Status: I'M ALIVE. And this Story is too!

A Warm Summer's Evening

Rating: R
• Violence
• Strong language
• Suggestive themes (Sexy stuffs)
• Blood/Gore
• Murder
• Plus, I'm pretty sure just this plot would give a kid nightmares.
(I mean, it gave me nightmares, and I'm the author 0.e I should really stop drinking a ton of caffeine.)

Well, me, I started the day as usual - I'm sure everyone else did as well - except maybe the Suicide Circle... Or the Execution Circle. Damn, I hate those two groups. I mean, come on, it takes all the fun out of me ending their life. I don't surprise them. They know I'm coming, they want me to come. Seriously, it takes all the fun out of it.

Anyway, like I was saying. Normal day. I was sitting in my office in Purgatory as usual. I started to go through the bookshelves upon bookshelves of files of people still alive. Yeah, my office was about the size of a library. Great, right? Well, not when you're Death. I selected about an armful of random files and made my way back to my desk. Just as I sat down the clock sounded signaling that it was five in the morning. As if on cue a knock came at the door, "Привит, привит," chimed a familiar voice through the door to the office. I raised a hand, signaling for her to come in. She did so, not hesitant at all. Yeah, did you ever think you'd hear that someone is unhesitant to walking through Death's door? I think not.

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