Status: Active but updates are slow

Unholy Nightmare


We crossed the Nevada state line and Adam was directing us from the back seat. I would glance back at him once or twice and he seemed to be squished seeing that he was in the middle of Cujo and Bella. When Cujo wanted to he could be a real hog when it came to having to share space. I looked around as we passed through each city and the country side was incredible even though Nevada was mostly desert.

"Adam since you're from here. Do you know anything about this place we are going to?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well the place used to be a grocery and feed supply store a long time ago and then it became a boarding house. It ran for a while before shutting down and then it was supposed to be a prison but during renovations to make it secure enough to house prisoners there wasn't enough funding or something and all the plans had stopped."

"So it's just there now? I mean not being used for anything?" Matt asked as he drove.

"Yeah basically. I knew of one person who wanted to turn it into a warehouse for animal feed and a sort of tractor supply but that never happened. So it's sat abandoned for almost 10 years."

"How could you possibly know all of this?" I asked as I raised a brow while looking back at him.

"Before the world went to shit I used to work for the state. Basically I was the one approving the funds for companies who wanted to build or start a business in a structure that's already built."

"I don't see how you kept the place we're going to in your mind." I stated shaking my head.

"The place always stood out in my mind since every business that wanted to put their mark there never lasted more than 6 months but only one person that I know of actually bought the place and used it for something. I mean it never was a business idea or anything so I'm guessing it was only used to store things in. Of course I don't know who would have so much shit to put in that big of a place. Sometimes I would drive out there and see huge trucks parked at the side of the building and people walking around carrying stuff but I could never go up there because of the rolling chain link fenced gate would be shut after a truck would come in."

"I guess the mystery of the place is just as big of a mystery to you as it is to us." Matt commented. Adam nodded his head and I turned around. Now I'm even more curious to what Otis has in store.


"Okay in about a mile you'll need to turn onto Lowe's Road. It's a dead end and the gate will be at the end." Adam said Matt followed his instructions and turned left on the dead end road. Matt drove down the straight road and as he came upon a small rise in the road, you could clearly see the gate. He stopped the car and we got out keeping the dogs inside the car.

"When you said that the gate would close after trucks would come through, was there someone closing it?" Matt asked as I examined the fence.

"No it would close automatically so there has to be an override box here somewhere." Matt and Adam looked on one side and I was searching on the other. I found a small grey metal box that was situated on top of a short pole and I opened it. It had a squared hole in the center and it looked like a strange kind of key would fit there.

I dug through one of the pockets of my bag and brought out the ring of keys and found the one with a square end. I pushed the key in and twisted it to the right but nothing happened. I left my place and pulled on the gate and it was pulling open. I went inside and seen another one of the metal boxes but this one was labeled in big block letters LOCK GATE. I guess it's the way you can lock it.

"Violet, how in the world did you open it?"

"I have the key. A man who had brought me into his house and taught me everything I needed to know to survive gave me these plus the map when he died." I informed Adam and he gave me a look of sympathy.

"Let's get everyone inside the gate and find out what's in that building."

"When you get inside I'll lock the gate back and then we can head on up." I said and Matt nodded. He waved to everyone to follow and he got into the car and drove through the open gate. He then parked on the side as everyone came through and started up the paved road. I pulled the gate closed and used to my key to lock it. I pulled on the fence to make sure and it was locked up tight. I got back into the car with Matt and he sped off so he could lead them again.

"The drive is still about 3 miles until we are actually at the building." Adam stated and I nodded as Matt drove and I was looking out for any of those flesh eaters. After driving 3 miles up the paved road of this unknown building, we finally pulled up. Brian parked beside Matt and then Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy. We all got out and this time letting the dogs run around and do their business.

I scanned the area and it seemed to be protected by the same chain link fencing as the gate was made out of. The building was long and I bet if I had an aerial view of this place I would be able to see just how large it is. I took my weapon from the car and Cujo followed me to the front of the building with the others. The door was chained with a padlock and I used the keys to easily open it. We all raised up our weapons just in case there was something in there that we didn't like. I pushed open the door and the sunlight shone through the windows and the first place we went to looked like an office. There was a huge desk and the plants had died a long time ago but everything looked brand new. It was as if the place had been done over yesterday. I went around the desk and opened the drawers but they were empty.

"Did you find anything?" Zacky asked and I shook my head no. I went over to the door that was behind the desk and slowly cracked it open. Cujo sniffed the doorway before looking up at me as to say it was alright to enter. I pushed the door open more and went inside to the main area. The wide open space had several enclosed built areas with doors on them. I went over to one and pushed it open and it was a bedroom. Matt, Brian, Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy went to the other doors and they were all bedrooms too.

I went on through the place and opened another door at the end of the hall where the bedrooms were. Inside there was an array of supplies ranging from canned food, MREs, 8 huge tanks filled with water, and a big deep freezer that had meat packed with dry ice to keep it from rotting. On one side of the room sat all this stuff and on the other side there was a fridge, sink, and stove plus lots of cabinets. I opened on of them and it had everything that had to do wit either cleaning or cooking. There has to be some kind of generator around here so the fridge would be operable but where is it? 2 more doors sat side by side on one of the far walls so I went to the first and opened it. I found the Ginny and several gallons of gas cans and taped to the generator was another envelope. I picked it up and took the letter out before reading.


I see you finally got to this place. About 10 years ago after the unsuccessful businesses that tried to plant here I bought this warehouse. Over the years I had hired contractors to come in and build special areas like bedrooms, bathrooms, the kitchen area that you had just seen, and this generator area. 2 areas that I had specially made is the next room over to this one and another one you will find outside in a small shed. Once the door opens you will get the surprise of a lifetime. Please stay here. I've made this place as safe as I could but you will have to make it safer. So enjoy looking around and make yourself at home.

-Otis 'Nightmare' Lowe

Another damn surprise. For real? I shook my head and folded up the letter and slipped it into my pocket. I checked the generator and then filled it with gas. I pushed on a button and it cranked to life. The lights came on and I smiled. At least we now have power. I left the generator room and everyone was looking around. Jimmy was fascinated by the water tanks that were beginning to get cold. I went to the next door and peaked inside. I smiled and I knew Matt would love to see what's inside.

"Hey Matt. Could you come here for a minute?" I yelled and he came over to me.

"What is it?"

"I think you should see what's behind this door." I said smiling. He started to raise his weapon but I shook my head. He looked at me confused but lowered it anyhow. Matt pushed open the door and his jaw almost dropped down to the floor. The room was filled with 4x4 trucks all suited up for anything that could happen. All of them had .50 caliber machine guns attached to the roof and a heavy duty steel bumper than could ram through anything with absolutely no problems at all.

"Someone has sure been busy."

"Otis hired people to get this stuff specially made." I said as we looked around the room at all the stuff. The room even had it's own gas pump.

"How did you know that? I thought you said that you had never been here before." I pulled the letter from my pocket and handed it to him. Matt unfolded it and began reading silently.

"We'll check out what's in that shed tomorrow. We have a lot to do before the sun goes down." I nodded and we left the room and gather up everyone to help with unloading the vehicles. When we had everything inside and I had locked up the place, I cooked us all a celebration dinner before we all picked what bedroom we wanted and getting in some sack time. I wish morning would hurry up and get here so I can see what's inside that shed.
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