My Whole World

Role Reversal

Brooklyn’s POV:
“Hurry up, Zach, we have to be at Michael’s Halloween party soon.”
“I’ll be there when I can.” It may have only been three months, but I moved into his apartment last week.
“Can you help me zip up my costume?” I ask him and he walks into the bathroom, grinning.
“I’d rather help you unzip it.” He says and I slap him.
“Just zip it up.”
“Okay, okay.” He says and I kiss him.
“Thank you.” I sit on the couch and watch TV while I wait for him. He walks out fifteen minutes later.
“Alright, I’m ready.”
“You make an adorable pirate.”
“You are an awesome groupie.” He says and I laugh.
“I’m a punk chick, idiot.” I tell him and he laughs.
“I know, but you are a great groupie.”
“That’s called being a fan.” He opens the door and I walk into the hall.
“Do you think Cameron and Morgan did couple costumes?” Zach asks me and I laugh at the thought.
“I wouldn’t be surprised. She didn’t tell me what her costume was so I have no idea.” We walk into Michael’s and he’s standing with his girlfriend, Katy.
“Are Cameron and Morgan here yet?” I ask Mikey and he shakes his head.
“Crazy and Cameron are actually late.” We’ve all become pretty close in these three months.
“Mikey, be nice to your friend’s girlfriend.” Katy tells him. She seems so different from Michael; I’m not sure how she puts up with him.
“We’re here.” I hear from the door.
“Oh. My. Gosh.” I say when I see them and then start cracking up.
“Never saw that coming.” Zach says.
“It’s a complete role reversal.” Michael and Katy say at the same time. I finally stop laughing enough to speak.
“Cameron’s a fangirl and Morgan’s a bass player! That is perfect!”
“Thank you.” Morgan grins. “It was actually Cameron’s idea.”
“Wow, that doesn’t surprise me at all.” Zach says.
“Oh, be nice, it was a great idea.” I tell him and walk over to them. “Wait, Cameron is missing something.”
“What?” He asks and I smile.
“You haven’t screamed yet. Fangirls always scream.” I tell him and he thinks about it for a minute.
“Oh my gosh! It’s really you! I so ship it! You guys are perf! Marry me?” He shrieks and we all die laughing. I have tears in my eyes from laughing so much.
“Cameron, never do that again. It was scary accurate.” Morgan tells him.
“I’ve had plenty of examples. And I learned from the best.” He kisses her. Zach and Michael are still in shock.
“Guys, snap out of it.” Katy snaps her fingers and they blink.
“That was just creepy.” Michael says.
“I agree with Morgan. You should never do that again.” Zach says and I hug him.
“Come on, it was funny.” I say.
“Glad my boyfriend amuses you.” Morgan says laughing.
“He really does.” Katy finally says.
“Alright, let’s forget how weird that was and play some music!” Michael yells and turns on Thriller by Michael Jackson.
“Are you trying to make us look like freaks?” Morgan asks.
“Believe me, dear, we already know your wild side.” Cameron tells her.
“You are so lucky I love you.”
“I know I am.” He tells her. Then Zach surprises me with a kiss.