Status: Active but updates are slow

Unholy Nightmare

The Journey Begins: Part 2

It's the middle of the afternoon and Otis' grunts and groans of pain can be heard coming from his bedroom. I wiped my eyes and made sure he couldn't tell I had been crying before leaving the kitchen and slowly walking over to his room. I had sat at the kitchen table for hours trying to convince myself what we promised is the right thing to do and I think I've came to a decision on what I'm going to do. I opened the door and the smell of his rotting wound that hit me was almost unbearable. I stood beside his bedside with my hand on my gun. Otis looked at my hand hat was perked on my gun before looking back up at me.

"Violet please...please end this." Otis said in a dry and raspy voice. I pulled the gun from the waistband of my jeans and took a seat next to him.

"Violet please...kill me so I don't...become one of them...I don't have much time left." I placed the barrel of the gun to the side of his head and looked away.

"I'm sorry." I said closing my eyes. I squeezed the trigger and all the groaning stopped. I went over to the closet and grabbed a sheet. Otis laid in his bed with a bullet lodged into his skull and now he was finally at peace. I covered his lifeless body with the sheet and exited his room. I slid down the closed door and pulled my knees to my chest. That was the first time I had ever ended the life of a person who hadn't turned into a flesh eater.

I wiped away the tears that fell once again and I rose to my feet. Otis didn't deserve the fate that was bestowed upon him but at least I can give him the proper burial he does deserve. I know he would at least want that instead of lying there and rotting into nothing but a pile of bones. I left the house and went to get his plot dug and while I was digging up the earth I tried to think of something to say. Why is it so hard to think of something to say to a person who saved you more than once and taught you what you needed to know about this fucked up reality? Maybe something will come to me later.

I finished the six foot deep grave and went back into the house to retrieve his body. I grabbed some duct tape along the way to his room. He was still lying the same way as before and I sighed loudly. I used the cover he was laying on and the sheet I had placed over him to form some kind cloth body bag. I taped around his ankles, knees, hips, chest, and neck. I knew I wouldn't be able to fully carry the man so with all the strength I had in my body I dragged him through the house and out to the grave. I wiped the sweat that collected on my brow and rolled Otis into his final resting place. I picked up the shovel and slowly filled the hole back up with dirt. When it was done, I took a large stone and place it at the head and with a waterproof permanent marker I had taken from the store earlier today, I wrote down Otis' name, the day and time he passed from this world to the next, and the reason for his death. There was some wild flowers growing next to the porch so I grabbed a few and placed them in the middle where his chest would be and I stood to my feet.

"Otis...I've never done anything like this before but...well I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for me. You've taught me all I need to know about surviving in this fucked up world. I hope you're up there keep watching over me...and could you send a message to the big man up there to cut me some slack. Anyway...thank you best friend." I said looking down at his grave. I looked up as the sun came from behind the clouds and the rays warmed my skin. I went back into the house and sat down on the couch.

"I was alone for mere hours when I lost my parents to those goddamn flesh eaters but now I've lost my only friend in the world, Otis. Now I'm alone forever to fend off the bastards that took his life.


I awoke to the sun shining through the window and onto my face. It was hard not to forget the events of yesterday but Otis always told me, 'don't let the hurt take you out of the reality that's happening now. You can always grieve when this is all over.' Even in death, his words are still true and they always will be. I got off the couch and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I really didn't feel like eating a huge breakfast so I just opted for some eggs and toast.

When I finished eating my breakfast, I started going through Otis' personal effects. I know this looks like I'm leaving but I don't plan on it anytime soon. I mean I don't have anywhere to go and this is by far the safest place I know about. Anyways, my reason in going through his things is...well it's to see if he has any other weapons I can use to defend myself with. I went through his closet and found several boxes of ammo that would come in handy and the rest was nothing but clothes I couldn't wear. I moved on to his dresser and pulled open the top drawer. Inside the drawer was Otis' pistol and I could definitely use that. I picked up a small box and opened it finding very old pictures and 2 rings. The picture was of a young couple who were obviously getting married since the woman was wearing a dress complete with veil. I turned the photo over and to my surprise it had Otis' name and a young lady named Echo. I looked closely at the rings and one had Otis' name and the other had Echo's. I smiled and placed the picture and rings back into the box and returned it to dresser. I pushed the drawer closed and went to the night table. The drawer pulled open with ease and the first thing I saw was an envelope with my name on it. I wonder why there's a letter for me? I opened it and began reading...


You've learned so much in such a little time and I've figured out a great nickname for you...You've been through a lot and I know you have built up anger inside of you that one day will turn into violence so that's the name I'm giving you. suits you well. Use what I've taught you wisely but now I have one more thing for you to do. On the back of my filing cabinet in the basement, you will find a map. Us that to navigate yourself to the destination that's circled. You'll understand why I'm sending you there when you arrive. As a final request, please don't let the anger get the best of you and please take anyone you may find with you. If you want to unleash the anger on something, unleash it on those flesh eating fucks.

-Otis 'Nightmare' Lowe

I don't understand. He wants me to leave from here to go to some place by myself? Is he really wanting me to get killed or something? I shook my head and left the bedroom to go to the basement. I didn't need to listen to the stupidness of my mind. If Otis wants me to go there then it must be important. I twisted the doorknob and went inside. It was fairly cool and right away I spotted the filing cabinet. I pulled it forward and just like he had said in the note, the map was there but there was also keys and another letter. I opened the envelope and started reading again...


I see that you found the map, keys, and this letter. Those keys go to the destination located on the map but right now I want you to go over to the cabinet on the other side of the room. Inside you'll find a cash of weapons, ammo, and some clothing I had specially made for you myself. Be careful out there and be sure to pick up survivors along the way and never ever let that guard down.

With all of my love and undying respect,

-Otis 'Nightmare' Lowe

I looked at the map and it just made me curious as to why he was sending me and anyone else I find to there. I went to the cabinet and found several weapons. It sure was a cash. There were 2 handguns, 2 sniper rifles, and one automatic rifle. In the small drawers, there was tons of bullets that go to each gun plus 2 considerably large hunting knives. The large bottom drawer had the outfit and a pair of black combat boots. I pulled the black pants, the black t-shirt, and black vest out of the drawer and I stripped off my jeans and torn tee and put on the outfit Otis had personally made. I grabbed the combat boots and slipped them onto my feet and they felt good and I bet I looked like a total badass. There was also a belt and I put it on as well. It had 2 holsters and 2 sheaths for the hunting knives. I loaded the handguns and put them into the holsters and sheathed the knives. I loaded the other weapons and strapped them to my back after putting the extra bullets into the pockets on my vest. I took the map, keys, and 2 letters from Otis along with my badass self up the stairs. I'm not going to waste any time in finding other people.

I went into Otis' room and grabbed his pistol and the small box with his wedding pictures and rings inside of it and the seven boxes of ammo before heading to the kitchen to load up some of the food I wanted to take. I then went into my room and grabbed an empty back pack in case I run out of something and I need to go to a town. I took the box of food, bullets, and the back pack outside and sat it on the porch. I went over to the corral and brought the horse over to the wagon and got him all strapped to it and I loaded up the wagon with the box of food. I climbed up into the seat and took one last and long look at Otis' grave.

"Well let's get this journey started old man." I said gently slapping the reins against his hide. He moved forward pulling the loaded down wagon. This should be an awakening journey.
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