My Whole World


Zach’s POV:
“Zach, I can’t go on this date.” Cameron calls me.
“Why not?” I ask him.
“Maybe she won’t like me. We’ve never actually had a real conversation.” I roll my eyes.
“Did you not see her the whole time you were talking?” I ask him.
“That was her being a fan. This will be just us, all alone.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing you could do to upset her. My date with Brooklyn was great and we’re going out again on Friday.”
“So now I have expectations!”
“I’m not sure how she’s going to put up with you.”
“Not helping.” He says.
“Go get ready for your date. And if you want to live up to my expectations, text Morgan tomorrow.”
“Oh, I will one up you there.” He says and I laugh.
“Yeah, probably.” I say and hang up so he can get ready. I decide to visit my family.
“Hey, Zach, how have you been?” Mom asks when she opens the door. After hugging me and shoving a plate of food in front of me. She still knows me.
“Pretty well. I had a date last night.”
“With?” She asks, smiling.
“A fan. Her name is Brooklyn.”
“The Brooklyn?” Mom asks.
“Yes, the Brooklyn. She’s really sweet.”
“I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Whoa, you had a date with her?” Vic asks, walking into the kitchen.
“Yes, I did, and you can’t have her.”
“I know, she’s all yours. I got it.” He tells me.
“When do we meet her?” Mom asks.
“After we’ve had a few more dates. I don’t want to rush things with her. We did see Marissa and Brooklyn asked about her.”
“Oh, did anything happen?” Dad asks, joining in the conversation.
“No, she was just out walking. We were driving.”
“As long as she knows there’s nothing between you two anymore.” Mom says.
“I don’t think Brooklyn’s that type of girl. She seems pretty confident. Now.” I tell them.
“Just know you can bring her by anytime.” Mom tells me again.
“Got it, mom. It’s the same with every girl.” I say and she laughs.
“We like to know what’s going in your life and not just from the occasional social media sites.” Dad says.
“I’ll try to bring her by sometime in the next month or so.”
“After your third date you will bring her by. I don’t care if it’s that night, but you will bring her by before your fourth date.”
“That’s assuming we make it that for.”
“You will, Zach. I have a good feeling about her and I haven’t even met her yet.”
“I really hope you keep that same idea after you meet her, mom.”
“I’m sure I will. There was only one girl I didn’t like and you know what happened there.”
“Yeah, it was Marissa.”
“Never met her and never liked her.” Mom shakes her head and walks upstairs.
“Everything will be fine once we meet her.” Dad tells me and goes to watch TV.
“So, you really like her?” Vic asks and I don’t want to have this conversation with him.
“Yeah, I really do.”
“Then make sure fans treat her well.”
“Believe me, I will.” I tell him and decide to head home.