Until We Meet Again

Chapter 7

We pulled up to a decent sized house. It was white with blue shutters, which is an odd color coordination for a house. It had two stories, and all the houses on the road looked the same, but with different colors. I stepped out of the car to begin my new life. I walked inside the house and straight upstairs to claim my bedroom. I found the bathroom, the master bedroom, and two empty rooms. I took what seemed to be the bigger room, and wrote 'Cade's Room!' on the door. I walked back downstairs and explored the rest of the house. I went outside and told my parents that I approved of the house. They were happy and began to move everything in. It took us the rest of the day to move everything in, and then tomorrow we would still have to rearrange it all. When everything was inside, I sat at the table, while my mom made dinner.

"Do you think you'll be okay here?" my mother asked as she set my plate down infront of me.
"Yes, hopefully, as long as school isn't like what it was back in Milford." I replied.
"Oh that's right, we will have to register you tomorrow, are you ready to go back?" she questioned.
"I think so," I answered.

After dinner I plastered my bedroom walls with my posters, mostly My Chemical Romance and The Misfits. Then I put everything in place just how I wanted it. It looked perfect. Now I just needed to paint the walls and I would be set. I took my iPod out of my purse and listened to it. I put on 'Famous Last Words' and quietly sang along to Gerard's voice.

"I am not afraid to keep on living.
I am not afraid to walk this world alone.
Honey, if you stay I'll be forgiving.
Nothing you can say could stop me going home.

I am not afraid to keep on living.
I am not afraid to walk this world alone.
Honey, if you stay I'll be forgiving.
Nothing you can say could stop me going home.

I woke up early the next day to get ready for school. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I straightened my hair and put on my makeup. I put on a dark color eyeshadow and both black and red eyeliner. I wore a Misfits fiend logo shirt and a pair of dark jeans, along with my slip on vans. The drive to my new school was quiet and akward. I didn't want or need my mom to go in with me, so I quietly got out of the car and went inside. It was a big school, bigger than Franklin Anthony. I walked into the office and the secretaries gave me a strange look, I smiled in return. I introduced myself and they showed me to the pricipal's office. He introduced himself, though I wasn't paying attention because someone that was in there caught my eye. I had no clue who he was, but I knew I wanted to get to know him. He had black and red hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Finally when the principal was going to show me my classes, he caught me looking at him and introduced me to him.

"Cade, this is Gage, I believe he's in your grade," he said.
"Hi..." I said shyly, I had to of been blushing.
He gave a quick nod and then the principal led me to my second hour class, since it took forever for them to make my schedule. It was science, my most hated subject. I walked in the class and half of the kids in there were preps, while the others were normal. I knew I wasn't going to fit in here. They gave me weird looks and began to whisper among themselves. The teacher seemed fairly nice, but he was most likely just putting on an act.

After that was lunch. I didn't really feel like associating with anyone so I just sat at a table alone, but I was used to that. A few minutes later someone walked up to me. It was Gage.

"Hey, you mind if I sit here?" he asked.
"No go ahead," I replied.

Maybe this school wasn't going to be so bad after all...