The Parting Glass


The late morning sun rose higher and higher into the sky. It was mid-spring and the air was crisp, relaxing even. His eyes were closed as he laid back against the tree, basking in the warmth of the sun. The heat brushed over his skin and he slowly opened his dark eyes. He yawned and stretched his arms above his head before cracking his neck. His blue hood covered his head and shielded his eyes from the sun.

Kili, the handsome dwarf, reached for his hood and pulled it down. The wind blew by and caused his dark brown hair flutter on his broad shoulders. He sighed softly and decided that his rest was over. Standing on his boot covered feet, Kili dusted off his leather armor and cloak. He slung his quiver filled with arrows onto his back and picked up his wooden bow. As he started walking down the trail, he stopped when he heard a tree branch snap. His keen eyes turned in the direction of the sound and he smirked.

“Did the deer growl and scare you off, brother?” Kili asked his older, fair haired brother.

“I didn’t see one, if you must know,” Fili shot back with a snort. He weaved through the brush and came up beside his brother. “What were you doing? Napping again?” Fili asked, playfully punching his brother in the shoulder.

“There is nothing wrong with taking a small afternoon nap,” Kili assured his brother with a charming smile.

“Except it’s morning still,” Fili retorted as he looked up at the sun that was barely at the noon mark. “Come on, let’s get some water and head back.” Clapping his younger brother on the shoulder, Fili followed the trail on down towards the river bed just on the other side of the hill.

When the two dwarven brothers reached the top of the hill, they started at the sparkling waters of the river below. A gentle breeze blew against there backs as if it was trying to get them to move faster. They followed the gravel path down the hillside towards the rocky waters edge. Spring was going to be over soon, both of them could tell for each passing day the temperature rose higher and higher.

“The days grow hotter, summer is upon us.” Fili knelt down beside the water as he spoke and cupped his hands into the cool water. He splashed it onto his face and combed at his braided beard. His storm gray eyes drifted to his younger brother, who was dabbing water onto his sweaty neck.

“Fili,” Kili began, “I think we should leave.”

“What? Leave?” Fili questioned his brother, startled by his sudden statement. To his knowledge Kili was happy living in the Blue Mountains. It was all they had ever known after all, plus they had their uncle and mother there.

“We’ve been cooped up here for so long,” Kili paused and licked his lips, staring down at his reflection in the water, “it’s time we left and saw the world. Uncle Thorin is always saying we know nothing of the world.” The young dark haired dwarf shrugged his shoulders half-heartedly and turned to look at his brother.

“And where exactly do you intend to go?” Fili asked with a raised brow.

“I don’t know,” Kili answered truthfully, stifling a laugh. “Somewhere though.”

The older of the two, shook his head. He knew that Kili just wanted to impress Thorin and many of the other older dwarves that came from Erebor. No one could really blame him for that, both he and his brother weren’t the great dwarves they heard stories of as children. Their own uncle was a great leader and the prospective King of Erebor. Many times when they were kids, their mother told them all about how their uncle was an incredible fighter and how brave he was. She thought highly of him and the two brothers thought of Thorin as their father, who died in battle many years ago.

“Let’s start with finding that deer, huh?’ Fili said, clapping his brother on the back before standing to his feet.

Kili sighed softly and nodded in agreement. It was their job to bring home a meal for today. Not that either brother minded, it was better than being in shop making toys or crafting weapons. Kili never crafted the weapons though as much as he practiced with them. If it wasn’t for his uncle, Kili probably would have been jobless by now. He was young and craved adventure; something that could not be found in a musky blacksmith’s shop.

The two brothers started heading down river, moving as quietly as they could while searching for a deer. Both brothers had very keen eye sight and excellent hearing as well. Often they would go out on hunts for fun, so that they wouldn’t be stuck in a shop. Thorin had trained them hard growing up, starting them the moment they could wield weapons. It worked out in their favor though, they were very skilled and well respected for those skills.

Kili was looking down the edge of the riverbank and stopped when something shimmering caught his eyes. He stopped walking and Fili turned to look back at him. Titling his head, Kili narrowed his eyes looking at the shining item across the river.

“Do you see that?” Kili asked, pointing across the way.

Fili’s eyes followed the direction that Kili was pointing in. He furrowed his brows, but saw the glimmer coming from the waters edge. At first he just assumed it was the water, but the more he stared the less it appeared to be the waving water.

“I think it’s a person,” Kili commented and ran over to a stone like crossing. As he was making his way across, Fili followed behind him. “See. Behind the rocks there.” He pointed at someone’s feet coming up from behind the large gray boulder.

“Careful, Kili.” Reaching for the hilt of his short sword, Fili slowly pulled it from the scabbarded tied to his back. They were taught to always be cautious, but sometimes Fili thought his younger brother forgot that part.

As Kili moved around the large boulder, his eyes widened in surprise. “It’s a girl,” Kili informed his brother.

Fili lowered his weapon and came around the boulder. His eyes fell upon the girl, soaked to the bone in a silk white dress that clung to her lithe figure. He tilted his head, wondering where she had come from. Around her ankles were silver bangles, which were the glimmering items they had seen from the other side of the river. Letting out a slow breath, Fili wondered what they should do with her.

“She’s still alive,” Kili said, looking at his older brother. “What now?”

“We can’t leave her,” Fili sighed, as he sheathed his blade.

“She isn’t a dwarf...” Kili paused, “is she?”

“I don’t know,” Fili replied with a shrug. She was much prettier than any lady dwarf he had ever seen. The girl before them was short, petite, and had lovely smooth skin. Female dwarves looked nothing like that, she almost seemed unreal. “Let’s at least get her off the shore.”

Kili nodded in agreement and took her arm, gently placing it around his shoulder. His brother did the same with her other arm. They both easily carried her off into the forest, where they could make a fire and dry her off.

“I wonder who she is,” Kili muttered as he glanced at the young maiden.
♠ ♠ ♠
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please enjoy the lovely GIF:

