My Whole World


Brooklyn’s POV:
“This is it, guys. My first album is out today.” All of us are around my computer waiting for midnight.
“I can't believe it!” Morgan yells and I laugh.
“Let her have her moment.” Katy says.
“This is my moment, too.” Katelyn sticks her tongue out.
“1 minute.” Zach says and kisses me. This is really exciting and I can’t believe my dream is about to become reality.
“There it is.” Cameron says and I hit enter. My album pops up and I hit purchase.
“Brooklyn, you’ve done it.” Morgan tells me and I have tears in my eyes.
“I know and I couldn’t have done it without all of you.”
“Well, I would love to stay and be all emotional with you, but I have a class to teach tomorrow. We’re studying for the semester final.” Morgan says and walks to the door. I follow her.
“Thank you so much.” I tell her and she smiles.
“Believe me, the way the fans react to you singing my songs is all I need. It’s better than I could have ever dreamed.” She tells me and I know she means it. She’s just meant to be a behind the scenes kind of girl.
“Come on, darling, your students don’t want you cranky.” Cameron takes her hand and kisses her. They couldn’t be happier now that they’re married. It’s like they were both missing something and found it in each other.
“Cam, no one does.” She laughs and they leave.
“So, Michael, when are you and Katy getting married?” I ask and she laughs.
“When the drama from Morgan's wedding is gone.”
“I guess that’s fair.” I say and stare at the computer screen. This is my first album and it’s already hit the top 100 on iTunes.
“Yeah, I’m going, too. You’re going to need a tour soon.” Katelyn tells me.
“Oh, gosh, I don’t want to think about it.”
“And you have your release show next week.” She tells me and leaves before I can complain.
“Get ready for some late nights and crazed fans.” Zach tells me.
“Please don’t get me started on that.”
“We’re going, too.” Michael tells me and stands up.
“Congratulations, Brooklyn.” Katy tells me and they leave the apartment giggling. I don't want to know.
“Did this just happen?” I ask Zach.
“Yes, it did.” He tells me. “How does it feel?” He asks me and I think about it.
“It feels really good. I think I could get used to this.” I tell him as I watch it hit 90.
“The look on your face right now is priceless. Your dream has become reality.” He tells me.
“Like I haven’t already thought that a million times, Zach.”
“Not that you can, but we should go to bed now.” I frown.
“Can’t we stay up?” I ask him and he laughs.
“Some of us need sleep.” I poke my lip out.
“Please, Zach, you can sleep when you’re dead.” I beg him and he kisses me. He starts to walk for our room.
“I'm going to bed.” I follow him and lay awake all night.
♠ ♠ ♠
You can yell at me to keep posting chapters, cause I keep forgetting