Until We Meet Again

Chapter 1

I sat by my lonesome at the lunch table as everyone threw food at me. This was an everyday routine, and I never did anything about it. Camdon usually showed up fifteen minutes after lunch started, I'm guessing he would be in the bathroom re-doing his make-up. I swear that boy is worse than me when it comes to make-up. Until the time Cam came in, I was everyone's target. When he eventually comes in, he threatens the people enough to stop throwing shit at me. How am I so different? Just because I'm not one of "them", I'm weird, freak, emo, and the list goes on. Finally I saw Camdon come through the doors. He was getting just as fed up as me, so today I guess he decided to try something different. He walked up to the "leader" and tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and Cam threw a punch. This gave the "leader" a bloody nose, so the rest of his minions attacked Camdon. The fight ended up being 5 vs. 1, and Camdon wouldn't be able to take on all five of them, and I'm not strong enough to fight myself out of a wet paper sack. I ran up to him, and by the time I got there they had Cam on the ground kicking and punching him and anything else humanly possible. I managed to get myself in the middle and pull Camdon out and into the bathroom, not caring that I was taking him into the girls' bathroom. He was pretty beat up.

"Are you okay? I asked, while handing him a wet paper towel, to tend to the cut underneath his eye.
"Yeah, I guess so. I just can't take this shit anymore!" he replied.
"I'm sorry, you didn't have to do that for me," I said.
"I know, but I hate seeing you like this, you're my best friend," he said back.
This was true. He was my one and only friend. The only boy I've had a romantic or friendly relationship with, though our romantic relationship didn't last long, I still had many feelings for him.
"You're my only friend, you wouldn't even know how upset I would be if something happened to you!" I stated.
"Oh..." Was all he said in return.

I gave him a little peck on the cheek and led him out and down to the library, our only escape from this hell. We entered the library and sat in the chairs in the back corner of the room. This is usually where we draw, or read, or talk about our problems. This was "our" corner. We took our seats and Camdon put his head in his hands as I saw a tear stream down his face.

"Cam it's gonna be okay," I said, resting my hand on his leg.
"No, Cade I don't think it is..." He replied, grabbing my hand. "I can't handle this anymore. I'm sick of this. Why? Why us?
"It's just because we're not one of them." I answered. "It's just because we're different."
"I know but it's not fair!" he yelled as he stood up and paced around.
"I know, but life isn't fair." I commented.
The bell rand. Only an hour left of this torture until I can go home. I started to walk off.
"Cade wait," Camdon stopped me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I love you. I'll see you later." he said, then walked away.
"I love you too," I replied, under my breath, after he walked off.