Status: Are you brave to read this story?

Remember Who You Are


I make a bed in the hay, as Smoke stands against one of the sides as Tram slithers around for his meal. I make quick work of a fox and cook it’s meet. I made sure to leave some food with Jack, for where ever he would camp. Though I know he didn’t camp far away, I can hear him sing to himself.

Smoke shakes his head and snorts.

“Yeah I know, I want him to shut up to.” I tell him as I have half a mouth full of meet. My mother would scolded me if she seen me eat with half a mouth full of food. She got mad at father and I so much when I was little, that he had to stop showing bad habits at the table or she would hit him upside the head.

Finishing my dinner, I feed what is left to Tram and he eats it right up. Grabbing one of my blankets I rap it around me, as Smoke lays down next to me. Tram slithers over to his bag and goes to bed. Sleep doesn’t come though, I can still feel those eyes on me and they are getting closer. Holding my gun close, I had cleaned it and filled it with new bullets as soon as I made camp. My whip lays behind me as well, I will take no chances with these vampires coming after me. I know them or should I know of them and of their abilities. They are much older then me and they have me at four to one. I won’t count Jack in this, he doesn’t know what I am yet and he sure doesn’t know how to kill a vampire.

The sun is gone now. The stars fill the sky and the big moon looks down at me. I have always thought since my parents died, the sun was my mother looking after me and the moon was father looking after me. It made no since to any one but me, it made me feel loved and not forgotten.

Something moves out the corner of my eye and right away I’m holding my gun in one hand and have my whip behind my back. Walking carefully outside I look around, but there is nothing. Arrow went to sleep on one of the window ceils a cross from me, but he is watching all the same.

Someone laughs and soon as I turn around, they are gone. I hated playing these sort of games, even when I was a child. Walking carefully I turn the corner and come face to face with a ghost girl, about five or six. “Do you love him?”

“Love who?”

“Your big brother, do you love him?”

“He’s my brother of course I do.” I tell her, but I don’t relax those other vampires are closer now.

She smiles at me, but the smile is twisted and wrong. “What would you do, if I said he didn’t love you though?” then she was gone.

The gun shakes in my hand, but I don’t let it last. Dad number one rule was when you have a gun, you don’t let your emotions of fear and guilt go threw it. It was meant to protect your self the others you care about, nothing else.

Arrow screeches and flies to the sky. They are here now and I am ready for them, I wouldn’t back down until I knew where Brent was at. I tuck my gun away in the holster on my leg and put the whip on my arm and walk out into town squire. I watch as four black horses come racing to the town, with dust behind them. Pulling my hat down low, I feel like father coat is twice it’s normal size.

The horses come to a stop half way. “You Emily?” one of the men asks.

“What if I am?” I ask with my hat down low, I can feel the men blood I killed days ago go threw my body and mix with the animal blood I don’t know if I can stop them or not.

“Then you are to come with us and are King will take care of you.” the only woman in that group tells me.

King? He was no King, if any one should be or should have been was father. “I’m not interacted in your ‘King’ I want my brother. Take me to him and everything will be fine.” I tell them, eyeing them how they sit and what they have. They don’t need weapons like I do. My powers do boost my powers a little bit, but that‘s it.

“Brent? No you have it wrong, he is happy being one of us. You could be one of us to, if you were--more.” the biggest of the vampires says to me.

I can’t help but smile, words my parents said other then the frozen bloomed rose and the crafty fox fill my head. My parents compared Brent and me to a lot of things. “Something my mama use to say ‘Don’t trust the winter in the spring, it’ll get you in trouble.’ Something my father said ‘Don’t lie to the ladies, espial one from fire.’” I hold out my gun and aim right for the one on right. “Where is my brother?”

The woman gets down, throws down here gloves and tosses her hat to the side. “We were going to take you to him, he’s with the King. Of course you made us mad, so now we are going to have are fun with you.” she moves all of the sudden and is in my face with in seconds. “There no good bodies around here, so I will just have to go after you the old fashion way.” she says looking down at me.

Before she can move, I reach out my hand and blast her with fire sending her flying. “Good to know, my power doesn’t need bodies or corpses.” I throw my jacket onto a porch and my hat as well. “Last chance, tell me where Brent is at!” I yell at them.

“August! Gorge! Ed! Kill that bitch!” June snarls out.

“We aren’t supposed to kill her. He said he wanted-”

“I don’t give a fuck what the King wants right now! She just burned me!” she roars out.

The men get off their horses, they look like they are bored by this and don’t want to do, as June commands. A gun fire goes off over head off one of the buildings, I turn around and glare up at Jack with his wimpy six shooter. ~That moron!~

“Back away from the girl!” he shouts.

The full blood vampires look at me. “He won’t stop following me.” I tell them simply.

June moves all of the sudden with her stomach starting to heal. “Then let’s get rid of him.” she smiles out, then she moves fast.

I pull out my whip and snag her foot. “My annoying sidekick, not yours.” I use my fire ability and torch the whip, soon after her leg starts to catch on fire.

“You morons help me, I can’t get it off!” she screeches out.

They try to move, but I hold my gun up. “I wouldn’t do that. Little known fact about my fire, once it grabs on to someone it won’t let go until its victim dead. Even if you some how got the whip off, you would catch on fire only seconds later.” I tell them as June tries to struggles free, but my whip only reacts and tightens around her leg.

Jack yells for victory, but I hold my gun up to him and shoot at his feet. “Hey!” he yells out.

“Get off the roof and get your ass out of here, I can take care of this.” yanking my whip free, the fire combust on June leg and kills her with in seconds. “Go now!” I yell out as I throw the tale of the whip at one of the men, I’m not sure which one it is and I don’t care.

They jump out of the way of the whip and start to use their powers. Words my father said to me one time fills my head. “ If they are older and have stranger powers, don’t slip into their powers. Focus on where you seen them and then in the last second strike.”

Focusing, I watch the men and slow them down in my mind, then once they are gone of the sudden I wait. Then I twist the whip around my head and make it go faster then ever before. With this movement my fire forms once again, making a tornado around me. The men grunt in annoyance, most likely trying to see threw it. “For older vampires, you seam scared of a little fire.” turning the whip out I nail two of the men, the third one jumped back with in the last seconds. ~Damn.~

The biggest man stands on the roof of one of the buildings, glaring down at me. I don’t dare look over my shoulder to see if Jack had lessoned or not. If I did, I might die. “You killed everyone but me little girl.” he says, but there is no sorrow in his voice or eyes. He doesn’t care for their lives lost.

“One last chance, tell me where my brother is.” I tell him, watching him carefully.

Gun fire shoots off a different roof and this time, I make sure to jump up in the air and throw Jack off the roof into some hay. “You get your ass out of here and ride ahead, I’ll catch up.” I tell him.


Turning my back on him, I flash him my red eyes. “This doesn’t concern you, this is vampire business.” I snarl out and then I jump off the roof of the building and strike down on the building the full vampire is at and catch it on fire. ~Did that get him?~ My jacket and hat, fly in the air to me and right away I grab them and put them on. Looking around, I don’t feel alone, then I feel a blade against my neck. ~Damn it, he just won’t die.~

The vampire licks my neck and smiles against my flesh. “You taste good.” with that he opens his mouth.

Howls lift to the sky. ~Oh come on!~ grabbing the man hand I start his flesh on fire, then grab the knife and stick it in his heart. “Rest in peace, of the darkness you love so much.” I say and then I kick him in the chest and send him flying into the building. Quickly making work of their belongings I grab their horses. Putting Smoke gear on him, I lead him and the four other horses out of the town in a gallops as the howls get closer.

We soon catch up to Jack. “Are you okay?” he whispers.

He scared of me now. “I’m fine.”

Something warm spreads on my side. “Your bleeding.”

Looking down, I play the fight over again in my head. “One of them must had seen threw my fire ability, I’ll be fine as soon as I feed.” handing him two of the horses, I grab one of the little animals and glance at him as he watches me. “You might not want to watch, I don’t want you wetting your self.” I tell him.