gallade moved to pick up his son. He cradled the small Pokemon and looked lovingly back at his wife. Gardevoir smiled at the sight of the two and walked up to her husband. She lovingly took Ralts from Gallade and started to sing to him as he slept. Gardevoir sat down in a nearby rocking chair and cradled her son as she sang him a lullaby. Gallade looked at his wife again and smiled as he watched his family. Gardevoir put her son back into his crib and walked gracefully to her husband and they walked back to the front porch. The sun had just finished setting so all the stars were in full relief and twinkling beautifully. The saw a few bird Pokemon flying over head, trying to get in a few more miles before they had to stop and rest. The two lovers watched as the constellations appeared and sighed with bliss. They even looked up and saw a passing Mew, who playfully waved at the couple as he passed. Gallade waved back and gave Gardevoir a light squeeze. They kissed each other one last time before they went into their house and fell asleep in complete bliss.
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Well, that's all folks ^_^ hope you like it.