

I pulled off my sunglasses and tossed them into the passenger seat of my baby blue Mustang as I climbed out of my car. It was getting dark and I wasn't going to need them soon. All around me were beautiful cars, the bass bursting from their speakers making my ears and chest thump with the rhythm.

A few seconds later a bright purple Charger came roaring up next to me. It parked and from inside emerged Tori, my cousin and fellow racer. She had her aviators perched on the top of her head, her auburn locks pushed back with them.

"Very nice." she said taking in the cars around us.

"Agreed. Wonder who is running this show." I replied looking around.

"She's right there." she said pointing across the lot.

My eyes followed her finger and I saw a girl a ways off with dark hair and tanned skin taking money from a line of people. She looked all of 12 years old but she did seem to be in charge. Nodding in agreement we walked over to join the little queue that stood around her.

It took a few minutes but finally we reached the front. Up close I could see that she was about the same age as Torrid and I. She just happened to be shorter than us which made her look younger.

"Well look here...we finally got some new blood. Names ladies?" she asked.

"Tori Rich and this is my cousin Evan Wright." Torrid said speaking up first.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Angel and for tonight at least I'm the one running this show. The buy in is $5000." she replied.

Tori and I both pulled out a fold of bills and handed them over which Angel promptly counted then shoved in her pocket.

"Alright. You girls are up in the first heat. We need to show up some of the boys around here. I trust you both can drive?" she asked.

"You bet." I grinned and she gave us a nod before we headed back to our cars.

"So you think this will be any different than Miami?" I asked as Tori and I leaned against our cars, waiting for the signal to line up to come.

Tori shrugged, "Can't be too different can it? I mean all cars run on the same things don't they?"

"No. Some run on gas, some on diesel and then there are the green ones that run on like french fry oil or water and electricity." I replied.

Tori didn't reply just shook her head and pulled a hair tie from her pocket, pulling her hair into a ponytail. A moment later someone called our names and we both quickly climbed in our cars. Taking a deep breath I started up my baby and made my way to the starting line.

There were 6 of us all together. Tori was at one end of the line and I was at the other. In between us were four guys. I didn't pay them much attention until I heard a whistle. Turning I saw the guy closest to me sizing me up.

"You gonna race baby doll?" he asked.

"That's why I'm sitting in this car." I smirked.

He laughed, "That's cute. Don't worry baby doll feel free to use my shoulder to cry on when you lose."

I looked back at him, "Call me baby doll all you want right'll be calling me something else when all you can see are my tail lights."

"Damn...I like em' feisty!" he grinned.

"As if you have a chance." I with a laugh and with that leaned over to my stereo and pumped Asking Alexandria as loud as it took to drown out the guy's voice.

A girl in tiny shorts and an even smaller top walked forward, standing in front of the cars. Slowly she raised her hands above her head. My eyes locked on them, waiting for her to move. All around me engines roared and revved and music pumped.

"READY! SET! GO!" she screamed and dropped her hands.

My foot fell on the peddle and my car zoomed off of the starting line. The guy who had been next to me suddenly appeared in my peripheral vision. I saw him grin at me as he sped past. Growling to myself I hit the gas harder and flipped him the bird as I passed.

Tori and I were neck and neck. The guys were all in our rear view mirror and it was down to the two of us. And neither of us were going to give it up to the other. It wasn't in our nature.

Reaching forward I hit the bright red nitro button in front of me and felt the car lurch forward. However it was just a bit too soon because not three seconds later Tori hit hers and zoomed ahead of me, crossing the finish line.

"You suck!" I laughed as we rolled to a stop and climbed out of our cars.

"Hey just because I'm better than you is no reason to bring me down." Tori grinned.

Angel came up and handed over a stack of money to Tori who thanked her.

"No problem. You two are pretty good." she said.

"Do you race?" I asked.

"Yeah just not tonight. I'm leaving that up to my brother and cousin. That's them over there." she smirked nodding towards a group not far from us.

"Which ones were they?" Tori asked. There were a few guys hanging around so we couldn't be sure who they were.

"Hold on...JACK! VIN! GET OVER HERE!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

A moment later two guys came walking towards us. One had shaggy brown hair and icy blue eyes. Next to him was another guy who looked close to his age with short dark hair and large dark eyes. He was built larger than the other guy who had more of a toned look to him instead of muscle. I could see the family resemblance between him and Angel so I guessed that had to be her brother.

"What?" Angel's brother asked trying his best to sound annoyed but failing.

"Oh so that's how you're going to come over here and talk to me? After I was nice enough to call you over so I could introduce you both two girls and hot ones at that? Fine. Don't meet my friends." Angel replied crossing her arms and turning away from them.

"C'mon Angel...don't be like that." the other guy, her cousin, replied.

Angel sighed and turned around, "Fine. Anyhow Evan, Tori this is my lunk head brother Vince Toretto and my cousin Jack O'Conner. Vince, Jack meet Tori Rich and Evan Wright. They were the girls who pulled first and second in the first heat." she replied.

"Nice to meet you." I waved.

"Hi." Tori smiled.

"You girls new in town?" Vince asked.

"Just got here last week." Tori nodded.

"Where from?" Jack asked.

"Well a few places but most recently Florida....Miami to be exact." I replied.

Jack grinned, "Really? Did you two race down there too?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"We have some family down there. You know Dante Parker and Tyler Pierce?" Vince asked.

"Well enough for Evan to have punched Tyler in the face." Tori laughed.

Jack shook his head, "What did he do?"

"Grabbed my ass. I told him more than once to back off and he didn't learn." I shrugged.

"How bad was the damage?" Angel grinned.

"Fat lip kept him from talking for a couple days. Dante payed my way into a race that weekend for making him shut up for once." I smiled.

"Yeah that kid is always flapping his gums." Vince nodded.

"So why did you two move all the way out here?" Angel asked.

"Change of scenery mostly. The both of us grew up on the East Coast so it's a change to see and different ocean." Tori replied.

I nodded, "So far it's been pretty awesome."

"How long are you planning on staying?" Jack asked.

"As long as we can." Tori replied.

I started to say something when suddenly someone yelled from the other side of the street.

Angel sighed, "Shut up Johnny! I'm coming!"

Turning she smiled, "I gotta go attend to some stuff but feel free two smack these two around if they act up."

"You girls race pretty well." Jack said

"Yeah you smoked Paulo and Greg. I don't think they saw it coming." Vince smiled.

"Just because we're girls doesn't mean we can't hand your ass to you." Tori smirked.

"Very true." Vince laughed.

"So what are you two girls doing tomorrow?" Jack asked.

"Probably sitting around the house doing nothing." I replied.

"Well how would you like to do nothing with a couple of other people?" he asked.

"Like you and your cousin?" Tori asked.

Vince smiled, "And a few others. We have a big Sunday barbecue every week. Usually it's only family but since you know Dante and Tyler I'm sure my old man wouldn't mind you two dropping in."
Tori looked at me and I gave her a shrug.

"Sounds good." Tori smiled.

"Gimme your phone." I said holding my hand out to Jack.

He produced the phone and as I took it from him I felt the callouses on his palm scrape against my hands. Smiling I quickly programmed in my number and name.

"Text us the directions." I said.

He smiled and I saw that he had dimples, "No problem. See you two tomorrow."

With that he and Vince walked away.

" all California guys look like that?" Tori asked when they were out of earshot, the two of us headed back towards our car.

"Well I would usually say it's just them but then I remember that Avenged Sevenfold is from California so maybe? I mean did you see that guy Jack? Ug." I sighed with a shake of my head.

"So does that mean that you're finally getting over Dai?" she asked.

I grimaced at the mention of my ex and changed the subject. He was the last thing I wanted to talk about.

"I saw you practically drooling over Vince." I grinned.

"Hey you like your type and I like mine. And Vince fits ever criteria of what I call my type." she said with a smirk.

"And Angel seemed pretty cool too. At least she was wearing clothes." I said.

"Agreed." Tori said taking the scantily clad females around us.

I heard the sound of engines revving behind us and turned to see a line of cars getting ready to race.

"C'mon lets go watch the race." I said and with that I grabbed Tori's hand and pulled her into the crowd.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the newest version of my story 'Heist'!!!

I wanted to finish Heist so bad but I felt it took a weird turn and I couldn't finish it. However then I watched the latest Fast & Furious movie and I was inspired to write this!!!!

I hope you enjoyed it!!!

Comments are always welcome!!!!!