My Whole World

Damage Control

Zach’s POV:
“What is she doing here?” Marissa points to Brooklyn. Now I know exactly what was bothering her.
“She’s my girlfriend.” I say and Brooklyn stands closer to me.
“Told you he would pick me.” Brooklyn says and I look at her.
“Wait, you two spoke?” I ask her, upset that she didn’t tell me.
“Zach, darling, you loved me first and you should always go with what your gut tells you.” Marissa puts her hand on my shoulder and I move it off.
“You had your chance in high school. You and your friends laughed at me every chance you got.”
“I see the real Zach and you missed out.” Brooklyn says and I put my arm around her.
“So we would appreciate it if you left us alone.” I say, kissing Brooklyn.
“Zach!” Marissa seems surprised.
“I win.” Brooklyn grins.
“This is isn’t over!” Marissa yells and storms off.
“Please tell me it’s over.” Brooklyn looks at me.
“We can only wait and find out. If she shows up again you have to tell me. Why didn’t you tell me before?” I ask her and she looks at the ground.
“Zach, can I get a picture?” Some fan asks.
“I’ll tell you everything tonight or tomorrow.” Brooklyn walks to her car and drives off.
“Zach?” The fan says and I look at her.
“Picture, yeah, sure.” I hope Marissa didn’t say anything too hurtful. I know firsthand how cruel she can be. After the meet and greets I head backstage to get my car keys.
“Did you see Marissa?” Cameron asks me.
“Yeah and so did Brooklyn. How did you miss that scene?” I ask him.
“Someone was too busy mackin on his girlfriend.” Michael says.
“Oh, come on, you and Katy were gettin cozy, too.” Cameron says.
“Maybe we should limit the girlfriend time at meet and greets. We don’t want the fans to feel unimportant.”
“They already know and accept the girls.” Cameron says.
“So let’s keep it that way. They don’t need a reason to hate them or us.”
“Okay, good point. Now, go home. If Marissa and Brooklyn spoke at all, you better fix the damage while you can.” Michael tells me.
“Thanks.” I grab my keys and Brooklyn’s waiting for me when I get home.
“Do you want to talk?” She asks me and I sit next to her.
“Marissa didn’t say anything, did she?” I ask Brooklyn.
“Only that she could get you any time she wanted. I told her that wasn’t true. She said she would prove it to me after the show.”
“Well we showed her.” I say and Brooklyn half smiles.
“That’s why I didn’t tell you after the show. I didn’t want you to know, Zach, I wanted to see what your reaction would be.”
“Did you not trust me?” I ask her.
“No, I trusted you completely. I just wanted the full reaction from you. I wanted to see how you would tell her to go far away.” I smile and hold Brooklyn close to me.
“I’m always here for you.” I tell her.
“I know.” She kisses me and we watch a movie, both of us falling asleep ten minutes in.