Until We Meet Again

Chpater 16

[A/N: sorry i havent updated in a long time, i've had a bad case of writers block, and i've been busy with drivers training and stuff like that. Sorry now my writing for this story is a little rusty, cuz i haven't updated in so long]

Chapter 17 - Cade's POV

Gage and I sat down at our lunch table and waited for Roxi. She came in with Leon. I was happy to see that the two of them were getting along so well. They reminded me of Camdon and I, in a way, I quickly shook the thought of Camdon out of my mind, I didn't want to start crying. All lunch period I watched the happiness glow in Roxi and Leon's eyes, again I began to think of Camdon and I, only this time, the thought of him wouldn't leave my mind. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I walked up to a sink and rested my hands on it. Roxi came in and put her hand on my shoulder, since there wasn't much else she could do, she had no clue what was going on.

"I'm sorry," I began.
"For what?" Roxi asked.
"You and Leon just reminded me of Camdon and I," I explained.
"Who's Camdon?" She questioned, looking confused.

I remembered that I haven't told her about Camdon, so I decided it was time to tell her the story. By the time I got done she was crying as well.

"That is so horrible, I'm so sorry," She said, reaching her arms out to hug me.
"Yeah, but life goes on," I muttered, trying to pull myself back together.
"Don't say that! He was a big part of your life! Go outside, Gage is waiting for you," She ordered.
"Okay, thanks for listening to me," I said, before leaving the bathroom.
"Anytime," She replied.

I walked outside and ran into Gage's arms. I still didn't know if he knew why I was crying, but I just stood there hugging him, not saying a word.