Status: ~*HALTED FOR NOW*~ Sorry guys :(

Forest of Madness

Chapter 8

She laughs in that beautiful insane way and lunges at me with the kitchen knife. I avoid her the best I can. I don't want to harm her, but I know if I'm to live, she must die. Maybe I could find a way to snap her out of this. I avoid another blow and grab her wrist.

"Won't you dance with me April?" She breaks free and lunges again. I turn and the blade just barely misses my face. I sigh and try to manifest my sword again. I feel something dark probing at the outskirts of my mind. "The madness feels great, doesn't it? Yes! Use it! Summon your blade, but it will cost you a piece of your sanity."

"Sarah you have to wake up!" I give up on the sword and break a long shard of bark from a nearby tree. Blood pours out from the opening I just made. The sight of it makes me feel sick to my stomach. "What is this place? Who or what is doing this to you?"

"Our mistress. She promised us great happiness if we did this one little job for her." Her twisted smile strikes a nerve in me and I spring at her. My fist lands a blow on the bridge of her nose and I feel it break beneath my hand. She looks at me unfazed. "I feel no pain from your attacks. Jeremy failed our mistress. So now I must do it myself." She grabs and handful of my hair and yanks it back. My neck lay exposed to the metal of her knife.

"Who is your mistress?" She just shrugs and brings the blade down to my skin. Before ending it all, she kisses my neck and bites slightly. I shiver at her touch. She was as cold as death. Her breath smelled of decay and it made me gag. I trip her and she stumbles. The knife digs down into my shoulder and I fall to my knees screaming. She rips it out of my flesh and brings it back down to my throat.

A small, round blade flies past my face and in a second, her hand is detached from her wrist. Blood spouts out and rains down around me. I hear the familiar sound of boots crushing twigs. He steps from the shadows and crosses him arms.

"I'm not comfortable killing a woman." Sarah smirks at my guardian. "However..." He continues. "My friends are indifferent." A howl echos through the air and five black wolves step into the clearing. Sarah manifests another knife in the hand she has left. A scream escapes her lips as the leader of the pack pounces on her. It begins to rip her throat out viciously. The other join and tear her body apart. My guardian turns and faces me.

"April.." I begin to sway on my knees. The world grows dimmer. All the blood I had lost is finally catching up to me.

"Thank you..." I whisper. He picks me up and carries me through the forest.

"Stay with me April. I love you too much to let you die." The last part of his sentence echos as I black out. "I love you.."