Status: Fluffy One-Shot

Eastward Bound

Eastward Bound

“Shit! Ryan we got to- whoa!” Ryan’s girlfriend of four years, Elizabeth, exclaimed as she sat up.
It had been planned for weeks that Elizabeth would make the twenty hour drive with him to New York City so that she could stay with him during the season now that she was out of college. They had packed everything in the car the night before and at five in the morning Ryan couldn’t bear to wake her up because she looked so peaceful. Instead he had picked her up and carried her to the car, laying her in the backseat with a pillow and blanket so she wouldn’t be woken.

“Mornin’ sleeping beauty! We’re going to be in the heart of Chicago soon. You want brunch since it’s almost eleven thirty?” Ryan asked as he noticed Elizabeth sitting up in the back, rubbing her eyes. She simply nodded and curled back up.


“So I take it you slept well, Lizzie?” Ryan inquired as he set down her pumpkin spice latte, taking a sip of his own black coffee.

“You could’ve woken me up to get in the car, loser.” She muttered as she took a gulp of her drink, feeling the hot liquid burn her throat.

“You were just so peaceful and you were up late last night to make sure we didn’t forget anything I felt bad.” He admitted.

“Ryan. Where’s my phone?” She asked feeling her pockets. “Did I forget it!?”

“It’s in the car. Don’t worry about it.” He explained as he grabbed her free hand. “Now I was thinking we could spend the night in the hotel that the guys and I stay in when we go to Columbus. Then by tomorrow night we’ll be in New York City and can unpack everything. Sound good?”

“Yeah, let’s get on the road again if you’re ready. The faster we get there the better.” Lizzie told him as she stood up and walked out, him on her heels.


“Never make me sit in a car for that long ever again.” Lizzie groaned as she hopped out. They had finally made it to New York City by six in the evening. “My butt went numb half way through the ride from Columbus.”

“Well we’re finally here! No more driving for a while.” He laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek before starting to unload the luggage.

“Mac Truck!” Yelled a familiar voice as pounding feet sounded on the pavement. Derek Stepan had his best friend wrapped in a bear hug, almost successfully knocking him over.

“What’re you doing here, Steps?” Ryan asked curiously.

“Guess who bought the apartment across the hall from you?” He asked excitedly.

“I take it that was you!” Ryan said back.

“Lizzie! I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages!” Derek exclaimed picking her up and spinning her around a couple of times before setting her back down. “Let me help you guys with the luggage. You must be exhausted.”

As soon as the luggage was unloaded and everything was in order Derek left for a date leaving the couple by themselves. They immediately crashed on the bed and turned the TV on to watch some silly movie.

“You’re going to love it here.” Ryan told Lizzie as he kissed the top of her head.

“I know I will because I get to be here with you.” She replied, leaning her head on his chest before the two fell asleep.

When she woke up in the morning Ryan was already up and making breakfast.

“Good morning my queen. I hope you’re hungry.” He called over his shoulder as I sat down at the island. He slid over a stack of pancakes that had something on top and smiled.

“What’s this?” Lizzie asked picking up the object. Only then did she realize it was a diamond ring and let out a gasp. Inside was an engraving that read: My one and only love.

“Elizabeth, I know it was a big decision to come out here with me away from all your friends and family and I think it means that our relationship is ready for the next step. So Elizabeth Howel, will you marry me?” He asked.

“Yes!” She cried, happy tears slipping down her cheeks as she handed over the ring that Ryan gladly slipped onto her left ring finger before kissing her.
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Hope you liked it guys!