Status: hey! so please comment and tell me what you think.

Nothing Else Matters

instruments with bands...... and my father

“I have to admit, you are good.” My dad mumbles pointing to the BVB guys. “Told you dad, but you did not listen.” I state, crossing my arms, my dad’s mouth turn in to a thin hard line. “Cheer up will you Lars, these boys might carry on our legacy.” James whispers, my dad’s eyes still on me and back To Andy. “Yeah we will see.”

Can Lars be such an ass now! “We have to get to the studio.” Robert finally spoke up to clear the uneasy silence surrounding us. “Oh and CC, you better watch out,” My dad points to me with a huge grin. “You got some competition.” He finishes his sentence kissing my cheek walking back up to the kitchen.

“I totally agree.” My god father says waving goodbye. The rest said their goodbyes heading to the rehearsals. “You are pretty darn good Bell.” CC says with a grin. “It’s my passion.” I smile caressing my acoustic guitar with my thumb. “When are you guys leaving?” I ask turning my attention back to them.

“Tonight, we are heading to Kansas.” Jake spoke up. “It would be awesome to go on tour with you guys.” Yes that was a hint, but even if they say yes, I can’t my father wont allow it, me with five guys travelling on a bus, that’s just in humane. “That would be amazing yes.” Ashley sighs getting up from the brown sofa. “We need to get going.” Jake mumbles. I nod waving my hand to the stairs.

“We will let you know when we arrived.” Andy says hugging me tight, oh I wanted this for so long this is my safe haven, he lets go and kisses my temple. “Bye,” I mouth as they climbed in the black van. Andy looks sad, depressed all of them do, they just met their idols of course they are going to be an emo. I know the feeling I am building up to depression seeing them leaving, oh how I wanted to come with. I turn around strolling back into the house seeing my mother cleaning up.

“Hey mom, I think I am in love.” I whisper crashing on the sofa. “Oh sweetie, I can see it.” She giggles. “I don’t understand, I mean it could never work right? What he is twenty three and I am just a spoiled sixteen year old brat having a fan girl moment.” I sigh heavily realising I just agreed with my father, even though I hate to admit it.

“Even though I hate it to agree with your father as well, but he is right I am also scared you are going to get hurt belle, the way Andrew looked at you,” She sits down pushing her hair back. “It’s the way your father looked at me.” She gives me a crooked smile and hugs me quick. “You are amazing angel; it was hard for Andrew not to fall for you.” She mummers standing up walking into the kitchen,
♠ ♠ ♠
So I want some feed back like I want some PIe! Please tell me what you think, one comment maybe two or five! I need some comments, lol I sound like a lunatic! Anyway yeah.
