My Whole World


Brooklyn’s POV:
“Well, this is it, Zach, my first day.” I cannot believe I start recording today. Jamaica was great and I never wanted to leave, but reality awaits.
“You’ll do great.” He tells me. We’ve been together two years, actually it’ll be two years next week.
“Thanks, Zach.” I’m about to leave when the phone rings. Well, any excuse to wait.
“No, she has to leave.” Zach says and I look at him. I can tell by the eye roll Morgan is on the phone.
“Let me talk to her. She’s probably freaking out.” She and Cameron are getting married next month, three weeks before she starts teaching again.
“You are going now.” He tells me and I laugh. I’m sure he’ll offend her somehow so we’ll have to make up for it later.
“Brooklyn, nice to see you.” The receptionist says when I walk in.
“It’s good to be here.”
“Are you ready to start your future?” She asks me and I smile.
“Definitely.” I wait and before I can blink I’m recording my first song.
“That was good, but I think it should be slower.” My manager, and cousin, tells me.
“No, I think it’s good how it is.” Stephen, the guy in charge of recording, tells her.
“How about you let her decide?” Morgan tells them. When did they even get here? Last I knew it was only Stephen. I walk out and listen to it.
“It should be slower.” I agree.
“Good, because that is how I envisioned it.” Morgan grins.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” I ask her.
“Your song.”
“I knew she should have listened to me. I am a great manager.” Katelyn says smugly.
“How long have you all been at this? I know better!” Stephen objects. Zach forgot to tell me this would be a headache.
“Guys, stop, it’s my song! I want it to be a little bit slower. Maybe it won’t sell, but it’s what I want.”
“Brooklyn, record it slow. Then we can listen and decide what sounds better.” Katelyn tells me and looks at the others.
“Fine with me. I’m just happy to hear a few of my songs.” Morgan sits in a chair.
“Whatever. This is on you.” Stephen says and I go back in and record the song again. Zach, you owe me. We listen to it.
“That was great.” We all say at the same time.
“Told you.” Katelyn whispers and I glare at her.
“Do not get me fired this early.” I tell her. Three hours later I have four songs done. We decide to take a break and order a pizza. This is going to be a much longer process than I expected. I am going to be in here for at least a few months.
“Call Zach.” Morgan tells me.
“Why?” I ask her.
“Lover boy probably wants to hear from you.”
“Oh boy. What did he say when you called this morning?” She only gets like this when she wants revenge.
“Stuff.” I laugh and call Zach. I tell him how much of a pain it is, but that I really enjoy it.
“Alright, see you at home. I can’t wait.”
“Bet you can’t.” Morgan says and I glare at her.
“He’s making dinner.”
“Sure he is.” He must have really upset her.
“Brooklyn, come on. Let’s try to get more vocals on the songs you have.”