Status: I'M ALIVE. And this Story is too!

A Warm Summer's Evening


Well, me, I started the day as usual - I'm sure everyone else did as well - except maybe the Suicide Circle... Or the Execution Circle. Damn, I hate those two groups. I mean, come on, it takes all the fun out of me ending their life. I don't surprise them. They know I'm coming, they want me to come. Seriously, it takes all the fun out of it.

Anyway, like I was saying. Normal day. I was sitting in my office in Purgatory as usual. I started to go through the bookshelves upon bookshelves of files of people still alive. Yeah, my office was about the size of a library. Great, right? Well, not when you're Death. I selected about an armful of random files and made my way back to my desk. Just as I sat down the clock sounded signaling that it was five in the morning. As if on cue a knock came at the door, "Привит, привит," chimed a familiar voice through the door to the office. I raised a hand, signaling for her to come in. She did so, not hesitant at all. Yeah, did you ever think you'd hear that someone is unhesitant to walking through Death's door? I think not.

"Who's your favorite communist?" she asked, when I gave no reply to her.

"Katerina," I greeted bluntly. She stood in the door way, leaning against the frame with two cups of coffee in her hand.

"And you're not going to invite me in?" she asked in a questioning manner, walking in setting a coffee on my desk. She walked right past me, setting her coffee down on top of a filing cabinet, and into the rows of bookshelves. Katerina selected a good number of random files from all of the circles and placed them atop of the files I had picked out.

"Great, more work," I mumbled, taking a sip of coffee.

"And that means harder work for me," Katerina sighed, staring off into space. She quickly got up from her position sitting on top of my desk. "Well then," she paused. "I'll see you in twelve hours," she stated, grabbing her coffee and heading toward the door. "Off to hell, I guess. Literally," and with that, Katerina disappeared. I guess that was the end of my amusement.

I read the first folder, and then tossed it aside. I could kill that person today. I could. But, I would rather sort the files first. Get rid of all the people that are indeed immortal.

Roxana Rosenfeild?
Celso Whalen?
Esa De Mercurio?
Cole Kohler?
Maria Fiorella?
Dubravka Winther?
Cyan Janssens?

I started to get bored easily. Just going through file after file was tiring, even for me. I may be Death, but I need sleep, too. But then one name caught my eye: Katerina Vasilyev. Why'd she pick her own folder? Or was she actually randomly picking names?

I set the file aside carefully, not putting it in either pile. As I put it down, a question came to mind: is it possible to kill someone that is indeed immortal?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well...? Laugh. *sassy David Bowie as Jarreth moment*

Woo! So. Here's another part of a story that I found in my "Ill just write that later" box.

Thank you for reading.

Leave lots I lovely critism and cookies :)
