Status: Active but updates are slow

Unholy Nightmare

The Journey Begins

It seems like yesterday that Otis took me into his home and treated me like I was his family. Damn the years seem to fly by so quickly. I'm now 9 years old and in those 2 short years, the dead are still walking around here unfortunately but I've gotten to be amazing with shooting the bastards down. Otis surprised me 4 months ago for my birthday when he took me into town and got me a handgun for my very own. I guess he thought I was more than ready to carry and I was so happy. In these 2 years also, Otis and I promised each other that if something was to happen to either one of us...we wouldn't hesitate to end the suffering. I didn't want to agree with that but he said he didn't want to come back as a brainless flesh eater so I promised on my dead parents that I would.

Today is the first of the week so we're getting ready to go into town for supplies. I got up early and fed the horse and then got him all suited up to the small wagon.

"You're aiming to get an early start today." I jumped slightly and he chuckled.

"I didn't mean to scare you half to death."

"It's alright but yea I'm ready for us head into town." I said petting the horse's mane.

"At least stop and have some breakfast before we go."

"Of course. What are we having this morning?" I asked as we walked into the house.

"Eggs, bacon, sausage, gravy, and biscuits."

"Ah! A nice hardy breakfast." I said smiling. We entered into the kitchen and the aroma of the room could even make one of he flesh eaters' mouth water. My stomach growled showing just how hungry I was.

Otis pulled the last batch of homemade biscuits out of the oven and we filled our plates. I love when Otis cooks. It's like everything he puts his hands on is just filled with so much flavor and it makes me want more and more but I know not to overfill myself. We finished eating and left the house to get on with going to town. For such a small town, it sure does have a lot of grocery stores. Otis parked the wagon in front of the store and ripped his list in half.

"Here's what I want you to look for and if you want you can get you something for yourself." he said handing me one half of the list. I scanned through the list and it seemed pretty simple enough to find.

"Meet back here in 20 minutes!"

"Alright!" I yelled back as I went on to find the items on the list. I grabbed a basket from one of the isles and started picking up everything on the list. It was mostly just food but maybe while I'm here I can find something that will be useful for me. I picked up the last item on my list and I decided to check over the list just to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything.

Bread: Check
Eggs: Check
Pancake Mix: Check
Bacon: Check
Flour: Check
Sugar: Check
Sausage: Check
Canned Vegetables: Check

I had everything so I walked around and started looking for something I might like or need. I hardly ever took anything from the stores that I wanted so I was looking carefully at everything. I went over to the jewelry and looked into the glass cases but nothing was catching my eye so I moved on. I went around to the school supply isle and looked hard. I spotted some pens and we can always use those so I picked them up and placed them into the basket. I went around to the other side and found a nice looking journal that came with a set of keys. On the front of it, it had a really cool looking skull and crossbones but instead of the bones behind the skulls head there was 2 machine guns. That could come in handy if I needed to write something down or just to express my thoughts. I picked it up and slid it into one of the many pockets that were on my pants.

"AHHH SHIT!" I heard Otis yell as I came to the front of the store. I set the basket down and ran towards the echo and right to Otis. One of those fucking brainless flesh eaters had taken a huge chunk of flesh right off of Otis' arm. I pulled out my gun and shot the bastard right between the eyes. Otis ripped apart of his sleeve off of his shirt and tied it tightly above the wound to stop the massive flow of blood.

"I'm bitten Violet. You know what you have to do."

"Come on Otis. You're not dead yet." I said as I grabbed his basket he had. We got to the front of the store and he went out and got into the wagon and laid down in the back. I got my basket and left right behind him and got up in the seat and grabbed the reins. I slapped the straps against the horse and we raced right to the house.

Otis got out of the wagon and I carried the supplies into the house and I could tell Otis was starting to be weakened from the blood loss and maybe the bite as well. I dropped the baskets right inside the door and helped Otis to his bed. His wound was swollen bright red around the edges but at least the makeshift tourniquet had stopped the bleeding.

"You're going to be fine Otis. All you need is to rest for a little while." I said as I applied a bandage to his bite wound.

"You know that's not true, Violet. I've been bitten by one of the dead and now I'm infected with their disease." I couldn't respond to his statement. He was already giving up but I knew his words were true.

"Violet...please end it. I don't want to suffer or change into a brainless flesh eater." I stood up from his bedside and threw away the plastic wrapping of the bandage.

"I need to put the food know before it goes bad." I said and I left his room shutting the door behind me. I grabbed both baskets from in front of the closed front door and took them into the kitchen. I set them on top of the counter as a single tear rolled down my cheek. I know I had promised to end his life if something was to happen but I don't think I can actually go through it. I don't think I'm strong enough or even capable of doing it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the last update for today. I gotta tell you that the updates on this story won't be a frequent as I would like it to be because I'm busy a lot now and with me staying at my boyfriend's apartment, the only internet he gets is through his PS3 and it won't let me write long chapters.

Please bare with me as I try and figure out a way to get you guys the updates. Oh and this story is also posted on