Status: Active but updates are slow

Unholy Nightmare

Continuing On Foot

This has began to be a long ass journey and now I'm forced to travel on foot. You see almost 3 weeks ago my horse stepped into a groundhog hole and ended up falling the wrong way which broke its leg in several places. He wasn't the only one to suffer from the accident. When he fell, the wagon toppled over onto its side and I was very lucky that I wasn't trapped underneath the heavy ass wagon. I did, however, land on a pretty decent size log with my ribs and I knew some of them were either cracked or broken. I'm extremely lucky that's all the injuries I sustained.

I took as much stuff as I could carry in a back pack. It really sucked having my ribs cracked because they take a long time to heal and I'm just now getting to the point where I don't have to stop every so often to rest. Now because of this stupid wound it's going to take me twice as long to get to this unknown place. I walked down the side of the road in search of a new and safe place to rest of a while because I haven't stopped in almost 8 miles. My feet are going to be very badly blistered if I continue any further. That is if they ain't already. I walked until I came to a driveway and just a few feet away was a trailer. I went up the gravel drive and right onto the porch. I could already smell something so vile that could probably gag a maggot.

The door to the trailer was cracked open and I set my back pack down on the porch so I could have my hands free if something was to happen. I held my automatic rifle in front of me making sure to take aim before walking through the door. I went around to each room but nothing was there. I pulled one more door open and what looked like 2 very decomposing bodies were lying on the floor. I left the room making sure the door was closed so the smell wouldn't be too bad. I went back outside and retrieved my bag before coming back inside. I unloaded some food and a pan that comes in handy with the cooking. My ribs began to ache so I went into the living room and laid down on the couch. I laid there gently rubbing my taped up ribs and thinking too hard about survivors.

I wonder if there's anymore people living or is the living beings all turned into walking corpses? I've not come in contact with anyone but I still have many miles to go before I should even think about giving up. Besides, I really don't want to be alone anymore. My eyes were starting to feel as if they were being weighed down by some heavy object. I laid my head back on the arm rest and before I had a chance to object, my eyes closed and I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.


The next morning, my ribs were feeling a little bit better than yesterday and my body was well rested. I got up and fixed me something to eat all the while keeping watch. I wanted to get out quickly if there's too many flesh eaters. I've only encountered a group of them once and in a large number, they are just about impossible to kill.


Hours passed by but I hadn't seen a single trace of one of them so I decided to stay here a while until my ribs were back to normal or until I was forced to leave. I was still going to keep watch but I just hope that I won't ever have to leave here for a while.


It's been a little over 2 months since I came to this mobile home to take shelter and now my ribs are completely healed. For the time I've been here, I've only had to kill a total of 6 flesh eaters and I haven't encountered a group. Come to think, I haven't even seen any survivors. I think I might really be the last living person in the United States. It's a scary thought to even have pop into my mind. I would hate to be alone for the rest of my natural born life. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and continued to pack my bag. I needed to get back to the mission of reaching the destination circled on the map and locating any surviving people. When I finished packing, I left the mobile home and checked the map once more before walking down the road.

I walked for a while until I reached a site for a quarry. I was getting thirsty and I could use a break from walking. There were plenty of rocks to sit on so I took a seat and dipped my hand into the water. The water was so crystal clear and cool as it touched my lips. I drank several handfuls of water before wiping. It sure was refreshing and it was the cleanest water I have ever tasted. After I had rested my legs and feet, I left the quarry and continued on with the journey. I hadn't walked 2 miles before I spotted a dead dog in the middle of the road. As I got closer I could see that the poor animal wasn't attacked by a flesh eater but was ran over. From what I could tell, the dog was a pit bull. I caught a glimpse of something moving next to it and as I got closer I could hear whimpering.

Was the dog still alive? I'd hate to have to kill the poor dog is he or she was wounded too badly. I walked up to the dog's mangled body but the whimpering wasn't coming from the female but it was her puppy. The small pup looked to be about 4 months old and was lying next to her. Poor little guy. I bent down to get a better look at him and it looked up at me.

"You poor little fella." I said in a quiet and gentle voice. It's eyes held so much fright.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt something as cute and precious as you." I said and it wagged its small tail as if to tell me that he understood. I extended my hand and the pup came over and sniffed me before rubbing up against my leg. I petted his head and he licked me. The pup was so cute and I wasn't just going to let him be alone.

"Would you like come with me? I asked and again he wagged his tail. I picked him up and cradled him in my arms like a baby.

"Since you're a little boy...I think I'll name you Cujo." I said and I could tell that he liked his new name by the way he looked up at me with happy eyes. I carried my new friend in my arms and just when I thought I would always be alone, I found a companion to share my journey with.
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Comment anyone? A big thanks to my first 2 commenters: queencho and NikkiFoxy8