Until We Meet Again

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - Gage's POV

I was sitting in class when the office secretary knocked on the door. I knew exactly what she wanted, me. She whispered something to my teacher, who then motioned me to go with her. I walked silently down the hallway, not looking at the secretary. Neither of us said a word on the way to the office. When we entered the office, she pointed me down the hall to the principal's office, a room I was all too familiar with. I walked in and the principal motioned for me to sit down. I guess no one likes talking anymore. I quietly sat in the seat.

The principal sighed. "Gage....your grades have not improved. You've done nothing but slack in everything you do this year. You used to be such a good student."
"Yea, before my dad died," I replied coldy.

The principal opened his mouth to say something, but right before the words tumbled out of his mouth, the secretary brought a girl into the office. She was beautiful. The principal introduced us, her name was Cade. Then he left me to show her to her class. I just got up and left. I wandered around, I didn't feel like going back to class. This is what the principal ment by slacking off.

It was a year and a half ago. My father had pancreatic cancer. There was nothing they could do for him. He was the only thing I had, since my mom never cared about me. He eventually got worse and worse. The hardest part, the doctors sent him home before he got that bad off, thinking he would be okay. Obviously he wasn't. Before he died, I was a "perfect" student. I had good grades, and I was in alot of sports. I had a girlfriend, her name was Ami, my father died on our one year anniversary, which made things even harder. After that, things just fell apart between us, and we eventually just broke up. I lost my rep, I lost my friends, I lost everything. Today I am still trying to get back on my feet, but I don't want to be who I used to be. I'm okay with who I am now.

I didn't go to second hour either, so I finally just went to lunch. When I walked in, I saw her sitting all by herself. I felt bad, so I asked if I could sit with her, since I had no one else to sit with. At first things were akwardly silent, but after a few minutes we were talking about everything, music, school, life, death, she told me about her friend that commited suicide, and that's why she came here. I was surprised she opened up to me as fast as she did. The bell rang and we got up to go to class. Somehow, we ended up with next hour together, lit and comp. We walked to class together, still talking. I have never talked to someone as much as I have talked to her. Finally, she asked about me.

"So, tell me about yourself," she said.
"Well let's see..." I began. "My name is Gage, uhh, I'm sixteen, and I'm a complete burn out."
"What do you mean by that?" She questioned, she was so interested.
I told her everything about my dad's death and what my life was like before. She looked as if she was about to cry. I was shocked.
"That's horrible. But I'm glad that you are who you are now, or you would just be another bully to me." she said.
"I would never do that to you!" I exclaimed.
She began to laugh. "Well I hope not."

We walked into class and I sat by her. We didn't listen to the lecture, and we still talked. The funny thing is, we never ran out of things to say. We had so much in common, and she looked so intrigued by our conversation.

I walked her to her last class, and I gave her a friendly hug, and my AIM screen name. I looked back as she walked away. I think I may have found my perfect match.