Until We Meet Again

Chapter 5

Here I was once again, sitting in the lunchroom. I had just returned to school, after staying home for a week, trying to put myself together again. I thought that maybe, just maybe, the bullying would stop after my speech at the funeral. Did it? Of course not, except this time, Camdon wouldn't be there to save me, he would never walk through those doors again. I sat there silently and read a book, then I heard laughter from Daryn's table, followed by a paper tossed in my direction. I discretly stuffed it in my purse, to read it later, so I wouldn't have to be mocked more if I read it there. The bell finally rang and I went into the bathroom. I unraveled the note and it said, 'He's dead, deal with it and move on you emo freak!' I placed it in my purse again and walked to class. Daryn happened to be in my next class, so I decided to say something to him when he wasn't around his drones.
I quietly walked into the algebra class, and sat next to Daryn. He gave me an odd look, but I remained in the seat. After a minute or two, I spoke up.

"Are you proud of yourself?" I coldy asked.
"For what?" he asked, acting confused.
"For killing one and destroying another?" I asked, glaring at him.
His eyes shifted, and he quieted his tone. "Truthfully, no I'm not. I wish this would of never happend. I don't know what posseses me to do this. I'm really sorry."
"Well sorry isn't going to cut it." I said.

Before he could say anything else I rose up from my seat and walked out of the classroom. I didn't care anymore, I gave up trying to be strong. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked down the long, deserted hallway and walked out of the school. Never again, do I want to enter this hell again. I walked home, and went up to the door. I reached in my purse for my key, but couldn't find it. I searched my pockets and anywhere else I could have possibly put it, failing to find it. I finally gave up and sat on my porch, waiting for someone to come home.