My Whole World

No One Like You

Zach’s POV:
“I guess Cameron and Michael proposed to Morgan and Katy today.” Brooklyn says when she gets home. I’m in the kitchen putting Chinese takeout on plates.
“Really? I had no idea.” I say and she laughs.
“We kind of figured. You guys don’t tell each other anything, do you?” She asks me and I laugh.
“No, probably not as much as you girls tell each other.” I say and she turns red.
“We do tell each other a lot. Sometimes more than the others really wanted to know.” There must be something one of the girls said.
“Did Morgan or Katy over share?” I ask her.
“Just drop it.” Brooklyn says, over the subject, and I laugh.
“Okay, it’s done.” I say and she grabs a plate.
“This looks amazing.” She tells me.
“Good, I’m sure some Asians worked very hard to make it.” She starts laughing.
“You are so racist.” She tells me and I laugh.
“No, I’m just trying to make you laugh. You seem kind of distracted.” I tell her.
“I’m not distracted, just tired.” She says.
“Are you sure? I’ve heard that excuse from many girls before. Brooklyn, is something or someone bothering you?” I ask her.
“Zach, just forget about it.” This time she isn't kidding. We eat in silence and then she goes to our room. Around seven, I walk in and sit next to her. She’s texting someone, probably Morgan or Katy.
“What’s going on with you? Don’t tell me it’s nothing because I know it’s something.”
“Do you love me?” She asks me and I look at her.
“Of course I do! Why would you even ask that?” I ask her.
“Cameron’s done sweet things for Morgan and Michael does Mikey type romantic things for Katy.”
“So what do you want from me?” I ask her.
“I don’t know, sing to me sometimes. Compliment me just because. Get me flowers or something because you wanted to. I don’t know, Zach!”
“Did Marissa get to you?” I ask her.
“Quit assuming I have a motive for every little thing I do! Marissa didn’t do anything, she hasn’t since the concert. I just want you to show me you care!” I walk out and grab my guitar.
“Alright, fine, I’ll show you how much I care.” I tell her and she rolls over, facing the wall and not me. I start singing Woman Like You.
“Oh, Zach!” Brooklyn sits up and kisses me.
“Feel better?” I ask her and she smiles.
“Yes. I’m sorry, I don’t really know what’s going on with me. They were just telling me all these things and I don’t know. It was stupid.”
“No, it wasn’t.” I tell her and she lies across me.
“But it was. You wouldn’t have proposed if you didn’t love me. I love you so much, Zach, and I just don’t want to lose you.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“But I am in a year. I’ll be recording, you’ll be recording, we’ll be writing and touring. Will we have time for each other?” She asks me.
“I will always have time for you.”
“Thanks, Zach.”
“Come on, we’re going out.” I take her out for ice cream.