The Parting Glass


“Kili,” Thorin hissed, annoyed with his nephew’s decision to accompany the girl to the Fountain of the Gods. It was a long journey and it would not be an easy one, especially while they were being hunted. This adventure would be one that Kili had never been on, one that went far across Middle Earth. “You will be going farther than you ever have before. Beyond the Sea of Rhûn, it would not be wise for you do to this.”

Kili took his uncle’s words into consideration. He’d never been much farther than the Shire. He always wanted to go farther though, he grew up on tales of the once great kingdom of Erebor. He had not be born to see it before the dragon descended upon it. He’d been to Ered Luin a few times, but his uncle was right. He knew nothing of the world other than stories he had grew up on. Nonetheless though, Kili was going. When he looked over at Nerida cleaning up Fili’s wounds, he knew that she wouldn’t be able to make this journey alone.

“Are you listening to me, Kili?” Thorin asked, causing the young dwarf to look at him. He nodded once and went back to packing his belongings. Nothing Thorin said was going to stop him. Nerida needed help and he was going to give it to her. “You don’t have to do this.” Thorin shook his head, placing his hand on Kili’s shoulder.

“You always tell me, I know nothing of the world. This is my chance,” Kili explained to his uncle, smiling weakly. “I’m going to help her, uncle.” He brushed his uncle’s leather covered hand away.

“No one can protect you on the adventure ahead,” Thorin told his nephew.

“I know,” Kili replied with a single nod before slipping on a dark blue cloak. “You just have to trust me. I’ll come back.” He closed up his pack and pulled it from the table, slinging it onto his broad shoulders. As he started walking, Thorin stepped aside and watched Kili make his way to the front door to prepare the ponies.

When the door shut, Thorin looked down to the ground and shook his head. He looked over to Nerida, who was talking to Fili. He couldn’t make out what she was saying to him, but Fili smiled and chuckled softly before nodding his head. Nerida stood up from the stool by his bedside and placed a gentle hand on his forearm. She said her goodbyes to Fili and turned around about to walk away, but Fili took hold of her hand. Nerida slowly turned to look at him, smiling warmly.

“Take care of my brother, he can be reckless,” Fili said, coughing a bit.

Nerida gave Fili’s hand a gentle squeeze and nodded. “I will do what I can,” she assured him in a gentle voice before letting go of his hand. “Now rest,” she commanded and looked back to Thorin, who watched closely.

“I cannot stop Kili, so I will not try,” Thorin said as Nerida walked to him. “He’s reckless and young and stubborn, he knows nothing of the world. He is simply unprepared to take on such an adventure.”

“It takes a lot of getting lost and hurt to realize what you are made of,” Nerida replied, looking into Thorin’s dark eyes. She sighed softly and ran her fingers through her long brown hair. “This is something new to him, but he’ll come back.”

“I knew your father,” Thorin revealed. “If you’re anything like him, I can believe you.”

“My father died, trying to protect our people and this world,” she paused, meeting his gaze, “so will I.” Nerida walked past Thorin and went towards the door. When she pulled it open and felt the chill of the mountain air brush against her bare legs, she shivered.

“You’ll need this,” Thorin said, walking over to her. In his hands he held a gray and white wolf pelt. Nerida looked at the warm wolf cloak and smiled weakly, nodding her head as she took it from him. Thanking him silently, she slipped it onto her small frame and walked outside. “Princess.”

She stopped before walking over to the small holding pens. Turning on her heels, Nerida looked to Thorin.

“If that stone gets into the wrong hands---”

“It won’t,” Nerida interrupted, shaking her head. “I’ve managed to keep it safe and hidden for this long.” She started walking back to the pens and saw Kili had both ponies saddled and ready to go.

“Are you ready?” Kili asked when he saw her walking in.

Nerida nodded her head and walked over to the dusty brown pony. She smiled and placed her hand on the pony’s cheek, gently stroke his cheek. He nickered and she whispered something to him. Nerida untied the pony from the wooden post and lead him out onto the road. The moment they were out in a chilly mountain breeze, she climbed onto the pony’s back and patted his neck gently.

“Take care of Fili, uncle Thorin,” Kili said as he lead his black colored pony out. He sighed deeply and turned to mount his pony. Once he was on, he looked to his uncle. “I’ll come back.” He smiled warmly and Thorin nodded once.

“Take care of yourself,” Thorin said and walked up to his nephew. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

“I’ll try,” Kili chuckled and turned to Nerida. “Lead on.”

She nodded and clicked her tongue. The pony started walking, but she soon ushered him to go faster. Kili watched her and looked to Thorin, waving goodbye before giving his pony a gentle kick.


It was late in the afternoon before they decided to take a small break. Nerida knelt down beside the river’s edge and cupped her hands. She slowly lifted her hands and splashed the water onto her face. They had just crossed the River Lune and probably wouldn’t travel much farther before setting up camp for the night. Nerida had been awfully quiet for most of the trip, only answering Kili’s questions with one or two word answers. She knew it was annoying him, it was written all over his face. She just didn’t trust him, yet though. This was a journey she wanted to do alone, but he insisted and told her he would follow her on this adventure whether she liked it or not. The stubbornness of dwarves frustrated her to no end.

“So when you get the stone to the Fountain of the Gods, what happens next?” Kili inquired as he sat down on a tree stump beside her.

Nerida rolled her eyes, he’d been prodding her about the stone all day long. She didn’t want him to know anymore than he needed too. It was proving to be difficult with his inane questioning. “I don’t know,” Nerida replied.

“Are you saying that to avoid answering or because you truthfully don’t know?” Kili pressed and Nerida scowled, looking to Kili. He sat there with a sly smirk on his lips, watching her closely.

“You are very nosy, master dwarf,” Nerida retorted as she stood up. Her green eyes looked skyward, it would be night in a couple more hours. She turned on her heels and walked over to her pony, Jolly, was his name. “Hurry, we should cover more ground before nightfall.”

“You never answered my question,” Kili pointed out as he watched Nerida climb onto Jolly’s back.

“You’re right,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t.”

Kili watched her ride off and shook his head, fighting back the urge to laugh. He whistled to his pony and he came trotting over. Grabbing hold of the leather reins, Kili pushed off the ground and urged his pony, Jimbo, forward.

“Are you going to answer any of my questions?” Kili inquired when he finally caught up with Nerida as their ponies trotted down the main trail that was sidelined by large pines and whispering oaks.

“Yes,” she replied, glancing to Kili.

“Great,” Kili said. “So tell me about this Oren fellow.”

“He is a powerful healer,” Nerida explained and shook her head. Oren was her friend, he was her father’s friend, and he was so good to the people. She just couldn’t believe the evil he had done. “He taught me everything I know. He is the one who has sent the wargs and orcs after me.” Nerida turned to Kili, who was looking back at her and listening closely.

“What does he want with the stone?” Kili inquired.

“He wants to use it for all the wrong reasons,” Nerida answered quietly.

“Like?” Kili pressed.

“Controlling the world,” Nerida replied with a shrug. “The power of the Hesperus is unlike any other. It’s seductive.”
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you all for subscribing, recommending, and commenting on this story! it means so much to me! hope you enjoyed the chapter, the romance will soon begin, who's excited?
