Status: Active but updates are slow

Unholy Nightmare

A Surprise Inside the Shed

The night passed by quicker than I thought it would but I was keeping myself busy when I just couldn't seem to stay asleep. I maybe got 2 hours of sleep the entire night and now I'm in the kitchen area fixing a good breakfast for all of us. As I was cooking I was also setting one of the large tables that would hold all of us. I placed food in each plate and set them on the table and the first person to rise from their sleep was Jimmy. I know he's going to bug me about telling Matt but I need to find the right time to do it. I don't want any kind of distractions.

"The food smells good."

"Thanks." I said as I washed the skillets I had used.

"Violet when..."

"Don't start Jimmy please. I'll tell Matt but right now there's just too much going on and if something does happen at least you'll have this to help me." I said cutting off Jimmy. I pulled my hands out of the dishwater and dried them off on a towel. I went over to him and placed one of my inhalers down on the table.

"I'll let it go for now but you have to tell him something like this before you have an attack and he finds out that way." I nodded my head in understanding. I finished washing the skillets and placed them back into the cabinets as the others came into the kitchen and sat down at the table and started digging into the breakfast. I heard no complaints but I guess that was because all of their mouths were full.

After breakfast Mylo helped me do the rest of the dishes and then put them away. I grabbed a cigarette out of my pack and lit it up. I inhaled the gracious smoke into my already damaged lungs and blew it out through my nose. I stared at the smoke as it rose up and I knew I had to find time to pull Matt away from the others and talk to him and hopefully no one will interrupt us.

"Violet, you want to head on over to the shed and see what's in it?"

"Yeah. Who's going with us?" I asked and Brian smiled. I shook my head and laughed. I grabbed my weapon from my room before rejoining Matt and Brian at the side door. We went out into the morning sun ad it felt so good against my skin. The shed wasn't too far away from the building so it didn't take us very long. Another chain plus padlock was attached to the door and I easily opened it. Matt ripped off the chains and with all of our weapons raised, he slung the door open but all there was was some kind of elevator.

I looked over to Matt and Brian and they nodded before going in. I looked around and pulled down a lever and the elevator went down. If I'm any good at judging distance, I'd say we went down at lest 30 or 40 feet before the elevator stopped and a small hall appeared. We got off the elevator and over to the huge steel door that sat at the end. I looked for a key hole and finally found one. It was in the shape of a circle and I unclipped the right key and place it into the keyhole. The door unlocked without me having to turn it and it went up. Another door was behind it and it raised up as well. One more door appeared before opening up into a room and I really couldn't believe what I was seeing.

There were tons of guns hanging up on the walls. They ranged from handguns to Machine guns and I felt like I was in heaven or at least dreaming. Boxes were stacked high and marked Ammo with the caliber under it. There was also dozens of rolls of chain link fencing and thick barbed wire. There were huge batteries and cables and sitting on a table were several boxes of explosives ranging from dynamite to C4 but what puzzled me were the RC remote control cars. What the hell do we need those for? I'm sure I can think of something to do with them.

"Otis must have spent millions of dollars to acquire all of this." Brian commented as he looked around. I grabbed one of the automatics and it felt good in my hand. I think I'll set a few of these machine guns up at all sides of the building that way we are covered if there was ever a breach in our safe haven. No wonder he wanted us to stay here. We could still go out and go into the town that's probably near to us if we want to get something that's not here but what in the world would that be?

"This is incredible! I don't think I've ever seen this many weapons and ammo before in my life. There's enough to help an army rise to victory."

"I think we should take that chain link fencing, barbed wire, cables, and batteries up top. I have an idea about what we could do with it." Brian said and I had a pretty good idea what he wanted to do.

"I'll grab a case of dynamite and the detonator plus the RC cars up. I have a plan for them." We all took what we were taking up top and told everyone what we found in the elevator and what's at the bottom. 3 at a time they went down and brought out what we asked to until everything was inside the building.

As the guys were building a chain linked, barbed wired electric fence I was watching over Mylo and trying to figure out a way to tell Matt about my condition. Then a thought hit me. I pulled my journal from one of the pockets of my back pack and wrote a short message to Matt. I snuck away from the other people who were playing with Mylo and I slipped into Matt's room. I laid the note down on his pillow where he would easily see it. Now I have to wait until nightfall and I want to get this over with.
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Sorry I haven't updated in days. I have so much shit to do any there's not enough hours in the day to get it all done. Anyways leave me bunches of comments and also don't forget to subscribe and recommend.