Status: ~*HALTED FOR NOW*~ Sorry guys :(

Forest of Madness

Chapter 3

That night the dream came with more horrifying details. I was walking as the fog grew thicker. In the distance I could see a fire burning through the window of a log cabin. I ran to it in hopes of finding help. I saw a boy chopping wood. He looked about my age with sandy brown hair.

"Excuse me.. I nee-" My sentence falls flat as he turns and faces me. "Jeremy! Everyone is looking for you! Where are we?" A cruel grin spreads across his face.

"April, this is my home now. I'm never going back. Here inside the madness is a land of wonder. Tell them to stop looking, and I can stop looking as well." I stare at him confused. "You came to me after all, I don't have to hunt for you anymore."

"What do you mean?..." I start to back away as a chainsaw manifests in his hands. It roars to life with a growl that mimics the sound of breaking bones.

"If you die here...the madness will be complete and happy, and..." He trails off and raises the spinning blade two inches from my face. "You were nice enough to save me the trouble of hunting you down." I turn on my heel and run through the dark forest.

"Run all you want April, the madness will eventually have you." The fog thins out and I see the edge of a cliff before me. I left out a scream and turn to see Jeremy close behind.

Suddenly he just disappears along with the rest of the dream. I open my eyes to see Erin standing above me shaking me.

"April are you ok?" I blush and sit up.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you." He smiles and tilts his head. His curly brown hair falls in front of his blue eyes.

"Wake me? I think you woke the whole neighborhood. Nice set of lungs you got there." I blush deeper and look down smiling at his joke. Erin is two years older than me and has always has the power to make me feel better no matter what. He also makes me feel really nervous. Like not the bad kind of nervous. The butterflies in your stomach kind. Since he's been my brothers best friend since we were kids, he's been in my life for quite some time. "Lucky for you Matt sleeps like the dead." He smiles before walking out of the room. "sweet dreams Rose Bud." My face reddens to the shade of a cherry at the pet name he has called me since I was six.

I bury myself deep in my covers. My heart races and I can feel the heat coming off my face. Why does he has this power over me and not even realize he's doing it? I snuggle into my pillow thinking of him and slowly drifting off. The image of Jeremy appears before my eyes and they jerk back open. I sigh and get out of bed. I guess I could use a little tv time to numb my brain.

After awhile I manage to drift back off to sleep. The dream finds me once again, but this time, someone is running with me and holding my hand.

"I will protect you no matter what." The mysterious voice says. I try to make out their face, but it gets lost in the fog. "Always." The dream fades away leaving my subconscious in the dark.