My Whole World

Sk8er Boi

Brooklyn’s POV:
“Hey, you were really good.” Some girl tells me. I just finished opening for Zach and the guys. It was so exciting, I can’t even describe it.
“Thank you so much. Hopefully I’ll have more songs out for you in a year or two.” I tell her and she smiles.
“Great!” I have a meeting next week to discuss writing and recording.
“Oh, my gosh, you were so good!” Morgan runs up behind me.
“Thank you.” I tell her.
“You have just made it.” She says, tears in her eyes.
“Hey, if I’ve made it, you’re on your way. I am going to need a ton of songs now.” I say and she smiles.
“Alright, that makes it a little better, but this is your night so enjoy it. I’m moving up to the front so I can see Cameron better.”
“Wow, that was good.” Another girl says and she looks familiar.
“Thank you.”
“How did you get in contact with Zach to do this?” Now I recognize her, it’s Marissa.
“Oh, he saw one of my videos and sent me a message. He said I was really good and he wanted to sing with me.”
“Cool. He’s really cute, isn’t he?” She asks and it makes me mad.
“Well he’s mine!” I yell and she glares at me.
“Maybe you don’t know me.”
“Oh, I know you. Zach has told me all about you, Marissa. How he liked you and you were too cool for him.”
“But I like him know!” She whines like a little child. Just like the one she has.
“Too bad, Zach’s mine and we’re in love.” I tell her.
“Just wait until after the concert, I’ll prove to you that I can get him any time I want to.”
“Marissa, come on.” Her friends wave her over.
“Let me tell you something, Marissa. You know who’s going backstage after this concert? I am. You know who’s going home with Zach after? Me. He will always pick me because you turned him down. He’s my skater boy.” I tell her.
“Excuse me?” She asks.
“Sk8er Boi, by Avril Lavigne. You turned Zach down and know he’s found true love with me. Hello, I just opened the show for them.”
“That means nothing.” She tells me and walks off with her friends. I see her screaming Zach’s name and I want to slap her.
“Oh, my gosh, you were amazing.” And we’re back to this.
“Thanks.” I say for probably the eighth time in fifteen minutes. After the show I walk backstage and Zach kisses me.
“You were fabulous.” He says and I smile.
“Thank you.” I lean against his arm.
“What’s wrong?” He asks me.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” I tell him and he looks at me.
“Are you sure, Brooklyn? I can tell when something’s wrong. It is all over your face right now.” He tells me.
“Zach, just let it go.” I tell him and he kisses me.
“I love you.” He tells me and I smile.
“I love you, too.” I tell him. We head out for the meet and greets and I’m about to leave his side when I hear it.
“Hi there, Zach.”
“Marissa?” He asks and looks at me. Crap.