First Kiss

The First

I gazed into his eyes and admired the flecks of hazel mixed amongst the dark blue. His lips were moving, producing his smooth accented voice, but I was on cloud nine and so lost in his appearance. He stood a foot in front of me, and I knew he was keeping his face angled straight to hide his nose. During the date he had mentioned how when growing up in Bristol his classmates would tease him about his large nose, but I didn’t see it as a flaw. It wasn’t crooked, just rounder at the end, and it defined his face so well that my stomach fluttered every time I saw him. His jawline was sharp and dotted with black stubble, and some product gave his curls lift. I adored his complexion: a seemingly natural tan that made him appear exotic.

My lips were curving into a smile as I continued to watch him, wondering how it was even possible that such a kind man had a stunning exterior as well. I rubbed my gloved hands together and exhaled nervously, my breath lit in the bitter air by the streetlamp. He had run out of things to say, and I almost swooned when he gazed down into my eyes and moved his face closer to mine. Though my heart rate soared, time seemed to slow down. I extended my neck, leaving the comfort of my scarf and allowing my skin to be bit by the night’s air. We met in a soft touch, lips gently brushing against each other before he firmly pressed his to mine. Though I was filled to the brim with elation, in the back of my mind I knew that the first kiss was always the most exciting.