My Whole World


Brooklyn’s POV:
“I think I am finally caught up on sleep.” I say, laughing. I am in Morgan and Cameron’s house with everyone. I’ve been done with tour for almost six months and am four months pregnant; so is Morgan.
“Yeah, I know.” Katy says.
“You weren’t even on tour the whole time. Remember, we joined later.” Morgan says.
“Ladies, you’re all pretty.” Zach says and puts his arm around me.
“The baby moved!” Morgan and I say at the same time and then we look at each other. She found out exactly a week after me.
“Are you sure?” Katy asks, seeming more excited than I am.
“Yes, I am.” I tell her.
“Me, too. That was definitely a kick.” Morgan smiles and Cameron kisses her.
“Well, I feel alone now. Mikey?” Katy looks at him and his hands fly up.
“No, not yet.” He tells her and she slumps in her chair.
“Zach, give me your hand.” I tell him and I put his hand on my stomach.
“Wow, our little baby is moving.” I’m not sure he knows what to say right now. I look at him and he’s grinning.
“We find out in just a few hours.” I say and I still can’t believe it’s time.
“Remember to let me know as soon as you find out. Cam and I will be at the store shopping for our baby and ready to shop for yours.” Morgan tells me.
“And she isn’t kidding. We’re leaving when you all do.” Cameron says. He doesn’t seem too excited about it.
“Oh, shut up, Cam. This is our first child.”
“You know I’m excited, but the shopping is getting old.” He tells her.
“You always say that.” Morgan says and I take Zach’s hand.
“Let’s go. I want to get there and find out what Baby Porter is.” I tell him and he stands up.
“Alright, but we’re going to be really early.” He jokes and I roll my eyes.
“We’re not going straight there. I want to see my parents.” They moved out last month so they can be close and help babysit.
“Oh, fun.”
“Don’t act so excited.” I say as we get in the car. My mom tries to make us late for the appointment but we finally get away.
“Are you ready?” The nurse asks and Zach squeezes my hand.
“Yes, we are.” I look at the screen as she moves around.
“Well, you have a shy baby, but I believe it is a little girl.” She tells me and I look at Zach. He could not be happier right now.
“How about Carly?” Zach suggests.
“I love that name.” I tell him and I get ready to leave. I text Morgan and prepare to see the pinkest, sparkliest things she can find.
“Hi, Carly.” Zach says, his hand on my stomach, after we eat dinner.
“Zach, really?” I ask and he gets red.
“Sorry, it just seems really real now that she has a name.”
“I know what you mean. I can’t wait to see her.” She kicks and I smile.