Until We Meet Again

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Cade's POV

The final bell rang and I walked outside of the classroom where Gage was waiting for me. He gave me a warm smile and waved.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" I asked cheerfully.
"I thought that I would walk you home, is that okay?" he replied.
"That would be wonderful!" I said.

The thing with Gage is that I can talk to him about anything, and I never run out of things to say wtih him. Even though we just met, it feels like I've known him for years. He slightly reminded me of Camdon. My house was fairly close to the school, so it wouldn't be that long of a walk. We were talking the whole time, when suddenly, we were silent. Neither of us said a word. Then we both started laughing to retrieve ourselves out of the akwardness. We finally reached my house.

"Here's my house, would you like to come in?" I asked.
"No that's okay, I gotta get home, but get online, okay?" he replied.
"Okay, I can do that!" I said, then gave him a hug.

I walked in my house and no one was home, thankfully. I wasn't in the mood to be bombarded with questions. I went into my room and turned on my computer. I got onto AIM and waited for Gage to get on. When he got on, he IMed me before I had the chance to click on his name.

xXx Gage xXx: Hey Cade!
XxiluvMCRxX: Hi there!
xXx Gage xXx: You like MCR I see...
XxiluvMCRxX: Yes they are my favorite band!
xXx Gage xXx: You should come over then, I have a suprise for you.
XxiluvMCRxX: Ok, when?
xXx Gage xXx: How about now? I only live a few houses down, I can come get you.
XxiluvMCRxX: Ok see you in a few minutes!
xXx Gage xXx: Bye!
xXx Gage xXx has signed off.

I sat outside and waited for Gage. I watched him come down the road, he is beautiful I must say. He's probably only being friendly though. He came up to me and reached his hand out to me, I took it. We walked back to his house, still holding hands.

We got inside and he ran up to his room. I followed him. I entered his room and it was covered with My Chem posters. I was so amazed. He ran over to me with his hands behind his back.

"Pick a hand!" He said.
"Uhh..okay," I replied as I choose his right hand.

He pulled out an MCR concert ticket. I was so happy so I hugged him.

"The concert is at the end of the week, can you go with me?" He asked.
"I should be able to, you don't have to do this though," I said.
"It's fine, I want you to go with me," he replied.