Until We Meet Again

Chapter 4

I have been miserable for days. The funeral showings were horrible, and today was the funeral. Somehow, I made it through it. I stayed with Camdon's parents last night, so I would get to the funeral home right away. I was wearing a black and red dress that went down to my knees, and a black funeral hat. Everyone started showing up around 10:30, and the funeral started at 11. The thing that pissed me off the most, is that the jocks had enough nerve to show up. I don't know why they are even here, if there wasn't a funeral right now, I would be over there beating the shit out of them, so they can see how Camdon felt.

As soon as the funeral started, I began to cry. I knew this would be the last time I would get to see Camdon in person, the last time I would touch him, the last time I could say anything to him. After that, all you have left is pictures and memories, which eventually fade away. It was the worst day of my life. When we were asked if we would like to say anything, I stood up and walked to the podium. I had made a speech, but I didn't tell anyone until now. I quietly pulled a crinkled piece of paper out of my purse as I was holding back tears as best as I could. I calmly read the paper.

"I wrote this after Camdon's death, and I hope you all understand it." I said, as I began to read. "Camdon was my best friend, my only friend. We may not have been 'cool' or 'popular', but we were happy enough. Until I began to get bullied." I said, glaring ath the jocks so they knew I was refering to them. "Everyday at lunch people threw stuff at me, made rude comments, and mocked me. They would never stop. Camdon would come in and stick up for me, all though they still would never stop. His last day at school, he could not take this any longer, and got into a fight with all of you." I continued, pointing right at the jocks, so everyone was aware who the murderers were. "If it wasn't for you bullying me, Daryn, he would still be here today." I said, beginning to raise my voice. "You are the reason he is dead, you are the reason we are all here, this is all your fault." My voice became quiet, my eyes were flooded with tears. "All because we were 'different'." I concluded. Then I did something I wasn't planning on. I walked right up to Daryn and stared him in the eye and coldy said, "I hope your happy," then walked away. His face showed no emotion, so I don't know how he reacted to this.

After the speech part of the funeral was over, we all climbed into the limos and cars and rode to the cemetery. I was in the limo directly behind Camdon's hearse. It was the worst ride of my life. I cried the whole time. Never again will I see his beautiful face, or see him at school. He was gone, forever.

It began to rain as we walked to the open grave at the cemetery. This made everything twice as dreadful. They gently put Camdon's casket down into the six foot hole. His final resting place, where no one would bother him again.

I don't see how everyone can go have dinner after a funeral. It's like 'My best friend just got buried and I will never see him again, let's eat!'. I think it's horrible. I couldn't do it, so I said my goodbyes to Camdon's parents, and quietly walked home. The whole time I just thought of Camdon's lifeless body, lying peacfully in the casket.