‹ Prequel: Perfect Picture



“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I fucked up, I fucked UP!” Spencer wailed as he blasted the steaming and smoldering oven with a fire extinguisher.

It had been a harmless experiment! One of his co-workers at his job had been talking about how she had tried to bake lasagna in a Pyrex dish, but it had overheated and exploded within ten minutes. And because explosions and denotations were his expertise he had decided to buy his own Pyrex dish and use a cooling solution that he had developed and use it to stabilize the dish. And it had been working, until he had gotten hungry and had decided to make some ramen noodles, but he hadn’t thought of how the heat from the stove would affect the oven temperature and before he knew it there was a loud ‘BANG!’ and the over door had flown clean off! At first the only mess was the broken glass, and the broken door, but then the pressure from the oven caused the top of the stove to rupture and two of the eyes turned on!

Spencer had panicked for a couple of minutes, jumping from ‘I’m a failure as a scientist!’ and ‘Motherfucking shit!’ before he calmed down enough to run over to his neighbor’s house and beg the elderly man for his fire extinguisher. He knew he should have called the fire station, but if he did then, Kay would have been notified and then he’d have to leave his important business meeting, and then everything would be ruined.

“Go out, go out! Please go out!” Spencer yelled at the blazing oven. He was so happy that Spencer had let him decorate the house and use marble everywhere, or else the whole house would have burned down by now.

Finally the fire died, and all that was left was a burnt steaming husk and the acrid smell of overcooked ramen noodles and burnt water. Spencer stared at the charred mess, debating on whether he had enough time to call somebody to remove the oven and drive over to Ikea and get a new one.

He grabbed his keys, glancing at the destroyed oven a few times and giving it a few extra blasts from the extinguisher to make sure it wouldn’t spontaneously ignite, and headed for the door, but stopped abruptly as a little nugget of information dawned on him.

“It’s 11:00 o’clock, Ikea is closed!” He wailed, flopping onto the ground and curling into a ball. He had planned to buy the exact same oven and install It after the old one was removed, so everything would be as good as new, before Kay came home! “I’m hopeless...” He whimpered.

- -

“Jesus Christ, Spencer are you okay? What the hell happened?” Spencer demanded, as he ran in, crouching next to his boyfriend and touching him lightly to see if he was injured.

“I killed the oven, Kay. I’m sorry.” Spencer whimpered, his eyes glistening as tears threatened to fall.

It was then that Spencer noticed the kitchen disaster, and the terrible smell. “Screw the oven, Spence. Did you get hurt anywhere?” Kay asked, checking the other man over some more.

“Noo-o, but I—

“As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.” Kay murmured, giving his partner a kiss. "So don't cry okay?"

Spencer sniffled and nodded, returning the kiss, and clinging to his boyfriend.

Kay glanced around the kitchen, his gaze landing on the oven massacre. “What happened anyway?”

Spencer cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Science.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehehe :D
Thanks to Kim Wonshik for giving me inspiration!