Status: This story is already finished and I'm currently writing the sequel which I will post on here soon. (:

A Warped Summer

Chapter 2: Record Labels to Bus Fights

Chapter 2: Record Labels to Bus Fights

When I fell off the stage, I really wished I would've hit my head, because it's better to not see a hundred eyes on you. Especially after I've already made a fool out of myself. I couldn't see who had caught me, but I do know they must be very tall, because I was raised above their head. It looked a long way down to the ground.

"Put me down! I need to run away and hide!" This made some of the people in front of the stage laugh. That, or they looked at me weirdly. I started pounding on the back of the person. I swear it was one of the black covered guys on the bus. I hated this though! They need to put me down!

Apparently my hits weren't even fazing the person. If anything, it was just tickling them, because the next thing I know, I feel their chest vibrating against my legs.

"You are very weak. Even for a girl," they said. It was a guy, and his voice is deep. Mr. Intimidating caught me.

I crossed my arms over my chest, as my stomach bounced up and down with his strides. Where was he even taking me?!

"Well, you're very tall. Even for a guy," I retorted back.

"Aw! Did someone fall off the wrong side of the stage?" Did he gang up with Dahvie or something?

I shuddered at the thought of Red, Shades, and Mr. Intimidating teaming up. That would turn out terrible.

"Did you get dropped on your head or something when you were born? I said, put me down already!" I uncrossed my arms and kept hitting Andy in the back. When I finally got bored with myself, I figured out his head was right next to mine. Time to have a little fun, I thought.

I whacked Andy in the back of the head and I heard him grunt.

"Would you stop that?!" He asked.

"Nope," I replied, popping the "p" for my amusement. I flicked him in the head. I kept doing this until he halted.

He then jumped up, causing me to bounce into the air, only to come crashing back down on his boney shoulder.

"Ow!" I shouted, hitting Andy in the head again.

"Do you really want me to jump up again? 'Cause I will," He stated as matter-of-factly.

"Shut your pie hole, Giant." Oh! A new nickname!

He jumped up again, still walking.

"It doesn't faze me, Mr. Intimidating!" I stated. He then halted again, but didn't jump. Instead, he did something unexpected. He smacked my butt!

I - being in a position with my feet to his abdomen - kicked him in the stomach. He leaned over for support.

"You ever touch me again there, and I'll make sure to kick you harder next time, but I'll make sure to go lower," I threatened. He took my word for it and kept walking. The eyes of the bands and fans had their eyes on us the whole time. It made my face turn a deep scarlet. "Where are you even taking me?" I finally asked.

"Kellin wants to see you, and his manager," he simply stated.

"Whose Kellin and why does he want to see me?"

"Kellin Quinn? He's who you called Shades earlier. And his manager wants to see you. He just sent me here a few minutes ago."

"Okay . . . Do you think the manager's mad at me?"

"Probably not. Why? You didn't do anything wrong - or did you?" I saw a small smirk form on his face.

"I don't know! Does playing another person's guitar on a stage that's not even for me to be on a crime? Or ruining a show at three in the afternoon a crime?"

He turned his head a little bit to look at me.

"Iris, it's not three. It's seven. You should know that. You were playing for about an hour on the guitar, and you were playing our water fight for another hour." My eyes widened.

"Wait. I thought I left the party at two. . ." I checked my watch. It's hand was still on the two. Wow. "Man! I must have been at that party since five! My brother is going to kill me!"

"Brother? What about your parents?"

"It's a long story. You wouldn't even want to hear about it." He shook his head. Even though I can't barely see his face, I know Andy shook his head, because I could feel his head brush my hip every now and then.

"Actually, I would. You know what they say!" He shouted. "'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.'"

"Ah. Aren't those such wise words. Even though it's true - and I can't even deny any of those choice of words, even if it was from you - I still would like to go by the enemy code. 'Keep the enemies away, and you'll be okay.'"

"That's not even a real saying!"

"It is if you're going to try and do something to hurt me!" I shouted back. Suddenly, I was dropped to the ground after my shout.

I looked up to a smirking Andy.

"We're here!" Ugh. What a pansycake.

I wonder where exactly I was. I looked around. I was at the bottom of the steps to a tour bus. It was a colorful bus, but it sure was huge. I wondered what band it belonged to.

"Hi," a man said. He looked to be middle-aged. Where did he come from? He just appeared in front of my eyes! Okay, maybe that was a little exaggerated, but can you blame me? IT's been a pretty weird day for me. "Are you Iris?" The man asked. I nodded my head to the nice man.

"Well, I heard you sing on the stage a while ago. Are you by any chance in a band?" I shook my head. This was a bit weird. I got off the ground which Andy had thrown me upon. He still had that devilish smirk across his face. I will not leave until I get back at him. The next words that came from the nice man, shocked both me and Andy. "Would you like to be in one?" He asked.

My mouth somehow came open, along with my now bugged out eyes.

"wh-wh-what?" I managed to choke out.

"Would you like to be a . . . Cover band? Maybe even a real band?" I just stared at him like an idiot.

"Me? Why?" I asked again, managing to compose myself a bit.

"I heard you sing, and you have a pretty great talent. Do you sing rock music? Screamo? Anything along the lines of those?" I nodded my head.

"Sometimes," I answered truthfully. "But I'm not the best singer. I just usually sing slow songs. Why would you really want me?"

He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. I just remembered that I was soaked and drenched in water earlier. The clothes clung to my body and it kind of itched.

"Like I said before, you have a talent. You have one of the best voices I've ever heard. I really want to sign you on to one of my labels. I think you would enjoy it. I already have a few members of old bands that would be willing to join you."

"I-I don't know. I have terrible stage fright." This made Andy chuckle.

"It's true. She tried to run off the stage but ended up falling off and onto me." I glared at him.

"Well. we could help you out with that problem. I really think you'd rise up on our charts, dear. Do you want this or not?"

I bit my bottom lip. I looked around nervously. Then I looked back up to the waiting man.

"I have a question of my own, if I may ask. . ." He gestured for me to continue. "What exactly will I do when I join the band?"

"Well, I have agreed with the other managers that you can practice a lot on your bus you will be sharing with another band. You will also be joining in on the fun of Warped Tour. All you need is to pick a few songs for your band to play, and you'll be off on that stage in a week in New York." That was a week away. Maybe I should. What would that mean? Well, one good thing about it is that I would be playing and singing a lot more. A bad thing would be that I won't be able to see my brother for a long time. He needs me. Maybe I could make a Skype with my laptop? He'd accept that. What about this band? Would they like me? Hate me? I sure wouldn't mind if they looked at me either way. I already have three people who hate me. And that was just in two hours! I remembered I walked around after the party for an hour. Maybe I was out for a long time. . . Wow. This is a huge decision.

"Who will I even be sharing the bus with?" I finally asked.

"One of my bands called Sleeping With Sirens. And, don't worry. Warped hasn't even started yet. That over there," he said, pointing to the stage. "Was just rehearsal. You will be on a stage in New York next week. I can assure you, you will be fine up there and we will insure you a great deal." I nodded my head and exhaled.

"I need to talk to my brother about this. I'm still in high school, and I still have two more years of it. He may not let me go. . ."

"Well? Call him! Ask him!"

I looked down.

"I don't have a phone," I said sheepishly.

"You can borrow mine," he said, reaching into his pocket and taking out his cellphone.

"Thank you," I said, before walking a few feet away. By now, everyone was packing the water guns away and the fans were starting to walk away, but not before staring me down.

I typed in my brother's house phone and waited for two rings to go off before he answered.

"Iris?" My name rang though the phone from his worried voice.

"Yeah. It's me."

"Where the hell are you?! I've been calling your closest friend's houses all afternoon! You were suppose to be home by three!"

"I'm sorry. It's a long story, but my watch died and I thought it was two - since it said it on my watch - and I think I might have left around five. I walked for an hour to find out house, but then I stumbled upon some bands, and enemies were made, I got into a water fight, got on stage and sang and am currently being persuaded to join a record label, and I made a friend, I guess, and-"

"You got signed to a record label?!"

"No, not yet. That's why I'm calling. I wanted to know if I could be signed? I want to go on Warped Tour this summer with a band they have waiting for me."

I heard a sigh come from the other end of the line.

"When do you leave?"

"I don't know. Let me ask," I said, before turning to the manager guy. "When do I leave?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow morning," he answered.

I wet back to the phone.

"Tomorrow morning," I repeated. Another sigh.

"Are you coming back today for some clothes?"

"I'm pretty sure. . ."

"I'll let you go-"

"Yes!" I shouted through the phone, jumping in the air for the slightest second.

"But!" I heard through the phone. I waited for his words. "I want you to Skype me, I want to see the manager, and I want to know the name of the band when you meet them." I nodded eagerly, soon realizing he couldn't see me.

"Okay! I'll see you in about an hour or two!"

"Okay. I'll be waiting for you. Do you want me to get out your suitcase?"

"Yes, please!"

"Okay then. I'll see you in a little bit! Love you!"

"Love you, too! Bye!" I hung up the phone. I turned around to the waiting party. Shades had come some time around. He looked, mad.

"I can go," I announced. Shades and Giant groaned. The manager practically jumped for joy. And I'm not lying either.

"Okay. You will meet your band at our first stop in three days and until then, you will be on this bus," he said, patting the bus we were standing by. I listened to everything he had to say. "We will also need to know a lot about you. So, tomorrow morning, when we leave, we want to know everything about you." No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

"Everything?" I asked in horror.

"Yes. We need to know what jobs you may or may not have, we need to know your parents agreement, and we'll need to know some medical things, and some other stuff." I froze.

"Actually, you will just need my brother's agreement. I don't know where my parents are. . ." I whispered the last part so know one could hear. I don't think anyone did. He nodded.

"We will drop you off at your house if you need a ride. And, I will have to meet your brother for his signature on our contract for your agreement." I nodded.

"He actually needs to meet you too," I said, remembering what my brother asked. The manager just nodded.

"Climb into the bus, and we'll have directions and everything to your house!" I nodded and walked into the bus. It was huge! I think I'll be just fine on Warped. I told the bus driver my address and we were off to my neighborhood. Andy had left to go to his bus, but Kellin had gotten on. I was currently sitting on a leather couch in the so called "living room" when Shades sat across from me on the plush couch.

"Why did you go on stage and sing?" He bluntly asked. I was taken aback.

"I miss playing the guitar," I said, barely audible to hear, since I said it barely above a whisper.

"Why haven't you played in awhile?"

"Why are you interrogating me?" I asked a little bit harsher than I expected it to be.

"Because I can," he answered back in a low growl. I looked up. I glared at him.

"Why do you even care?" I growled back. He was starting to get on my nerves.

He just slumped back into the couch. He dwindled with his fingers.

"Why haven't you played guitar in a while?" He huffed out. I shrunk further into the couch, as I felt his eyes studying me. I really wanted new clothes so I could change out of these ones.

"Because I just . . . Can't," I choked out. Tears were threatening to rise from my eyes. I just wouldn't let them, though. Even if I did, it would just let him know something's wrong with me.

I'm glad I can't see his eyes. I don't want to see his glare. I'm really glad for those shades.

"You know, you are jus going to tell me anyway in the morning, so why can't you tell me now?"

"Why are you so obsessed with knowing about me?! I can't tell you until I see my brother! So deal with it!" I yelled, finally looking my patience.

He just growled and got up. I kept my head down, letting my hair make a wall for my face. But, I did keep my eyes on his retreating figure as he walked to where I presumed where the bunks were.

After about five more minutes, the bus driver stopped the bus. I looked out the buses window and smiled. My brother was on the light brown porch, under the light blue painted house. He looked into the window at me and waved. I waved back and followed the manager who was in the passensers seat the whole time.

We got off the bus, and walked over to my brother. I grabbed the two duffel bags that were on the porch swing and hugged my brother. He wrapped his arms around me, and I realized it was nighttime. He had on red plaid sweat pants, and a grey muscle shirt on. He was a good 5'11' and he had mahogony brown hair.

He smelled of perfum. Probably Failes'. She's his girlfriend.

"You can go get started lacking while I sign the contract," he whispered in my ear. I nodded as he buried his face in my hair, probably being the weirdo he is to smell my honey scented shampoo.

We pulled away, and I saw his green eyes saddened. I smiled to reassure him, and started to walk through my door, when my manager stopped me.

"Why don't I have Kellin help you out?" I turned to face him and just shook my head.

"That's not necessary. I can pack my own things."

"I insist. He's coming off the bus anyways," be stated, pointing his thumb to Kellin who was walking towards us. "Kellin?" The manager asked as Kellin was just in earshot.


"Go help out Iris with her stuff. It'll give you something to do here." And just like that, Kellin sighed and walked to follow me into the house. Fun fact about my house, it was small, but it was a two story house. I was on the second floor.

We walked through the house to the stairc�ase, and went up to the landing. I looked down to see my little sister come changing through the darkness. She ran up the stairs and hugged me.

"Hi! Where were you?" She was only three, but she acted like thirteen.

"Hi, Elizabethree! I was out being soaked in water," I replied, itching at the thought of my still clinging clothes.

"Oh, okay! Who's this?" She asked, finally pulling away and noticing Kellin.

"This is Kellin. Kellin, this is my little sister, Elizabethree. Say hi Eliza!"

"Hi!" She shouted, hugging Kellin's leg. He smiled and just reached down and parted her back.

"Hello, Elizabethree. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, mister!" Kellin laughed.

Elizabethree let go and I picked her up.

"You wanna help me pack too, little munchkin?"


I laughed and started to walk to the end of the hallway. We reached my dark blue door, and stepped in. It still looked the same as ever. My blue walls blank, and my bed still messy. My room consisted of very little things. I had a laptop in the corner on my desk, but I don't have Wi-Fi. I I have a large closet that consists of long sleeved shirts, little amount of dresses, baggy jeans, and a bag of band t-shirts one of my friends got me for my birthday a few days ago. I haven't looked in it yet. I have a green dresser across the room form my green covered bed. Next to my bed, is a green nightstand with a blue lamp sat on top. At the foot of my bed is a green chest that is suppose to hold blankets. Instead, it holds books, a box of my most prized possessions, some small things like a box of yarn from the croched scarves I learned how to make. There was also a box full of rocks, crystals, gems, a diamond I found while hiking with my dad, and some stones I found.

"Where should I start?" Keliin asked, breaking the silence.

"Um, just go to my closet, pack a few shirts and a lot of jeans. And, pack the plastic bag in the back of my closet."

"Mkay," was all he said, before walking to my coset to get started.

"What do you want to me to do?" Asked my little sister.

I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Pack the things from my bathroom that I usually pack whenever we go down to grandma and grandpa's house. Put it in my backpack."

"Okay," she replied, grabbing my backpack off the chest, then skipping off to the bathroom.

I sighed before heading over to my desk. I unplugged my charging laptop, and stuffed it into my duffel bag.

I then walked over to my chest and opened it up. I reached in, and grabbed the metal box that held some pictures, and my most prized jewlery. It also held all the money I've been saving up for the past seventeen years. I stuffed it in the duffel bag, too.

I then walked over to my nightstand and opened both of the drawers, taking out my prescripted glasses. Yes, I am near sighted and can't see far away. I grabbed the sunscreen I stashed away in the drawer, and grabbed some books from the nightstand. I closed the drawers and walked over to Kellin who finished with his business in the closet. He gave me a funny look, but brushed it off when I looked over to him.

"Give me your duffel bag and we'll trade. I have to put some clothes in this still." He just nodded and we traded bags. I walked over to my dresser, and his all my undergarments under the pajamas. I swear, Kellin was holding in his laughter, because he was holding his stomach while pretending to sneeze so he could hold his mouth. I rolled my eyes, and returned to the dresser. I ran my hand over under the socks in one of the dreawers, and gripped the cold chain that hit my fingers. I grabbed the locket, and locked the long chain around my neck.

The locket itself goes down to my belly button. It is solid gold, and folds out for four pictures. One for my mom, one for my dad. One for my brother, one for my sister. These people what I treasure the most, was what was engraved on the back. It meant, I choose family over gold, but i think it should mean I put them where everybody else should compare them to.

I put the heavy bag down, and walked over to my sister who held the backpack in her hands. I took it from her and headed over to Kellin. I snatched the duffel bag he held, and stuffed the backpack in it. I grabbed the bag I dropped on the floor, and ripped the covers and sheets off od my bed, along with the pillow too. I zipped up both bags and turned to the awaiting pair.

"Can you guys take the bags downstairs? I'll be down in a little bit," I said. They both nodded and picked up a bag each. When they were out of the door, I shut it.

I sighed, then headed over to the desk. I opened the one small drawer, and took out the one thing that sat in the hollowness. In it was a photograph.

The photo held my mom, dad, brother, sister, and me. My mom was in the middle, holding baby Eliza. Eliza was born that day. We were outside our house. The sun was setting, making te sky's colors look purple, red, yellow, orange, and pink. I was at my mom's right side, staring down at baby Elizabethree. She was the first baby I've seen born from my mom. She was so beautiful. My dad was at my mom's side, doing the same as I was doing. My brother was beside my dad. Everyone seemed to be doing the same thing at that moment. We were all staring at baby Eliza. I was fourteen at the time. Max was sixteen.

Now, I was seventeen and Max is nineteen. And now Elizabethree is three.

I saw a drop of water dall onto the photo. I hadn't realized I was crying. I just let the tears fall down my cheeks to the floor.

With one last sigh, I held the photo close to me, and walked out of the room, down the stairs, and out the front door.

I saw my brother hand back the contract to the manager. He turned to me when the door slammed behind me. The manager looked up too. Except, his eyes held a little more saddness then the last time. Max must have told him why my parents can't be here to sign the agreement. He took one look at me and pulled me into a hug. I felt his hand stroke fingers through my hair. He buried his head into my hair.

"I'm glad you got a great deal. I think you need to get more space. I know we just started getting better after what happened, but when you get back, we'll start where we left off. Okay?" I nodded my head into jis chest. He pulled away and looked at the piece of paper in my hand. He gently took it out of my hands and looked at it. He smiled.

"I remember that day. I also remember it was the day dad tripped over into our swimming pool when he heard mom was in labor." He laughed.

I joined in a little after. Dad was cleaning the pool that day while my mom was on a lounge chair. Her water broke and he was so in shock. We weren't expecting the baby for another two weeks. He fell in the pool when he saw the water pooled under the chair. It was pretty funny.

"Iris?" I turned to face my manager. "Your bags will be on your bunk. I'll let you say goodbye." I just nodded.

My brother gave me back the photo and kissed my head. I hugged him one last time for the next three months and walked down the porch steps. The manager already went into the bus, and Eliza was on Kellin's shoulders, squealing while he ran around our yard. He set her down when he ran up to me. He said goodbye to Elizabethree and got on the bus. I kneeled down to Eliza's height.

"Do you really have to go?" Eliza asked. I took both her hands in one of mine and cupped my hand on her cheek. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

"I'll be back in three months. I promise."

She looked in thought for a moment.

"Are you and Kellin dating?" She asked. I was taken aback. I shook my head frantically.

"No, Eliza. He's more of an enemy." Her eyebrows furrowed together.

"You should. Max seems to like him. When me and Kellin came down, he introduced himself and then went to go put the bags on the bus. He came back while the manager went to get the contract and Kellin and Max got along great. When Kellin went and picked me up, I heard Max saying something like Kellin would be a great guy for you."

"We wouldn't date for the world, Elizabethree. I have to go in a little bit. Give your sister a big hug now!" She laughed and flung herself into my arms. I hugged her to me tighter. We pulled away and her cheeks were flowing with tears. I wiped them away and gave her one last hug before walking away.

"Wait!" She yelled frantically. I stopped and faced her once more.

"What if they come back while your gone?" I looked her dead in the eye.

"Then you tell Max to Skype me right away. I'll make time to come down here." She nodded.

"Love you!" She yeled, waving goodbye as she went over to Max.

"Love you too!" I yelled back, hopping onto the bus. I walked over to the couch and saw Kellin looking out the window to my house. The bus started moving and I curled myself into a ball. I had my hair covering my face as my head rested onto my knees. I held the photo on my thighs, just studying the photo.

I felt a tap on my leg and came out of the ball I have formed up to. I looked up to see Kellin looking down at me with a confused look.

"What are you doing?" He finally asked. I uncurled my body fully and stretched out my legs over the couch.

"Looking at this photo," I answered, holding out the photo. He cauticiously took it and held it up to his face.

His face softened.

"Is this your mom and dad?" I nodded. "Where are they then?"

"You'll know in the morning."

"Why can't I know now?"

"Why can't you wait?"

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because I don't know you, let alone trust you! And I don't want you going around telling people about my personal life!" With that I walked to the bunk with my bags in it, and climbed in, shutting the curtain behind me.

"Hey! I'm not done talking to you!" I heard Keliin shout.

"Well I am!" And with that, the bus stopped, and I closed my eyes after my first bus fight. That is, until my curtain was pulled back. I looked up to see Kellin standing there, smiling down at me with an evil grin.